- Joseph Gabel
Joseph Gabel (
Hungary , 1912 -France , 2004) was a French Hungarian-born sociologist and philosopher. His work was always strongly influenced bymarxism but he was againststalinism and critical about the thought ofLouis Althusser .He first studied
psychopathology withEugène Minkowski [See [http://www.imec-archives.com/fonds/fiche.php?ind=GBL Notice biographique, fonds Joseph Gabel] ] , then he turned tosociology (he was mainly influcenced byKarl Mannheim etGyörgy Lukács ). From 1965 to 1971, he taugt at the Mohammed-V University ofRabat and at theAmiens University (1971 à 1980).In 1962, he published his most important work: "The False Consciousness" ("La Fausse Conscience : essai sur la réification", Paris,
Éditions de Minuit ). From the standpoint of psychopathology, this study tries to include the marxist notions of «False Consciousness » (Marx, Mannheim) and reification (Lukács) to the study of schizophrenia [See [http://www.imec-archives.com/fonds/fiche.php?ind=GBL Notice biographique, fonds Joseph Gabel] ] . The following years, Gabel wrote different books and articles inspired by a similar method, stressing on the analyis of ideologies an the marxist theory of alienation ("Sociologie de l'aliénation", Paris, PUF, 1971 ; "Idéologies", Anthropos, vol. 1, 1974, vol. 2, 1978 ; "L'Aliénation aujourd'hui", Paris, Anthropos, 1974). Gabel also wrote the articles "Utopia" and "Ideology" in the "Encyclopedia Universalis " and he is one of the only french specialist of Karl Mannheim. He wrote in many philosophical and sociological magazines like "L'Homme et la Société".Publications
* "Génie et folie chez Guy de Maupassant", Paris, Jouve, 1940 (Thesis, Paris. Doctorat d'Université. 1940, no 117)
* "La Fausse Conscience : essai sur la réification", Paris, Éditions de Minuit, « Arguments », 1962.
* "Sociologie de l'aliénation", Paris, PUF, « Bibliothèque de sociologie contemporaine », 1971.
* "L'Aliénation aujourd'hui", Paris, Anthropos, 1974.
* "Idéologies 1" (Articles, 1948-1972), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1974.
* "Utopian and False Consciousness". "TELOS" 29 (Fall 1976). New York: [http://www.telospress.com Telos Press]
* "Idéologies. 2, Althussérisme et stalinisme", (Articles and conferences), Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1978. ISBN 2-7157-0320
* (dir.), with Bernard Rousset, Trinh Van Thao and al., "Actualité de la dialectique", Colloque du Centre universitaire de recherche sociologique d'Amiens, Chantilly, septembre 1977 ; Paris, Éditions Anthropos, 1980. ISBN 2-7157-1003-8
* "Mannheim et le marxisme hongrois", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, « Sociétés », 1987. ISBN 2-86563-177-X
* "Réflexions sur l'avenir des juifs : racisme et aliénation", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1987. ISBN 2-86563-187-7
* "Études dialectiques", Paris, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990. ISBN 2-86563-267-9
* "Mensonge et maladie mentale", Paris, Éditions Allia, 1995. ISBN 2-904235-96-5See also
Gilles Deleuze , "L'Anti-Œdipe Capitalisme et schizophrénie"
*Schizoanalysis External links
* [http://www.imec-archives.com/fonds/fiche.php?ind=GBL Biographical note, fonds Joseph Gabel]
* [http://www.klincksieck.com/livre/?GCOI=22520100856750&fa=author&person_id=126&publishergcoicode=22520 Books published at Klincksieck]Notes et références
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