- Chemistry of Materials
Chemistry of Materials Abbreviated title (ISO) Chem. Mat. Discipline Chemistry Language English Edited by Leonard V. Interrante Publication details Publisher American Chemical Society ( USA)
Publication history 1980 to present Frequency Bi-monthly Impact factor
(2010)6.397 Indexing ISSN 0897-4756 (print)
1520-5002 (web)CODEN cmatex Links Chemistry of Materials[1] is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published since 1980 by the American Chemical Society[2]. Chemistry of Materials is currently indexed in: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, British Library, Swetswise, and Web of Science.
The current Editor is Professor Leonard V. Interrante[3].
Chemistry of Materials had an Impact Factor in Chemistry at 6.397 and 62,879 total citations as reported by the 2010 Journal Citation Reports[1] by Thomson Reuters.
Categories:- American Chemical Society academic journals
- Publications established in 1980
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