- List of virtual communities
This is a list of Wikipedia articles about virtual communities.
Benchmark virtual communities
* Usenet, one of the original decentralized, distributed discussion group architectures.
* BBS: The WELL,GEnie ,The Meta Network
* Academic: EIES,USENET
*Blog :LiveJournal ,Xanga ,MySpace ,Facebook , Blogger
*Webcomic :UserFriendly , "Penny Arcade", "Sluggy Freelance ", "Ctrl+Alt+Del "
* Virtual world/city: LucasFilm's Habitat,Second Life ,Millsberry , "Red Light Center ",IMVU
* IM:ICQ ,Yahoo! Messenger ,Windows Live Messenger , AIM
* IRC:IRCNet ,Freenode ,EFNet ,Quakenet
*MMORPG : "EverQuest ", "Final Fantasy XI ", "RuneScape ", "World of Warcraft "
*MOO :LambdaMOO
*Mososo :Dodgeball ,Meetro
* P2P:Kazaa , Morpheus,Napster ,Limewire
*Wiki :Wikipedia ,WikiWikiWeb ,MeatballWiki ,Wetpaint ,PBWiki
* WWW:eBay ,GeoCities ,Slashdot ,Digg
* Consumers:eBay ,Amazon.com Additional virtual community listings
Discussion boards
Dead Runners Society
*Something Awful
*The Talk
*Zombie Squad
*4chan ocial networking
:"See article:
List of social networking websites "Art communities
Albino Blacksheep
*Newgrounds MUD, MUSH, MOO
* GemStone
*Ethnicity-based communities
Fillos de Galicia
*MIT BBS Other types
*Del.icio.us (social bookmarking)
*vMix (online video sharing community)
*GameTZ.com (an online game, music, movie, and book trading community)
*CouchSurfing (free accommodation world wide through hospitality exchange)
*Hospitality Club (free accommodation world wide through hospitality exchange)
*Meetup (an online service designed to facilitate real-world meetings of people involved in various virtual communities)
*Meetro (local focused communities)
*Stumbleupon (web surfing)
*YTMND (Picture, Sound, Text)
* Group blogs
*TakingITGlobal (Youth - social networking for social good)ee also
Virtual community
*Support group
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.