Dhosi Hill

Dhosi Hill

Dhosi Hill is located on the Border of South Haryana and North Rajasthan. It is also known as Archic Parvat in the chapter Van Parv of epic Mahabharata. Archic means a place where the 'richas' of Vedas are recited continuously without break. Haryana portion of the Hill lies in District Mohindergarh, and is located 5 km from Narnaul on Singhana Road and the Rajasthan portion lies in the district of Jhunjhunu.

In revenue records Dhosi Hill is known as Pahadi Dhusran i.e.the Pahadi or the Hill owned by Dhusars. Dhusars are Brahmins and descendants of the dynasty of Chavan and Bhrugu Rishis. A Dhusar is also known as 'Bhargava' in present times.

Dhosi hill is an important landmark to trace out the happenings during the Vedic period 9-10,000 years ago. This is an important site mentioned in various Sanskrit Epics. As per description in Mahabharat, Pandav brothers visited this hill and their Guru, Shounak who had accompanied them, explained the importance of this site during Vedic period.

As per Manu Samiriti, this hill is part of the vedic state 'Brahmvrata' which was also called 'Devbhumi'. This being a volcanic hill had erupted on the banks of a river, which had its origin in Aravli Mountains from Lord Brahma's abode at Pushkar Lake near Ajmer. According to research by 'Brahmavarta Research foundation', Rewari,the main Vedic Sanskriti books like Manu Samiriti, Vedas and Upnishads were written around this hill in the state of Brahmavarta, of vedic period, where Rishis and Munis lived. Lord Manu, Rishis like Bhrugu, Chyvan, Durvasa, Piplad etc., who have contributions to various Sanskriti books, had their Ashrams in the vicinity of this hill. Baba Ram Dev, the famous Yoga Guru also has his ancestral village nearby this hill.

Hill is more popular and is known as Chavan Rishi's Ashram. Chavan Rishi was the son of Bhrugu Rishi, who has contributed a lot to the various Sanskrit books of the Vedic period, like Manu Samriti, Bhrigu Samhita, Tattiriya Upnishad and many more. Saint Bhrugu and BhruguVanshies (descendants of Bhrugu) are given fair amount of respect in Hindu Books like Ramayan and Mahabharat also.

During Vedic period, when Bhrugu and Chavan lived, some 8 to 9000 years ago, a formulation of Herbal Medicines was formulated for the aged and weak 'Chavan Rishi' by the Royal Vaids or 'Devas Vaids' called Ashvini Kumar Brothers on Dhosi Hill. This formulation was called 'CHAVYANPRASH' or 'CHAVANPRASH'. This formulation and process of 'Kayakalp' a type of 'skin glowing process' made Chavyan Rishi look young. This formulation had become very popular among the people of that period. The formulation known as 'Chavyanprash' is still very popular and sell in huge quantity throughout India. This is perhaps the oldest commercial brand of all times.

Hill has ramnants of a Fort which was built by Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, also known as Hemu about 500 years ago, on the hill tops of this hill. Hemu is known in history as a Dhusar Brahmin. It was because of his origin from around this hill that his community was called 'Dhusar' or Dhusar Brahmin. A Fort like temple of Chyvan Rishi is built, which is 125 years old, by Bhargava Community in the crater of the Hill. It has Shekhawati paintings in the Garbhgrigh of the temple. Among other structures on the hill is the Chandrakoop, a well for drinking water, a Sarover for storing water for bathing of pilgrims which was renovated by Birla Brothers headed by GD Birla in the year 1942 in memory of their father Raja Baldev Rai Birla.

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