High Performance Storage System
- High Performance Storage System
name = High Performance Storage System
caption =
developer = IBM in conjunction with DOE National Labs
latest_release_version =
latest_release_date = March 2008
operating_system = cross-platform
genre = Hierarchical Storage Management
license = Proprietary
website = [http://www.hpss-collaboration.org hpss-collaboration]
High Performance Storage System (HPSS) is a flexible, scalable policy-based Hierarchical Storage Management product developed by IBM in collaboration with five DOE National Labs (LLNL, LANL, LBNL,ORNL, SNL). HPSS enables a user to use cluster, LAN, and/or SAN technology to aggregate the capacity and performance of many computers, disks, and tape drives into a single virtual file system. [ [http://www.hpss-collaboration.org Official HPSS Collaboration Website] ] ]
The 6.2 release of HPSS (Core Server) is supported on AIX and Linux. The HPSS Mover and Client API are supported on AIX, Linux, IRIX, and Solaris.
HPSS supports a variety of methods for accessing and creating data. Among them are support for FTP, parallel FTP, VFS (Linux), as well as a robust client API with support for parallel I/O.
Notable Achievements
* Two of the larger HPSS sites, LANL and ECMWF had 11 and 8.5 Petabytes of data stored within a single HPSS instance and namespace as of September 9, 2007.[ [http://www.hpss-collaboration.org/hpss/about/PBdecimal20070910.pdf HPSS Usage as of September 9 2007] ] ]
* On November 14, 2007, San Diego Supercomputer Center along with IBM, DataDirect, and Brocade demonstrated a "Billion File" test which successfully backed up a billion files from GPFS into HPSS.[ [http://www.hpcwire.com/hpc/1896617.html HPCWire Nov 15, 2007] ] ]
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