List of George Lopez characters

List of George Lopez characters

This is a list of characters from George Lopez television show.

Main characters

George Lopez

George Edward Lopez [George vs. George; season 2, episode 16] (played by the comedian of the same name) had a horrible childhood which is referenced throughout the series. His mother, Benny, is blamed for much of the abuse, and jokes are often made about how she treated him badly. George initially believed that his father, Manny, was dead, because that is what Benny had told him. George later finds out that his father is alive, and sets out to find him, and does. Jokes are often made about the size of George's head (mainly by Benny). He retaliates by frequently cracking jokes about Benny's size, addiction to Cigarettes, looks, and to her faults as a mother during his childhood. George also had worked 15 years at the Powers Bros. Aviation Company and was later promoted to manager of the factory.

Angie Lopez

Angela "Angie" Lopez/Palmero (played by Constance Marie) is the daughter of Vic Palmero, George's wife and Carmen and Max's mother. She is a wedding planner who works from home. She is friendly, and she tries hard to have good relations with neighbors and family, trying to do the right thing and chastising those with whom she disagrees. She often hits George when he says something he shouldn't and says she wins every fight between them. She has a sister, Gloria, and a brother, Ray. She often gets mad at least once an episode because of things George does. Angie has had many jobs throughout the series (ex.: Wedding Planner, Hair & Skin Product Maker, etc.). George often makes cracks about her strength and durability (ex:Season-5 Episode- George Drives The Batmobile: Angie:"Look, when I said we should take your mom in, I did not know she'd be here all the time"/Angie:"George Lopez, now I am telling you that if I don't get some alone time in my own house, your mom and I will come to blows."/George-"Orale' fists of fury"/George-" I've seen my mom wrestle two cops to the ground with a Tazer dart in her neck. And you cry when your shoes pinch, good luck Bambi".Angie seems to be both spoiled and sensitive,but a very caring and understandingperson. She is also seen to be on the internet to solve family problems, but is then turned into a big anticlimax when George finds an easy solution. Such as when they found out he had a sister, saying he drank a beer, went to his mom's neighbors house, and asked where Linda's foster parents lived and George says "But look at you surfing the web, you rock."

Carmen Lopez

Carmen Consuelo Lopez [Bringing Home the Bacon; season 3, episode 8] [George's Grand Slam; season 4, episode 19] (played by Masiela Lusha) is George and Angie's daughter and first-born child, Max's older sister, Benny and Vic's granddaughter and Veronica's cousin.

She is a student who has been to three schools throughout her time on the show. She first attended a public school. causing her to transfer to Allendale Prep., a private prep school [Girl Fight; season 2, episode 15] [George vs. George; season 2, episode 16] After a year there, she is expelled for numerous counts of running away, public displays of affection, not wearing school uniform and tardiness. After Allendale Prep., she is briefly home-schooled by an out-of-work Angie before attending St. Teresa's Catholic School. [Home Sweet Homeschool; season 4, episode 4] She graduates there and goes off to college. [It's a Cliffhanger, by George; season 5, episode 22]

Carmen had a boyfriend, Jason MacNamara, for much of Seasons 3 and 4. In early Season 5, he ran away from her after she pressured him into having a baby. Her middle name comes from Angie's grandmother, Consuelo. [Bringing Home the Bacon; season 3, episode 8] She is last seen in flashbacks near the end of "George's Mom Faces Hard Tambien".

Max Lopez

Max Lopez (played by Luis Armand Garcia) is the son of George and Angie and second-born child, Carmen's younger brother, Benny and Vic's grandson and Veronica's cousin. Max has tried to get out of school on a number of occasions. He is an avid skateboarder. Max wets his bed numerous times through out the series. Because he was having problems sleeping and focusing on school, Vic suggested for Max to take boxing lessons, then quit when he and his parents realized the true danger surrounding the sport. He has a crush on Veronica and from time to time hits on her , despite them being cousins (to which Veronica either is creeped out or laughs it off). He can usually be found trying to spy on her and sometimes denying it. He has also been seen looking through a peephole when one of Carmen's friends got undressed, then denying it. When his parents asked him if he had any sexual contact, he replied "I've only had upstairs outsidies."

Benny Lopez

Benita "Benny" Lopez (portrayed by Belita Moreno) is George's mother, Angie's mother-in-law and Carmen and Max's grandmother. George sometimescalls her either bat or twisted old bat. She was physically abused as a child by her parents, Luisa and an unnamed man who is now deceased. She was married to Manny Lopez, while she was still a minor, after she became pregnant with George. She tried to sell George to a family, but they returned him. Manny abandoned her, but wrote a note to George saying he was not leaving him, just Benny. After Manny left, Benny discovers she is pregnant (Linda Lorenzo). She gave the baby to her old neighbors, the Lorenzos, who moved away. She is a chain-smoking alcoholic who has slept with many men. She once had a romantic relationship with a man named Wayne (Jerry Springer), but broke up with him when George and Ernie framed him for cheating on her. Her terrible parenting, chronic alcoholism, and frequent abuse of her son through long, deliberate plans are frequently made the subject of jokes throughout the series.

Ernie Cardenas

Ernesto "Ernie" Cardenas (portrayed by Valente Rodriguez) has been George's best friend since the second grade and George's former co-worker. He works on the assembly line at Power Bros. Aviation. He is portrayed as an incompetent, clumsy loser who cannot seem to ever get a date due to his inability to connect with women. He has a huge crush on Angie, and can often be seen hitting on her, but when Angie starts to feel old and the one time that George wants him to tell Angie that she looks hot he said something way different, much to George's dismay. His mother is extremely fat, and lots of jokes are made about her, especially by George and Benny. He used to live with his parents until George inspired him to get his own apartment. His parents originally married after he was born, however, Ernie denies this due to his mom's religious ways, going so far as to deny the pictures of her breast feeding him at the reception. In one episode Angie says that Ernie uses his obesity as a way to be protected of being "rejected" by women.

One inconsistency with his mom is in the episode where George finds out his dad is alive, Ernie's mom seems to be nothing like she is in later episodes.

Vic Palmero

Dr. Victor "Vic" Palmero (played by Emiliano Díez) is Angie's wealthy father, George's father-in-law and Carmen, Max, and Veronica's grandfather. He is a Cuban immigrant who made it rich as a cardiac surgeon when he arrived in America. George is often annoyed by his stories about Cuba and his expressions. Originally, Vic disapproved of Angie marrying George (In "A Kiss is just a Kiss," it was revealed that he told Angie to leave George as he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day), but eventually accepts George as a good match for his daughter. His wife and Angie's mother, Emilina, cheated on him and they divorced. He has a brother Octavio Palmero. He was later engaged to a young woman, Lindsay Capre(Stacy Kiebler), but later discovered she was cheating on him and decided to go back to his ex-wife who earlier had told him she wanted to get back together but she died before anything happened and Vic was left alone again.Vic seems to really hate Fidel Castro so much that in "Carmen's Dating", when George tells him that Castro died, he was excited and was waving his arms around. He speaks with a Cuban accent, which George pokes fun at many times.

Veronica Palmero

Veronica Palmero (played by Aimee Garcia) is Angie's spoiled niece, Carmen and Max's cousin, and Vic's granddaughter. She moves into the Lopez house after her mother (Angie's sister-in-law) dies. Her mother leaves all of her items and money to her, however, it was put into a trust with George being named as the trustee. She winds up staying with her aunt, uncle and cousins (the Lopez family) after her aforementioned inheritance is frozen upon her mother's will being challenged. She appears as sexy and fashion-forward, hoping to be a designer. Many times throughout her appearances, she attempts to get her trust money using her charm. She only appears in Season 6 as a replacement for Masiela Lusha, who left the show at the end of Season 5. However, she has a viable and useful storyline that ties in with the rest of the Lopez family.

Recurring characters


Amy (played by Sandra Bullock) is a recurring character who is nicknamed Accident Amy due to always getting into accidents. It was found out that she and Randy were dating before he started dating Benita. But, before Randy and Benita got married, Amy showed up at the bachelor party and made Randy leave Benita at the altar. That was the last appearance of Amy.Whenever Amy shows up, Ernie says "Hey look, It's Accident Amy! Breakin' bones and breakin' hearts."

Jack and Mel Powers

Jack and Mel Powers (played by Jack Blessing and Mark Tymchyshyn) are the presidents of Powers Bros Aviation, the airplane manufacturing factory where George works. They have an estranged brother who used to run the factory with them, Lou. Mel has an outcast son named Zack (whom George despises) who ran away with Carmen to San Francisco at the end of season 3. [George to the Third Power; season 4, episode 13]

Randy McGee

Randall "Randy" McGee (played by Nick Offerman) was the boyfriend and fiance of Benny, but left her for his other girlfriend at the altar when his former girlfriend, fellow employee "Accident" Amy came back, begging for him to take her back. Although he later asks Benny to move in with him, she objects. He first appears in the third season premiere. He is a worker at the airplane manufacturing factory. He is sometimes made fun of by George for being so young and desiring George's mother. He is characterized on the show as having more morals, non-aggressive compassion and tranquility than most.

Jason MacNamara

Jason MacNamara (played by Bryan Fisher) is the popular, athletic, stereotypically handsome, and smart boyfriend of Carmen. When he first started dating Carmen, she was new at school and he could not be seen with her. He has a younger brother, Eric, who is in a wheelchair. He was pressured by his father into taking steroids to enhance his athletic abilities. He ran away from Carmen to pursue a baseball career after she pressured him into having a baby so they could get married. He almost constantly clashes with George, always doing something wrong in George's eyes, although George eventually successfully negotiated Jason's pro baseball contract with the Washington Nationals farm team, the Savannah Sand Gnats.

Mr. Needles

Mr. Needles is a dog that Angie took in that seemed to have a list of sicknesses until George let him have meat at the end of his first episode (the second season premiere). After, he is seen with Carmen, Max or Angie. Once, Max tried to train him for a dog contest by demonstrating himself. In God Needles George, Mr. Needles almost dies of a tumor, but George Lopez and Max prayed that Mr. Needles will be alright and he turns out ok. His role slowly declined afterwards and was never seen or mentioned again.


Marisol (played by Tonantzin Esparza) is a worker at Powers Brothers Aviation. She used to have a boyfriend named Junior and she needed a place where Junior couldn't find her. So, Angie asked George to hire her as a good deed. She is known for having an attitude problem. George believes that she is an ex-gangbanger.Catchphrases:
*I know, huh?
*Yeah, I know...

Gina Sorenstam

Gina Sorenstam (played by Elmarie Wendel), is a factory worker. She is friends with Benny and blatantly advances on men with "sexual turn-ons", especially a disgusted George. If there is any possibility of a sexual favor to be done, she will step up to the task with a flagrant disregard for verbal public decency.

It can be argued that she is bisexual. In one episode, Benny says that she will give up men, but will miss the sex. Gina replies, "You don't need a man to have sex," before giving a smug look to Benny. She dislikes Benny in some episodes but rarely acts kindly toward her. And it is implied in several episodes. Benny often insults her.

Zack Powers

Zack (played by Trevor Wright) is Mel's son. He has a lot of problems. For example, he was kicked out of school, vandalized the factory (in the episode Wrecking Ball) and got a girl pregnant. At the end of season 3, he ran away with Carmen, though it turned out that he was only dating Carmen for sex. She would not give in, so he went back home after breaking up with Carmen. When he got back to his home town, Benny hit him with a wrench outside of the factory. Carmen mentions that his mother was a drunk and his father was never there for him (much like George's childhood).


Frank (played by Mel Rodriguez) is a coworker and friend of George. He got married and had the reception at George's place. He had some gambling problems and struggles when his job is in jeopardy.


Ricky (played by J.B. Gaynor) is Max's best friend. In "George has Two Mommies" he burns down George's garage. In "Trouble With Ricky", he drove George's car into the backyard and wrecked. Later in the episode, Ernie offered to adopt him. He has a childhood like George's: his mom was a drunk and his father walked out on him.


Toby (played by Rachel Snow) was Carmen's best friend in season 2. In one episode they get into a huge fight, but they make up in the end. She moves away in "Halloween Cheer" and it devastates Carmen.


Olivia (played by Ashley Tisdale) was Carmen's best friend when she is enrolled in private school. She started mid-semester just like Carmen. Max liked her, and he tried to peek at her as she changed into another shirt. George also accused her of moving from Toronto for very odd reasons.


Kindsey (played by Hilary Duff) is Carmen's friend. She appears in 2 episodes.

ilvie Cardenas

Silvie is Ernie's morbidly obese mother who needs assistance with bathing and dining. She is said to be deeply religious, though she was pregnant with Ernie before marrying his father. Ernie refuses to believe so, even though George says there are pictures of him being breastfed at the reception. It was also said in one episode that George saw one breast through one window and the second one through the other. But she is seen in "who's your daddy?" and she is not morbidly obese.

Extended Lopez-Palmero family

Manny Lopez

Manuel "Manny" Lopez (played by William Marquez) is George's estranged father, Angie's father-in-law, Benny's ex-husband, and Carmen and Max's grandfather. He abandoned Benny and George when George was two and was rumored to have died when George was six. When George learned that he was alive, he tried to track him down. At one point, George tracked down his dad in Arizona, punched him in the face and a month later was tracked down himself and arrested. His father dropped the charges and had him released. Many times, George tries to do fatherly things for his children, but because of his father's absence, he either learned how to do it another way or never was able to do something. In "Mementos," George learns his father has kidney disease and prepares to donate a kidney. Manny dies before the surgery, and requested that neither George nor Benny attend his funeral, not wanting to draw negative attention from his peers. He is also the second George's father.


Joseph "Joe" Diaz (played by Ismael 'East' Carlo) is George's deceased uncle, Angie's uncle-in-law, Carmen and Max's great-uncle, and Benny's big brother. Uncle Joe once appeared to have a bump on his neck which George claims "It looks like you're growing a second head!" which he repies, "How did you know?". Benny claims it to be a neck wallet. It's possible that he died because of this because it is mentioned to be serious. Joe seemed to have a lot of money because of how Benny described him not sacrificing $20 for her. When they meet again, Joe only gives Benny a 10 out of George's wallet. He is believed to be a Super Bowl fan, because he always has tickets. But before he dies, he gives Benny the tickets. Joe appears and dies in the episode "Super Bowl".

Luisa Diaz

Luisa Diaz (played by Rita Moreno) is Benny's estranged mother, George's grandmother, and Carmen and Max's great-grandmother. She abused Benny as a child, which Benny refers to in several episodes. Benny as well as George describes her as "old school". According to Benny, she threw her out of the house when Benny was pregnant, but Luisa says that Benny left on her own. In one episode it is said she is dead, but in a later episode she is alive and well. She makes her first appearance in , in which she and George attempt to get her to speak on Benny's behalf. This fails when Luisa reveals that Benny tried to give George away. During this episode, she admits that she and her husband sometimes had to "spank Benny in the face." Despite her relationship with Benny, she appears to get along quite well with George.

Minor relatives

*Emilina Palmero (played by Sonia Braga) is Angie's deceased mother, George's mother-in-law and Vic's ex-wife. She and Vic divorced after Vic discovered she was cheating on him. In season six she and Vic were about to get back together right before she died.
She is mentioned often throughout the show.
*Gloria Palmero (played by Jacqueline Obradors) was Angie's sister and Vic's other daughter. She was estranged with Angie until Angie's birthday. She once kissed George because she was jealous of Angie.
*Ray Palmero (played by Andy Garcia) was Angie's brother, Vic's son and Veronica's father who was estranged with his family. He is known for conning family members and people out of money, most notably his father. He attempts to do the same with daughter Veronica's inheritance, but is stopped by George.
*Claudia Palmero (played by Maria Canals) is Veronica's deceased millionaire mother as well as Angie's ex-sister-in-law. She left Veronica all her money in her will if George decided she was responsible enough to have it.
*Lindsay Cafferty (played by Stacy Keibler) was Vic's young fiancee until George proved she was cheating on him.
*Linda Lorenzo (played by Lisa Guerrero in "Feel the Burn", and Eva LaRue in "George gets Assisterance", and "George's Realitively Bad Idea") is George's little sister and Benny's daughter. Benny found out she was pregnant with her after Manny left her and George. Unable to support both George and Linda, she gave her to a family called the Lorenzos. Because she didn't have any childhood memories of Benny or George, she thought she was Italian. George went to meet her without revealing who he was, not wanting to mess up her life. But when she resurfaced in a later episode, George accidentally let slip of their relationship. She temporarily dates Vic in one episode.
*George Edward Lopez (played by Lou Diamond Phillips) is George's half-brother (on his father's side) and Angie's half-brother-in-law. He appears in two episodes, the first revealing him to have been raised in a weallthy life-style, however, due to blowing his money, he attempts to use George. He helps George get in touch with Manny to make-up, and later he appears for a Thanksgiving dinner and lets George know that their father needs a kidney transplant. His mother is Manny's second wife, Lydia Lopez.
*Octavio Palmero is Angie's uncle and Vic's brother. George helped Vic get him out of Cuba for Angie's anniversary. He and Vic both share an equal hatred for Fidel Castro, of which George took advantage, pranking them by walking into the house in a Castro-like costume, scaring them both.
*Cecilia Lopez is Manny's sister, George's aunt, and Benny's ex-sister-in-law. She is the one who revealed George's father was still alive. Benny is believed to be afraid of her.
*Lydia Lopez (played by Cristina Saralegui) is Manny's second wife and the second George's mother. She is first seen in "George Has Two Mommies", and shows up a second time during a thanksgiving dinner.
*Aunt Lynette is Angie's aunt. She is one of the many who looks down on George, and was horrified to discover George was left in charge of Veronica's inheritance.

One-Time Appearance characters

Mr. MacNamara is Jason's father. He offers to bring Jason home after finding out Jason slept in Carmens room, and he provided steroids and drugs to his son, which made George and Angie adopt Jason from him. Portrayed by: Stacy Keach

McCloud is a stray dog that Benny took in. He was found by George and Ernie at a biker's house. When he was brought back, George tied him to a banister, but he got free and destroyed the living room and brought Benny back from her depression. He appeared in "George's Dog Days of Bummer".

Biker (Duane "Dog" Chapman) is a biker who found McCloud and took him in after he ran away from Benny's home when it was set on fire. He had George give him $200 before he took back McCloud. He appeared in "George's Dog Days of Bummer".

Antonio Villaraigosa is the mayor of Los Angeles in "George Lopez" and in real life. He appeared at the end of an episode featuring Biker and McCloud. He appeared in "George's Dog Days of Bummer".

Joe's cousins are Joe's cousins from Albuquerque that came to Joe's to get Super Bowl tickets. Joe's cousins appear in Super Bowl. Kenny Lofton (played by himself) is the Texas Rangers center fielder. He made a guest appearance in "Angie Gets Tanked".

Principal Stahler (played by Brooks Almy) is the principal of Allendale where Carmen and Jason went to school. She used to teach Spanish before principal. She appears in "Angie Gets Tanked".

Lawrence Baxter (played by Jamal Mixon) is a student at Allendale where Carmen and Jason went to school. He is extremely fat, which George mentioned. To make up for what he did, George gave Lawrence an autographed picture of Kenny Lofton, Michael Jackson hanging George over a balcony and two courtside Laker tickets George got for his birthday. Carrot Top (played by himself) is Carmen's boyfriend in a dream George had in "George Searches for a Needle in a Haight-Stack". In the beginning, George notices that Carmen got pregnant. Then, Carrot Top comes in imitating their dream baby. Chester Sorkin (played by Steven Robert Wollenberg) appears in "George Can't Let Sleeping Mexicans Lie". George, Max and Benny think a lawn ornament he has up is racist and threatens the Lopez family. After Benny smashes the statue, Sorkin puts up two more and a burro, which Max destroys. Officer Sanchez (played by Mario Lopez) is a police officer. He's also friends with George and Angie and he dates Veronica and he appears in "George Can't Let Sleeping Mexicans Lie".

Benny (dog) is the dog Manny named after Benny when the second George knows why he did it.

Eric (played by Soren Fulton) is Jason's little brother who is handicapped and appeared in "Angie Gets Tanked" when he takes a picture of Angie in her see-through clothes.

Noah (played by Johnny Pacar) is the fake boyfriend Carmen dated to cover up her relationship with Zack. When George discovered unusual text messages on Noah's cell phone, he and Benny followed him to a movie theatre to catch him cheating on Carmen. But instead of a girl, they find a gay Noah kissing his secret boyfriend. Later, George and Angie tell Noah off. George and Angie didn't really mind the fact that he was gay or cheating on Carmen, but they got angry at him for being the cover up boyfriend.

H.R. Pufnstuf appeared in the episode "Happy Birthdays". He was called in by Angie to entertain George.

Curtis The Gay Co-Worker

BrookeCompulsive bride played by Eva Longoria

Jennifer Popular girl who tries to convince Carmen to betray Toby. Played by Brenda Song.

Chingy (played as himself) Carmen met him when she ran away with her boyfriend.

Ashley (played by Paris Hilton) A sexy tutor who Max falls in love with because he loves to see her naked.

Never Seen Characters

Jimmy is one of George's cousins. Angie claimed that at Joe's, he collapsed in her lap, which was taught from George.

George's cousins are George's cousins who were mentioned by Angie at Joe's.

Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas are Ernie's parents. Ernie's mother is shown to be extremely fat, as she is partly shown, but in "Who's Your Daddy" she is seen, but not as fat as she is always seen. It is said that she may have gained weight. His father is never seen, but he has been mentioned in one episode.

Cousin Rudy is Benny's cousin who is mentioned in Super Bowl. She is deceased because Benny mentions her having her tombstone say "Benny Lopez if you can read this you are too close." Fidel Castro, the then Cuban President, for whom Vic commonly expresses his hatred. In another episode George dressed as Castro to scare Vic and his brother out of their wits. Hector the Mailman is a mailman that delivers mail to the Lopezes. George claims he could get a better Christmas card from him than a Father's Day card from Max. He is mentioned in"George's Bogeyous Relationship with Vic is Putt to the Test".

Danny Boy a man who works at Powers Brothers (Note: The Powers Brothers are Jack and Mel.) that always tries to have an excuse for not being at work; his voice is heard (similar to George's) but never seen. When he talks he sounds odd like saying end-zone instead of ozone, or Fren-fry instead of French fry. It is unknown if he is voiced by George Lopez, who also does the man himself.

Janet Powers caused a fight between Mel and Jack by Mel taking her to Las Vegas when Jack was married to her.

Richard was Gloria's ex-husband and Angie's ex-brother-in-law. Vic mentions that Richard was rich, successful, and Cuban.

Jenny Max's childhood crush. The reason that Max has his braces loosened repeatedly, and nearly has George fired.

Sonia Garcia was George's crush throughout school as a kid. She is mentioned several times in the series.

Consuelo Palmero was Angie's deceased grandmother. In "Mementos" it is stated that she made Angie a dress while blind that was destroyed in a laundry room fire and all that was left was the threads and buttons on the dress.

Laura Ortiz was the love life of Max. She is mentioned in "Vigilante" and in "George is Maid to be Ruth-Less".

Joe's girlfriend called Angie to tell George that Joe was dying.

Aunt Kuku was Ernie's deceased aunt who was his mom's sister.

The Changs are the Lopez's neighbors. When there was an earthquake, George and Carmen were afraid to go into their house. So when the Changs left for church, Carmen snuck into their backyard and stole a pie off their windowsill.


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