James Thomas Hogan

James Thomas Hogan

James Thomas Hogan (1874-1953) was a New Zealand Independent Member of Parliament for Wanganui and Rangitikei in the North Island.

Member of Parliament

James Hogan represented the Wanganui electorate in the New Zealand House of Representatives for six years from 1905 to 1911. Later, he returned to Parliament as the Independent MP for Rangitikei between 1928 and 1931. [See citation |first = G. Antony (ed.) |last = Wood |title = Ministers and Members in the New Zealand Parliament |place = Dunedin, [N.Z.] |publisher = University of Otago Press |year = 1996 |isbn = 1-877-13300-0 p.93; and citation |first = Michael |last = Bassett |author-link = Michael Bassett |title = Three Party Politics in New Zealand, 1911-1931 |place = n.p. |publisher = Historical Publications |year = 1982 |isbn = 0-868-70006-1 p.67.]

Born in Wanganui, Hogan was a machinist in the railway workshops, and a trade union secretary. [citation |first = David A. |last = Hamer |title = The New Zealand Liberals: the years of power, 1891-1912 |place = Auckland, [N.Z.] |publisher = Auckland University Press |year = 1988 |isbn = 1-869-40014-3]


Further reading

:*citation |first = David A. |last = Hamer |title = The New Zealand Liberals: the years of power, 1891-1912 |place = Auckland, [N.Z.] |publisher = Auckland University Press |year = 1988 |isbn = 1-869-40014-3:*citation |first = Michael |last = Bassett |author-link = Michael Bassett |title = Three Party Politics in New Zealand, 1911-1931|place = n.p. |publisher = Historical Publications |year = 1982 |isbn = 0-868-70006-1:*citation |first = James Oakley |last = Wilson |title = The New Zealand Parliamentary Record 1840-1984|edition = 4th |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = Government Printer |year = 1985:*citation |first = G. Antony (ed.) |last = Wood |title = Ministers and Members in the New Zealand Parliament |place = Dunedin, [N.Z.] |publisher = University of Otago Press |year = 1996 |isbn = 1-877-13300-0

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