- Galvanic series
The galvanic series (or electropotential series) determines the nobility of
metal s andsemi-metal s. When two metals are submerged in anelectrolyte , while electrically connected, the less noble (base) will experiencegalvanic corrosion . The rate of corrosion is determined by the electrolyte and the difference in nobility. The difference can be measured as a difference in voltage potential. Galvanic reaction is the principle which batteries are based on.Galvanic series (nobler higher)
The following is the galvanic series for stagnant (that is, low
oxygen content)seawater . The order may change in different environments.*
*Stainless steel (316 passive)
*Stainless Steel (304 passive)
*Silicon bronze
*Stainless Steel (316 active)
*Monel 400
*Phosphor bronze
*Admiralty brass
*Red brass
*Yellow brass
*Naval brass 464
*Uranium 8% Mo
*Niobium 1% Zr
*Stainless Steel (304 active)
*Chromium plating
*Nickel (passive)
*Nickel (active)
*Cast iron
*Uranium (pure)
*Zinc plating (seegalvanization )
*Magnesium ee also
Standard electrode potential and tableExternal links
* [http://www.corrosion-doctors.org/Definitions/galvanic-series.htm Corrosion Doctors]
* [http://www.corrosionist.com/Galvanic_Series_of_Metal_in_Seawater.htm Galvanic Corrosion Table of Metals in Seawater]
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