Ralph Barton

Ralph Barton

Infobox Person
name = Ralph Barton
image_size =
caption =
birth_date = August 1891
birth_place = Kansas City,
death_date = 19 May 1931
death_place = New York City, New York
education =
occupation = Artist
spouse =
parents =
children =

Ralph Barton (born August 1891, Kansas City, Missouri, died 19 May 1931, New York City, New York)cite web|url = http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0059233/bio|title = biography for Ralph Barton|publisher = IMDB|accessdate= 2008-01-29] was an American artist best known for his cartoons and caricatures of actors and other celebrities. Though his work was heavily in demand through the 1920s and is often considered to epitomize the era, his personal life was troubled by mental illness, and he was nearly forgotten soon after his suicide, shortly before his fortieth birthday.cite web|url = http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/swann/abstracts.html|title = Abstracts for Caricature and Cartoon in Twentieth-Century America|publisher = Library of Congress|accessdate=2008-01-29]


poly 207 571 234 507 230 500 225 503 217 497 209 498 211 488 216 467 221 458 206 449 204 446 192 439 195 437 195 431 207 431 200 416 213 413 242 417 249 424 244 427 242 443 238 454 238 459 248 465 255 472 269 492 260 500 261 518 260 526 260 542 290 572 277 572 253 555 251 548 237 547 220 571 Jackie Cooganpoly 373 572 370 516 370 485 381 454 365 437 354 416 349 414 335 416 334 410 343 406 355 406 369 424 386 436 388 434 376 419 358 394 358 378 363 374 362 351 351 340 351 332 356 332 363 325 364 322 364 316 361 310 365 304 368 299 374 301 375 294 384 293 387 293 397 293 408 299 418 305 421 300 428 302 428 310 428 314 436 319 436 323 436 331 444 331 444 338 444 343 442 350 451 356 459 361 457 366 448 366 444 379 439 390 436 398 430 405 419 401 432 414 430 420 433 438 433 444 434 494 431 507 421 516 414 516 438 558 450 573 "Nazimova" (actress)poly 537 523 517 482 505 503 500 533 487 571 470 571 478 527 479 515 479 500 495 438 482 456 473 457 473 449 485 429 492 424 506 401 480 373 480 369 467 346 456 332 465 335 476 345 489 363 513 382 501 345 500 324 500 316 490 302 476 302 475 292 475 287 469 287 476 277 477 262 485 254 503 254 522 263 522 263 524 275 522 286 522 293 520 302 530 314 537 365 Gloria Swansonpoly 380 50 376 82 522 103 527 76 378 51 Hollywood Boulevardpoly 478 124 481 146 483 148 528 127 528 122 520 119 520 104 poly 101 220 97 191 92 161 93 140 102 127 98 121 104 111 121 108 139 120 144 129 144 135 140 144 129 161 124 169 123 172 126 182 133 186 150 196 165 277 151 290 117 237 Harold Lloydpoly 160 286 142 250 142 232 148 214 144 214 147 201 135 185 126 179 122 171 131 164 131 160 143 141 159 136 175 142 175 147 196 152 196 161 188 172 186 187 204 213 201 241 Will Rogerspoly 195 182 210 172 219 172 229 181 238 201 234 225 233 232 255 241 260 242 271 272 235 288 213 288 168 264 178 249 189 240 186 213 Elinor Glyn (Writer)poly 247 211 248 197 248 190 241 172 235 172 230 172 227 168 227 165 234 155 233 151 246 138 266 134 275 136 285 139 286 147 284 155 286 164 294 173 289 175 289 190 280 190 272 199 280 210 299 220 294 236 237 245 "Buster" Keatonpoly 315 222 315 213 314 203 315 183 327 175 341 174 359 189 363 200 361 213 355 220 355 230 355 239 359 243 381 249 408 284 370 301 316 289 305 264 Bill Hartpoly 276 180 313 157 313 151 307 151 301 134 305 122 305 114 319 100 328 100 343 107 353 116 353 122 358 130 358 134 354 135 351 136 351 149 351 151 361 162 372 167 386 184 395 241 282 261 Rupert Hughes (Novelist)poly 394 266 385 260 376 260 375 253 378 250 372 245 372 242 365 242 365 240 368 233 368 224 368 212 375 206 364 208 371 201 374 185 384 176 402 175 417 181 421 192 421 202 434 204 434 207 422 207 428 215 435 234 439 241 452 251 471 255 488 262 517 344 524 429 505 463 477 468 467 468 450 456 450 492 456 513 484 531 476 572 317 570 324 562 324 508 324 496 341 436 319 439 319 374 341 323 372 290 388 282 393 265 Fatty Arbucklepoly 519 177 498 174 475 179 473 183 470 192 461 193 460 197 477 201 477 213 477 216 480 216 483 216 483 222 487 226 487 237 504 231 518 246 525 273 525 296 520 303 531 314 Wallace Reedpoly 252 257 257 251 257 240 257 230 266 220 286 218 302 225 312 240 312 253 314 257 333 263 357 275 374 287 364 296 364 293 325 290 322 334 315 339 302 323 297 315 297 299 302 284 293 278 285 278 275 283 270 279 267 274 264 269 Douglas Fairbankspoly 214 295 214 287 216 280 216 273 210 263 203 255 197 255 189 253 173 258 168 265 159 274 158 280 158 286 159 290 165 292 167 299 179 305 179 312 169 317 166 322 165 341 168 369 174 383 184 390 184 400 179 454 174 532 167 567 162 572 173 573 191 530 198 530 212 550 235 510 231 502 224 508 218 497 207 498 213 478 219 461 211 453 194 441 201 415 244 472 267 464 276 460 279 464 289 465 297 452 299 445 280 412 259 383 237 367 218 362 218 343 218 329 209 314 Bebe Danielspoly 20 279 13 262 26 247 40 239 27 236 18 234 17 222 17 216 12 216 16 211 20 206 9 199 2 196 2 191 17 185 41 184 62 189 64 197 66 220 77 276 83 363 68 360 "Bull" Montanapoly 74 207 86 209 98 212 97 224 97 229 97 239 109 259 125 311 115 346 135 467 114 565 109 565 109 572 77 573 89 563 87 563 102 470 102 465 81 465 76 449 83 362 73 334 62 311 61 271 69 262 69 258 57 264 48 262 54 255 54 260 64 257 58 243 44 243 42 237 47 226 Rex Ingrampoly 1 294 22 281 48 290 57 302 57 318 69 337 63 345 63 356 86 368 116 394 123 411 116 425 96 438 75 447 81 468 73 496 66 546 65 572 0 317 2 570 11 565 63 569 Peter the hermitpoly 257 383 253 356 253 352 252 342 258 342 258 334 253 330 245 330 236 315 233 302 226 298 226 290 226 284 230 284 215 284 229 282 230 269 263 270 267 276 277 282 279 291 279 295 275 307 273 311 273 324 275 324 282 332 294 337 312 360 312 368 327 387 326 572 286 571 284 500 288 463 301 450 283 416 Charlie Chaplinpoly 101 296 101 289 97 286 97 281 97 278 98 269 101 257 107 251 123 251 141 259 153 273 157 284 156 292 156 293 162 300 167 305 176 310 165 317 165 328 165 357 169 377 176 385 183 393 176 455 177 489 173 522 168 523 162 518 156 522 141 572 133 572 136 514 136 494 136 465 127 457 125 422 126 407 122 393 122 381 109 369 108 340 111 320 119 306 117 301 107 299 Alice Terry (Actress)poly 322 363 315 363 313 358 310 353 301 355 298 360 296 366 292 367 289 367 289 361 290 352 299 349 300 344 310 344 317 337 321 334 318 332 318 327 312 327 309 327 309 321 307 314 303 314 305 306 308 303 308 300 302 299 302 291 308 282 324 273 332 273 341 273 348 275 354 281 361 284 361 289 361 299 340 325 331 343 324 357 Mary Pickfordpoly 175 4 197 24 193 46 193 62 195 96 178 109 213 109 213 105 209 82 209 42 215 14 215 2 226 2 226 23 226 42 229 88 228 110 258 110 242 98 242 57 242 30 254 20 261 14 265 2 William C. DeMillepoly 296 1 284 31 282 41 286 66 296 102 285 109 305 109 305 101 305 61 298 41 306 30 324 30 324 40 324 58 328 95 338 101 341 65 341 50 341 34 353 27 368 11 348 1 Cecil Blount DeMillerect 1 1 536 572 Use button to enlarge or cursor to investigate

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Barton's first caricature was of Thomas Hart Benton; his last, of Charlie Chaplin. In between he knew everyone and drew everyone in the social and culture scene of New York. Some of his most famous works were group drawings, and perhaps the most noted was a stage curtain created for a 1922 revue, depicting an "audience" of 139 faces looking back at the real theater-goers. "The effect was electrifying, and the applause was great," said another caricaturist of the era, Aline Fruhauf. cite web|url=http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/caricatures/bartcurt.htm|title = Ralph Barton theater curtain|publisher = National Portrait Gallery|accessdate = 2008-01-29 from the exhibition "Celebrity Caricature in America: Stage Folk"]

He also directed a short film, "Camille", described by an IMDB contributor as a "home movie version" of the Dumas novel with a cast of his many actor, artist, and other celebrity friends. This movie was made available as a bonus in a 2003 release of Chaplin's "A Woman of Paris".

At the height of his popularity, Barton enjoyed not only the acquaintance of the famous, but a solid and impressive income. All of this concealed a terribly unhappy life. He was beset by manic-depressive disorder, and each of his four marriages ended in divorce. A self-portrait, painted around 1925 and modeled on an el Greco, shows a drawn and unhappy figure. A year later he wrote, "The human soul would be a hideous object if it were possible to lay it bare." He finally killed himself in 1931, not long before he would have turned 40.cite web|url=http://www.npg.si.edu/cexh/eye/html/l_barton.htm|title = Ralph Burton: Self-portrait|publisher=National Portrait Gallery|accessdate=2008-01-29 from the exhibition "Eye Contact: Modern American Portrait Drawings from the National Portrait Gallery"] Almost immediately, his reputation dropped from sight; several years after his death, a caricature of George Gershwin sold for a mere $5.

Toward the end of the century, his work was included in several exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery. A 1998 conference on cartooning at the Library of Congress also considered his work.



*Bruce Kellner. "The Last Dandy: Ralph Barton, American Artist, 1891-1931". Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991. ISBN 0-6262-0774-X
*John Updike. "Just Looking: Essays on Art", Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1989. ISBN 0-394-57904-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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