Joseph Gabel

Joseph Gabel

Joseph Gabel (Hungary, 1912 - France, 2004) was a French Hungarian-born sociologist and philosopher. His work was always strongly influenced by marxism but he was against stalinism and critical about the thought of Louis Althusser.

He first studied psychopathology with Eugène Minkowski [See [ Notice biographique, fonds Joseph Gabel] ] , then he turned to sociology (he was mainly influcenced by Karl Mannheim et György Lukács). From 1965 to 1971, he taugt at the Mohammed-V University of Rabat and at the Amiens University (1971 à 1980).

In 1962, he published his most important work: "The False Consciousness" ("La Fausse Conscience : essai sur la réification", Paris, Éditions de Minuit). From the standpoint of psychopathology, this study tries to include the marxist notions of « False Consciousness » (Marx, Mannheim) and reification (Lukács) to the study of schizophrenia [See [ Notice biographique, fonds Joseph Gabel] ] . The following years, Gabel wrote different books and articles inspired by a similar method, stressing on the analyis of ideologies an the marxist theory of alienation ("Sociologie de l'aliénation", Paris, PUF, 1971 ; "Idéologies", Anthropos, vol. 1, 1974, vol. 2, 1978 ; "L'Aliénation aujourd'hui", Paris, Anthropos, 1974). Gabel also wrote the articles "Utopia" and "Ideology" in the "Encyclopedia Universalis" and he is one of the only french specialist of Karl Mannheim. He wrote in many philosophical and sociological magazines like "L'Homme et la Société".


* "Génie et folie chez Guy de Maupassant", Paris, Jouve, 1940 (Thesis, Paris. Doctorat d'Université. 1940, no 117)
* "La Fausse Conscience : essai sur la réification", Paris, Éditions de Minuit, « Arguments », 1962.
* "Sociologie de l'aliénation", Paris, PUF, « Bibliothèque de sociologie contemporaine », 1971.
* "L'Aliénation aujourd'hui", Paris, Anthropos, 1974.
* "Idéologies 1" (Articles, 1948-1972), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1974.
* "Utopian and False Consciousness". "TELOS" 29 (Fall 1976). New York: [ Telos Press]
* "Idéologies. 2, Althussérisme et stalinisme", (Articles and conferences), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1978. ISBN 2-7157-0320
* (dir.), with Bernard Rousset, Trinh Van Thao and al., "Actualité de la dialectique", Colloque du Centre universitaire de recherche sociologique d'Amiens, Chantilly, septembre 1977 ; Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1980. ISBN 2-7157-1003-8
* "Mannheim et le marxisme hongrois", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, « Sociétés », 1987. ISBN 2-86563-177-X
* "Réflexions sur l'avenir des juifs : racisme et aliénation", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1987. ISBN 2-86563-187-7
* "Études dialectiques", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990. ISBN 2-86563-267-9
* "Mensonge et maladie mentale", Paris, Éditions Allia, 1995. ISBN 2-904235-96-5

See also

* Gilles Deleuze, "L'Anti-Œdipe Capitalisme et schizophrénie"
* Schizoanalysis

External links

* [ Biographical note, fonds Joseph Gabel]
* [ Books published at Klincksieck]

Notes et références

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