- Embarrassingly parallel
In the jargon of
parallel computing , an embarrassingly parallel workload (or embarrassingly parallel problem) is one for which no particular effort is needed to segment the problem into a very large number of parallel tasks, and there is no essential dependency (or communication) between those parallel tasks. [http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/dbpp/text/node10.html Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster. Addison-Wesley (ISBN 9780201575941), 1995.] Section 1.4.4]A very common usage of an embarrassingly parallel problem lies within
graphics processing unit s (GPUs) for things like3D projection since each pixel on the screen can be rendered independently from any other pixel.Embarrassingly parallel problems are ideally suited to
distributed computing over the Internet (e.g.SETI@home ), and are also easy to perform onserver farm s which do not have any of the special infrastructure used in a truesupercomputer cluster.Embarrassingly parallel problems lie at one end of the spectrum of parallelization, the degree to which a computational problem can be readily divided amongst processors. At the other end of the spectrum are "disconcertingly serial" workloads.
Some examples of embarrassingly parallel problems include:
* TheMandelbrot set and other fractal calculations, where each point can be calculated independently.
*Distributed rendering of non-real-timecomputer graphics . Inray tracing , eachpixel may berender ed independently. Incomputer animation , each frame may be rendered independently (seeparallel rendering ).
*Brute force search es incryptography . A notable real-world example isdistributed.net .
*BLAST searches inbioinformatics .
* Computer simulations comparing many independent scenarios, such as climate models.
*Genetic algorithms and otherevolutionary computation metaheuristic s.
* Ensemble calculations ofNumerical weather prediction .
* Event simulation and reconstruction inparticle physics .See also
Amdahl's law References
* [http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/498/notes/node40.html ]
* [http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/Beowulf/beowulf_book/beowulf_book/node30.html]
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