Ghislaine Thesmar

Ghislaine Thesmar

Ballerina Ghislaine Thesmar was born in 1943 in Beijing, China, and studied at the Paris Conservatoire. In 1968, she married the dancer and choreographer Pierre Lacotte. Companies she danced with include Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas (1961), Lacotte's company, then the Paris Opera Ballet from 1972 to 1985. She led the Ballets de Monte Carlo with Lacotte from 1986 to 1988. She danced as a guest for the Rambert Ballet, the Grands Ballets Canadiens and the New York City Ballet. She has taught for the Paris Opera Ballet. She was frequently partnered by Michael Denard. Her most celebrated roles include Odette/Odile in "Swan Lake" and Giselle in "Giselle". The ballet film "La Sylphide" (1974) has been released twice on DVD/video and features Thesmar and Denard in the principal roles of the Sylph and the Scotsman, James.

World premieres

*"Formes" (Petit, 1967)
*"Catulli Carmina" (Nault, 1969)
*"Pas rompu" (Nault, 1969)
*"La Sylphide" (Taglioni, restaged by Lacotte, 1971)
*"Schéhérazade" (Petit, 1974)
*"La nuit transfigurée" (Petit, 197?)
*"Orphée et Eurydice" (Balanchine, 197?)

Premieres at the Paris Opera Ballet

*"Coppélia" (Lacotte after Saint-Léon, 1971)
*"Agon" (Balanchine, 1974)
*"Afternoon of a Faun" (Robbins, 1975)
*"La Valse" (Balanchine, 1975)


* [ Thesmar]

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