enteroclysis — 1. SYN: high enema. 2. In radiography of the small intestine, filling by introduction of contrast medium through a catheter advanced into the duodenum or jejunum from above. [entero + G. klysis, a washing out] radiologic e. method of imaging the … Medical dictionary
enteroclysis — n.; see small bowel enema … The new mediacal dictionary
small bowel enema — enteroclysis (def. 2) … Medical dictionary
small-bowel enema — enteroclysis a technique for examining the jejunum and ileum by passing a tube through the mouth, oesophagus, and stomach into the small bowel and directly injecting barium. It gives excellent detail of the lining of the small bowel but is more… … The new mediacal dictionary
Crohn's disease — Classification and external resources The three most common sites of intestinal involvement in Crohn s disease are ileal, ileocolic and colonic.[ … Wikipedia
enema — A rectal injection for clearing out the bowel, or administering drugs or food. [G.] air contrast e. a radiographic double contrast e. in which air is introduced after coating of the colon with a dense barium suspension. SYN … Medical dictionary
Surgery — This article is about the medical specialty. For other uses, see Surgery (disambiguation). A cardiothoracic surgeon performs a mitral valve replacement at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. Surgery (from the Greek … Wikipedia
Esophageal motility study — Intervention Diagram of esophageal motility study in nutcracker esophagus. The disorder shows peristalsis with high pressure esophageal contractions exceeding 180 mmHg and contractile waves with a long duration exceeding 6 seconds … Wikipedia
Colonoscopy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 45.23 MeSH … Wikipedia
Laparotomy — Intervention Abdominal cavity ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia