

:"This refers to a method for improving drag and throughput while travelling on roads. For the transport of cars over rail lines, see Auto Train (Amtrak)."

Car-trains are a possible key advance in transportation technology. They have the potential to alleviate congestion by increasing throughput (number of vehicles per lane per hour) by a factor of at least two. Vehicles that are physically coupled or able to follow with a gap of less than 1 foot can reduce aerodynamic drag more than 50% (see graph and image). However, significant development issues regarding the controllability, safety and new driver behavior remain to be resolved.


* Wind tunnel tests of Chevrolet Lumina APVs in "The Aerodynamic Performance of Platoons: Final Report, by Zabat, Stabile, Frascaroll, Browand, California PATH Research Report 10/1995, ISSN 1055-1425. []

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