- Radisson Substation
Radisson Substation is a large
electrical substation located near Radisson on theRoute de la Baie James highway.Google Earth images.] The switching station, owned byHydro-Québec , is the largest substation in its power grid, covering an area of 100 football fields.Cite web|title=Radisson Substation|url=http://www.hydroquebec.com/visit/virtual_visit/poste_radisson.html|accessdate=2008-01-21|publisher=Hydro-Québec ]Electrical power heading into the switchyard is collected via several relatively shortalternating current (AC) 735,000kilovolt (kV) and AC 315,000 kV power lines coming fromhydroelectric plant s like the Robert-Bourassa power station, part of theJames Bay Project , located Convert|16|km|mi|lk=on|abbr=on|0 away.Cite web|title=James Bay|url=http://www.purplelizard.com/james%20bay.htm|publisher=Purple Lizard Maps|accessdate=2008-01-11] Cite web|title=Eastmain 1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion: Area Development|url=http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/010/0001/0001/0017/Figure8-1_e.pdf|accessdate=2008-01-11|author=Hydro-Québec Production|date=2006-10] The power from these lines is either raised to AC 735 kV from AC 315 kV, statically inverted and stepped down tohigh-voltage direct current (HVDC) +/- 450 kV, or unchanged (735 kV to 735 kV).Cite web|title=The HVDC Transmission Québec - New England|url=http://www.abb.com/cawp/gad02181/c1256d71001e0037c12568340029b5c4.aspx?&opendatabase&v=17ea&e=us&m=100a&|publisher=TheABB Group |accessdate=2008-01-11|date=2007-02-08] The amount of electrical energy passing through the substation is 6,600megawatt s (MW).Cite web|title=Day 3: Radisson & Chisasibi|url=http://www.purplelizard.com/james%20bay2.htm|publisher=Purple Lizard Maps|accessdate=2008-01-19] Two AC 735 kV lines and one HVDC +/- 450 kV line, part of the James Bay transmission system, transfer this electrical energy over a distance of Convert|1000|km|mi|abbr=on|-2 toMontreal and theNortheast United States .Cite web|title=Map of the Transmission System|url=http://www.hydroquebec.com/transenergie/en/reseau/pdf/carte_reseau.pdf|publisher=Hydro-Québec|accessdate=2008-01-11]ee also
*Hydro-Québec's electricity transmission system
*Quebec - New England Transmission References
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