Humanitarian International Services Group

Humanitarian International Services Group

Humanitarian International Services Group is a New York state non-profit corporation and a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Its incorporation date is December 14, 2001. HISG specializes in private sector resource mobilization and management for crisis response and community development. Simply stated:We connect resources to needs”. As a non-governmental organization, HISG provides support services to US and international for-profit and non-profit organizations for crisis response and humanitarian developmental initiatives.

Since 2001, HISG has mobilized and moved over $20 million in humanitarian aid and operates at less than 10% handling costs. Having prototyped new and innovative solutions, HISG has established an institutional capability to mobilize and manage private sector resources. HISG has now established a network of warehouses across the USA and around the world to work collaboratively to aid the poor and needy.

Humanitarian International Services Group typically initiates projects in areas where there is the most need, or areas where there is minimal other humanitarian assistance. A simple explanation of their mission toserve the underserved.” [Information for]


In the summer of 2001, four friends, Kay Hiramine, Mike McCausland, Rob Mabary and Michael Mastrodonato and their families vacationed in Steamboat Springs, Colorado in the scenic Rocky Mountains. Each of these men had successful backgrounds managing either businesses or non-profit organizations and had determined that they wanted to do something together to give back to the world. They decided to form a non-profit humanitarian aid organization to help orphans, widows and needy around the world, especially in the most oppressive areas of the globe [ Humanitarian International Service Group - About Us - History ] ] .

On September 10, 2001, the newly-formed HISG held its first strategy development] . The following day (9-11) emphasized the need for people to reach out and care for others around the world. All four founders invested a significant amount of time and personal funding on due diligence to clearly understand the needs and challenges involving global crisis response and development operations. HISG principals interviewed many well known figures in the humanitarian aid arena and interfaced with multiple subject matter experts while forming HISGs organizational strategy.

Within a few months, HISG personnel wrote many concept papers addressing the need for strategic alignment and mobilization of private sector resources as a means to meet humanitarian needs and carry out international development initiatives. The private sector consists of corporations, non-profit groups, educational institutions, faith-based groups and civic groups (i.e. Rotary International, Kiwanis etc) [] ; and each of these entities has skills, personnel and resources that are often overlooked is crisis response situations.

By December 15, 2001, HISG was delivering medicines and medical supplies to a Red Crescent Hospital in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Traveling from Peshawar, Pakistan to Jalalabad over the Khyber Pass, HISG delivered over $20,000 worth of medicines to the 250- person hospital. At the hospital, the doctor thanked the HISG team and cried openly as he looked at bottles of antibiotics he had not seen in years.

Purpose, Vision and Strategic Initiatives

The Purpose, Vision, Mission and Strategic Initiatives for HISG provide the foundation and focus for all activities and initiatives undertaken by the organization.

HISG exists to support relief and development initiatives across all impacted sectors of society. [ Humanitarian International Service Group - About Us - Purpose & Vision ] ]

HISGs vision is to establish a stable environment with sustainable solutions that benefit the local population.

Strategic Initiatives
HISGs mission is to connect resource providers to end users in areas of need by focusing on accomplishment of the following strategic initiatives:
#Develop a humanitarian operations resource network.
#Mobilize action-oriented coalitions of related practitioners.
#Facilitate the development of stakeholder and societal sector networks.
#Establish a global network of local community and regional coordination centers.
#Organize networking and training venues.


Afghanistan, 2001

Only a few months old, HISG entered Afghanistanan active war zone - to deliver medicine and winter clothes to people made homeless by civil war against the Taliban. [ [ Humanitarian International Service Group - About Us - History ] ]

Asian Tsunami, 2004

HISG leadership was on the ground in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, near Ground Zero only eight days after the Tsunami. The networks that HISG is connected to sent shipments of medical supplies, foodstuffs, dental equipment, house wares, health and hygiene products, clothing as well as a medical team to treat people at one of the only hospitals in the area still standing. [ [ Humanitarian International Service Group - Projects ] ]

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 2005

Hurricane Katrina emphasized the need for cooperation between private sector organizations and between the private sector and government agencies. HISG was asked to set up an operations center to organize and process all information coming in from emergency responders, aid organizations, and government agencies. They were commended for their efforts by Admiral Timothy Keating of United States Northern Command in a report to the United States Senate [ [ Microsoft Word - CDRUSNORTHCOM 2005 Congressional Testimony SASC Final.doc ] ] .

Global Information Center, 2005

The manner in which government resources were massively over-stretched after Hurricane Katrina highlighted the glaring need for this Global Information Center. The Global Information Center serves as an information hub for information from government agencies, the private sector, and the United Nations. During a disaster this information is used to build a complete and current picture of exactly what needs are unmet and what resources are available. []

Presidents Volunteer Service Award, 2007

Kay Hiramine, HISGs CEO, was awarded the Presidents Volunteer Service Award for his work during Hurricane Katrina. He received the award from President George W. Bush in a ceremony at the White House. [ [ President Bush Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Presents the Presidents Volunteer Service Award ] ]

World-wide operations

HISG divides their projects into two categories: community development and disaster relief. [ Humanitarian International Service Group - About Us - Purpose & Vision ] ] Community development projects move communities away from poverty and instability toward a more secure lifestyle and sustainable economic solutions. Disaster relief helps to minimize the economic impact of catastrophes that would impede the community development process. All of HISGs disaster relief operations are carried out with a focus on long-term community development.

Community development

HISG has created a model for Holistic Integrated Societal Transformation (HIST), an approach to community development that addresses the different needs across all sectors of a community. For example, a direct cause of poverty in a community may be the lack of education. An indirect cause of poverty may be that because of conflict in the region, children are too frightened to go to school. A traditional, unilateral approach would consist of simply constructing a school building. The HIST approach, however, would help a community define its own needs before offeringoutside solutions.” HISG would then support the community in building a school, addressing security issues in the area, clean water, public health initiatives, and other projects that would improve the educational opportunities.
Another key attribute of the HIST model is that it focuses on helping to change perceptions within the community. One of the major challenges in development work is that most impoverished people feel like they have no control over their own circumstance. They see humanitarian assistance as a sort of welfare system, in which therich Westdecides who gets aid based on which communities present the greatest need. Similarly, many humanitarian organizations have aneeds-focusedapproach and feel that outside resources contributed to a community are the only solution to poverty. The HIST model takes a different approach by helping people in the community adjust their worldview to focus on the assets and resources already in a community, and determine how the community can use those to begin to lift itself out of poverty.

HISG works with a wide range of implementing partners and local connections to integrate different sectors into development initiatives and maximize impact. Since 2001 HISG has supported projects in over 70 of the worlds most impoverished nations.

Disaster relief

HISG has also been involved in large-scale disaster relief, from Afghanistan to the Gulf Coast to Indonesia. [ [ Humanitarian International Service Group - Milestones ] ] A major component of HISGs disaster response capability is their Global Information Center in Texas. The Global Information Center (GIC) is an information hub connected to organizations from all across the private sector, government entities, and the United Nations. In a disaster response, the GIC receives information from all of these sources, and can provide constantly updated pictures of needs and available resources so organizations know how, when and where to best engage.

Similar to their HIST model, HISG has developed an International Disaster Response (IDR) model for large scale disasters like the Asian Tsunami of 2004. The IDR model outlines 14 primary service areas such as water, food, shelter, transportation and basic care services to which the private sector can respond. HISG also has subject matter experts who teach the IDR model in locations around the world to train communities in disaster preparedness and disaster response.

Regional offices

HISG's main office is near Denver in Englewood, Colorado, but the organization also has international offices in Nairobi, Kenya; Geneva, Switzerland; London, England; Amman, Jordan; Vancouver, Canada; and Singapore.


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