- Economy of Jilin
Jilin 'sagricultural production is centered uponrice ,maize , andsorghum .Rice is mostly cultivated in the eastern parts, such asYanbian prefecture. TheChangbai Mountains are an important source oflumber .Herding ofsheep is an important activity in the western parts, such asBaicheng prefecture-level city .Compared to other provinces of China, Jilin has extensive deposits of
Kieselguhr ,wollastonite ,floatstone , andmolybdenum .Industry in Jilin is concentrated onautomobile s,train carriages, andiron alloy .Jilin's nominal GDP for 2006 was 424.9 billion yuan (US$53.3 billion) and ranks 22nd in the country. Its GDP per capita was 15,625 yuan (US$2,003).
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