- Frank Conrad
Infobox Person
name = Frank Conrad
image_size = 150px
caption = A portrait of Frank Conrad in 1921. He is holding a microphone in his hand.
birth_name =
birth_date =4 May 1874
birth_place =Pittsburgh
death_date =11 Dec 1941
death_place =
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residence =
nationality =United States
other_names =
known_for =radio broadcasting
education =
employer =Westinghouse Electric Company
occupation =
home_town =
title =
salary =
networth =
height =
weight =
term =
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party =
boards =
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children =
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website =
footnotes = Frank Conrad (1874 – 1941) was aradio broadcasting pioneer who worked as the Assistant Chief Engineer for theWestinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania . He began what are considered the first regular radio broadcasts from hisWilkinsburg, Pennsylvania , garage in 1920, and is responsible for the founding of the first licensed broadcast station in the world: KDKA.Early life
Frank was born
May 4 ,1874 in Pittsburgh as the son of arailroad mechanic . He quitschool in the 7th grade, never returning to formal schooling again, and went to work for Westinghouse at age 16. At 23 he began working in the Westinghouse Testing Department, where he developed suchinventions as the watt/hour meter. Conrad was awarded more than 200patent s throughout his life Fact|date=August 2007.Early radio experiments
Conrad first became interested in radio in 1912 when, in order to settle a bet on the accuracy of a watch, Conrad built a radio in order to hear time signals from the
Arlington, Virginia Naval Observatory. He then constructed, in his garage, a newtransmitter , licensed in 1916 as 8XK, whose signal could be heard throughout the Pittsburgh area. In response to popular demand, Conrad began broadcasting for two hours each Wednesday and Saturday night. When all civilian amateur radio operations ceased in 1917, Conrad began using his radio for military purposes duringWorld War I .Conrad resumed his amateur radio broadcasts in October 1919. Most of the content of these early broadcasts was
music : Conrad's sons were talentedmusicians and Conrad played numerous songs from his record collection. He soon ran out of records, however, and struck a deal with a local music store: if the store would supply him with records, he would give the store on-air promotions. This exchange is arguably the first broadcast commercial in airwave history. There are also reports of football scores reported, as well as some talk programming. The vice-president of Westinghouse soon saw an ad in the newspaper for atoy store advertising radio sets that could receive Conrad's broadcasts. He saw the potential formass communication that radio offered, and Westinghouse began manufacturing radio receivers.KDKA
Westinghouse applied for a
callsign in mid-October, 1920. The callsign arrived just in time for theNovember 2 ,1920 , election, and the radio station KDKA was born. The original station was a shack on top of a Westinghouse building in East Pittsburgh. Conrad was not there to witness the historical broadcast, however; worried that the station might go down, he was sitting in his Wilkinsburg garage with his own transmitter as a backup.Later life
After the great success of KDKA, Conrad turned his attention to the world of
shortwave radio . He received numerous awards for his pioneering work, most notably theEdison Medal from theAmerican Institute of Electrical Engineers , nowIEEE , in 1930.In 1928, Frank Conrad demonstrated a movie-film-to-television converter at Westinghouse.
He retired from Westinghouse in 1940, and died while on vacation,
December 11 ,1941 , "four" days after Pearl Harbor.References
*Frank Conrad by J.E. Brittain, "Proceedings of the IEEE", June 2007, pp. 1378-1380.
*cite web | title=Westinghouse Radio Station KDKA, 1920 | work=IEEE milestones | url=http://www.ieee.org/ accessyear=2005
*cite web | title=AM 1020 KDKA | work=A History of KDKA | url=http://kdkaradio.com/history.shtml | accessmonthday=April 18 | accessyear=2005External links
* [http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0504.html Obituary, NY Times,
December 12 , 1941, "Dr. Frank Conrad, Radio Pioneer, Dies"]
* [http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/history_center/biography/conrad.html IEEE Legacies Bio]
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