- Radisson, Quebec
Radisson is a small
village situated near the Robert-Bourassahydroelectric power station on theLa Grande River in the James Bay region ofQuebec . Geographically, Radisson is located halfway between the southern and northern most points in Quebec and is the only non-native town north of the 53rd parallel in this province. [ [http://jamesbayroad.com/radisson/index.html] ]Radisson was founded in 1974 to accommodate workers for the James Bay hydroelectric project and named after
Pierre-Esprit Radisson , a 17th century French explorer. During the peak construction period in 1977, its population reached about 2,500 and has fluctuated since that time. Currently it is a community of about 500 people. The main employer isHydro-Québec and its main subsidiary, the Société de l'énergie de la Baie James. Many locals are also employed in the tourism/hospitality industry that caters especially to the outdoor sports, such as hunting, fishing, and camping.Radisson, also referred to on some unofficial maps as "La Grande", is part of the Municipality of Baie-James which covers most of the territory of James Bay region, with the exception of the Cree villages as well as towns of Chapais, Chibougamau, Matagami and Lebel-sur-Quévillon, all of which are enclaves.
The town is accessible by road from Matagami, 620 km to the south. The road is known as the "
Route de la Baie James " (James Bay Road) and was built during the construction of the James Bay Project in the mid-1970s. No services whatsoever are available along this road with the exception of a 24-hour service station, complete with cafeteria and lodging, at kilometer 381. The road is fully paved, well maintained, and plowed during the winter, making Radisson accessible year-round.Despite its remoteness, Radisson has plenty of services for its residents and travellers: airport, 24-hour fuel station, hotel, motel, campground (summer only), general stores, restaurants, gift shops. It is also the starting point of guided tours of the Robert-Bourassa power station.
The Cree village of Chisasibi is about 100 km to the West, near the mouth of the La Grande River. To the East is the "
Route Transtaïga " (Trans-Taiga Road) that leads to theCaniapiscau Reservoir and the former construction camp ofCaniapiscau (now used by a wilderness outfitter).References
External links
* [http://www.municipalite.baie-james.qc.ca/ Municipality of Baie-James] (French, English)
* [http://www.hydroquebec.com/visitez/visite_virtuelle/radisson.html Description of Radisson] (French)
* [http://jamesbayroad.com/radisson/virtualtour/index.html Virtual tour of Radisson, photos] (English)
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