Topological vector space — In mathematics, a topological vector space is one of the basic structures investigated in functional analysis. As the name suggests the space blends a topological structure (a uniform structure to be precise) with the algebraic concept of a… … Wikipedia
Mackey space — In mathematics, particularly in functional analysis, a Mackey space is a locally convex space X such that the topology of X coincides with the Mackey topology τ( X , X prime; ). Properties* Examples of Mackey spaces include bornological spaces… … Wikipedia
LF-space — In mathematics, an LF space is a topological vector space V that is a countable strict inductive limit of Fréchet spaces. This means that for each n there is a subspace V n such that:# For all n , V n subset V {n+1};:# igcup n V n = V;:# Each V… … Wikipedia
Montel space — In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics a Montel space, named after Paul Montel, is any topological vector space in which an analog of Montel s theorem holds. Specifically, a Montel space is a barrelled topological vector space… … Wikipedia
Uniform boundedness principle — In mathematics, the uniform boundedness principle or Banach–Steinhaus theorem is one of the fundamental results in functional analysis. Together with the Hahn–Banach theorem and the open mapping theorem, it is considered one of the cornerstones… … Wikipedia
List of functional analysis topics — This is a list of functional analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 Hilbert space 2 Functional analysis, classic results 3 Operator theory 4 Banach space examples … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (B) — NOTOC B B spline B* algebra B* search algorithm B,C,K,W system BA model Ba space Babuška Lax Milgram theorem Baby Monster group Baby step giant step Babylonian mathematics Babylonian numerals Bach tensor Bach s algorithm Bachmann–Howard ordinal… … Wikipedia
Closed graph theorem — In mathematics, the closed graph theorem is a basic result in functional analysis which characterizes continuous linear operators between Banach spaces in terms of the operator graph. Contents 1 The closed graph theorem 2 Generalization 3 See… … Wikipedia
Strong topology (polar topology) — In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics the strong topology is the finest polar topology, the topology with the most open sets, on a dual pair. The coarsest polar topology is called weak topology. Definition Given a dual pair (X,Y … Wikipedia
Espace Tonnelé — En analyse fonctionnelle et dans les domaines proches des mathématiques, les espaces tonnelés sont des espaces vectoriels topologiques où tout ensemble tonnelé de l espace est un voisinage pour le vecteur nul. Ils sont étudiés puisque le théorème … Wikipédia en Français