- Ernest C. Pasour
E. C. Pasour, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Resource Economics at
North Carolina State University . He received a Ph.D. in agriculturaleconomics fromMichigan State University and spent a sabbatical at theUniversity of Chicago on a NSF Fellowship.He is the author of books oriented towards the
Austrian school of economics .He received a
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Leavey Award for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education.Works
* "Agriculture & the State: Market Processes & Bureaucracy", Independent Institute (1990). ISBN 0-945999-29-1.
His work also has been published in "
The American Journal of Agricultural Economics ", "Constitutional Political Economy ", "The Freeman ", the "Journal of Libertarian Studies ", "Minerva ", "National Tax Journal ", "Public Choice ", "Reason ", the "Review of Austrian Economics ", the "Southern Economics Journal ", the "Wall Street Journal " and others.
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