Yoichi Kotabe

Yoichi Kotabe

Yōichi Kotabe (小田部 羊一 こたべ よういち Kotabe Yōichi) (Born September 15, 1936 in Taiwan Taipei City, and went back to Japan after World War IIis a Japanese mangaka and animator, who has worked with Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki.

He belongs to Nintendo Co., Ltd., and he is a lecturer at Tokyo designer academy cartoon film course東京デザイナー学院アニメーション科now.

His wife was Reiko Okuyama of an animator / copperplate engraving, and they sponsored studio "atelier Rei" (アトリエ玲only for oneself jointly.

In addition, a common nom de plume with his wife included "あんていろーぷ anteirōpu".

They worked together on "", and started together a company in which they made new style of cartoons. 'Panda! Go, Panda!' was the first one.

He was character designer in the "Heidi" and "3000 Leagues in Search of Mother" cartoon television series.

Yōichi Kotabe went to Nintendo, and he is designing or supervising an illustration of the "Super Mario" series as an official illustrator since the original "Super Mario Bros."

He also worked on an illustration of Nintendo's Game Boy title, "Mole Mania", and then worked on the "Pokémon" animated series and other video games as a supervisor.In the "Pokémon", he refined the design of "Pikachu" for the animation.

In 2003, he participated in the collaborative project "Winter Days".


The reason why he came to be interested in animation was that he watched the short film "Momotaro's Sea Eagle" / "桃太郎の海鷲" (1942) in childhood. It was interesting to him that a fighter moved well in the movie.Afterwards, he came to draw the picture by the influence of his father whose hobby was an oil painting.However, since oil painting was poor at him, he began the watercolor painting.And, thinking that the watercolor painting could be continued if he drew a Nihonga (Japanesestyle painting), and entered "Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music" where the Japanesestyle painting department existed.He was tempted to stay in the university. But, he was just shocked to see "Madame White Snake" / "白蛇伝" (1958) in those days, and received the test for employment of the Toei Animation which made the movie.

The big work that had been given only after he joined Toei was "Hols: Prince of the Sun". He worked with Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki, etc. at this work. Especially, he often worked with Miyazaki as animator that took charge of the same episodes of the same work.

He left Toei Animation with Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki to make "Pippi Longstocking" an animated cartoon, and he transferred to "A production".However, the plan was called off because they were rejected by the original writer. Then, they produced the "Panda! Go, Panda!" by misappropriating this plot.Then Kotabe acted with Takabata and Miyazaki.The relation that Takahata directed, Miyazaki made a setting, and Kotabe drew a picture continued to "3000 Leagues in Search of Mother".Isao Takahata who had worked with Kotabe in "Heidi, Girl of the Alps" and "3000 Leagues in Search of Mother" made the notation name called "Character design" which had not existed in a staff roll till then in Japan for Kotabe.Afterwards, Kotabe became free-lance, worked with them, or did another work.

In 1985, he was scouted by Nintendo, and assumed the position of the game development adviser.When Kotabe was scouted, he knew nothing about a game. However, he was shown "Super Mario Brothers" in which the package illustration was requested to him, He felt that the game industry was livelier than the animated cartoon industry in Japan at that time. And he received the invitation.


*1959 [movie] "少年猿飛佐助" ("Syonen Sarutobi Sasuke") / "Magic Boy"
** storyboard animator
*1960 [movie] "西遊記" ("Sai Yu Ki") / "Hsi Yu Chi"
** storyboard animator
*1961 [movie] "The Littlest Warrior" ("安寿と厨子王丸", "Anju to Zushiōmaru")/ "Anju and Zushiōmaru"
** assistant animator
*1962 [movie] "アラビアンナイト シンドバッドの冒険" ("Arabian-Naito Shindobaddo-no-Boken") / "The Arabian Nights Adventures of Sinbad"
** assistant animator
*1962 [movie] "The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon" ("わんぱく王子の大蛇退治", "Wanpaku Ōji no Orochi Taiji") / "Big snake extermination of the naughty royal prince"
** assistant animator
*1963 [movie] "Doggie March" / "わんわん忠臣蔵" ("Wan Wan Chūshingura")
** animator
*1963-65 [TV] "狼少年ケン" ("okami-shonen Ken") / "Ken, the wolf-boy"
** animator, chief animator
*1964-65 [movie] "Ninja Fujimaru" / "少年忍者 風のフジ丸" ("Syonen-Ninja Kaze-no Fujimaru")
** animator, chief animator
*1965 [TV] "ハッスルパンチ" ("Hassuru Panti") / "Hustle Punch"
** animator, chief animator
*1966 [TV] "Robin, Rainbow Troops" / レインボー戦隊ロビン ("Rainbow Sentai Robin")
** chief animator (episode34, 44)
*1966-68 [TV] "Sally, The Witch" / "魔法使いサリー" ("Mahoutsukai Sally")
** animator (episode77)
*1968 [movie] "" ("太陽の王子 ホルスの大冒険", "Taiyō no Ōji - Horusu no Daibouken") / "The great adventure of Hols: Prince of the Sun"
** animator, character design of a Botom, Dorago, Rusan, Ciro, and Toto
*1969 [movie] "Puss 'n Boots" / "長靴をはいた猫" ("Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko")
** animator
*1969 [movie] "Flying Phantom Ship" / "空飛ぶゆうれい船" ("Sora Tobu Yureisen")
**chief animator
*1969-70 [TV] "ひみつのアッコちゃん" ("Himitsu no Akko-chan") / "Secrets of Akkochan, Secret Little Akko"
** animator (with Hayao Miyazaki 宮崎駿, episode45, 57)
*1971 [movie] "Animal Treasure Island" / "どうぶつ宝島" ("Dobutsu takarajima")
** animator
*1971 [movie] "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Alibaba's Revenge" / "アリババと40匹の盗賊"
** animator
*1971-72 [TV] "さるとびエッちゃん" ("Sarutobi Ecchan") / "Sarutobi Ecchan"
** animatorNo. 6, A/B part
*1971 [TV] "長靴下のピッピ 世界一強い女の子" ("Nagakutsushita no Pippi/sekai-ichi tsuyoi on-na-no-ko") / "Pippi Longstocking, The strongest girl in world" (temporary title
** his post was undecided. (only as for the production dead work, this plan did not realize)
*1972-73 [TV] "赤胴鈴之助" ("Akadō Suzunosuke") / "Red-cuirass Suzu-no-suke"
** animation supervisor assistance, animator, chief animatorall 52 episodes
*1972 [movie] "Panda! Go, Panda!" ("パンダ・コパンダ", "Panda Kopanda") / "Panda and child panda"
** animator, chief animatorwith Yasuo Otsuka 大塚康生
*1973 [movie] "Panda! Go, Panda! Volume of Rainy Circus" ("パンダ・コパンダ 雨降りサーカスの巻", "Panda Kopanda Amefuri-Saakasu no Maki")
** animator, chief animatorwith Yasuo Otsuka
*1973-74 [TV] "荒野の少年イサム" ("Kouya no Shounen Isamu") / "Isamu, Boy in the wilderness"
** animatorwith Yasuo Otsuka
*1973-74 [TV] "侍ジャイアンツ" ("Samurai Jaianth") / "Samurai Giants"
** animator (episode 1, with Hayao Miyazaki)
*1974 [TV] "Heidi, Girl of the Alps" / ("アルプスの少女ハイジ", "Arupusu no Shōjo Haiji")
** character design, chief animator (All stories)
*1975 [TV] "A Dog of Flanders" / ("フランダースの犬", "Furandaasu no Inu")
** animator (episode 15)
*1976 [TV] "3000 Leagues in Search of Mother" / ("母をたずねて三千里", "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzen-ri")
** character design, chief animator (all episodes)
*1977 [TV] "Raccoon Rascal, Rascal the Raccoon" / "あらいぐまラスカル" ("Araiguma Rascal")
** animator (episode 12-22), based on the novel of Sterling Norths "Rascal, a Memoir of a Better Era"
*1977 [movie] "草原の子テングリ" ("Sougen no Ko Tenguri") / "Tenguri, Boy of the grassy plain"
**This work was a publicity movie for theater of Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd..
** animator, (draft: Osamu Tezuka 手塚治虫, director, chief animator: Yasuo Otsuka, layout: Yasuo Otsuka, Hayao Miyazaki)
*1977-78 [TV] "まんが日本絵巻" ("Manga Nihon Emaki") / "Manga(=Anime) Japan Picture scroll"
**1978/01/11 (No. 14 A/B part "横綱 谷風梶之助", "Yokozuna Tanikaze Kajinosuke"), character design
**1978/01/18 (No. 15 B part "狂乱の炎 八百屋お七", "Flame of The Madness Yaoya Oshichi"), character design, storyboard, animator ("あんていろーぷ" name
**1978/01/25 (No. 16 A/B part "この子らに愛を 聖母細川ガラシャ", "Please give these children love, Holy Mother Hosokawa Gracia"), character design, animator ("あんていろーぷ" name)
*1979 [movie] "龍の子太郎" ("Tatsu no Ko Taro") / "Taro the Dragon Boy"
** character design, storyboard, chief animatorwith Reiko Okuyama, 奥山玲子
*1981 [movie] "じゃりん子チエ" ("Jarinko Chie") ("Chie the Brat")
** character design, chief animator (with Yasuo Otsuka, 大塚康生)
*1981-82 [TV] "Belle et Sébastien" / "名犬ジョリィ" ("Meiken Jolie")
** animator
*1981-83 [TV] "じゃりン子チエ" ("Jarinko Chie") / "Chie the Brat"
** character design (with Yasuo Otsuka), chief animator (episode 6)
*1983 [TV] "Serendipity the Pink Dragon" / "セレンディピティ物語 ピュア島の仲間たち" ("Serendipiti Monogatari Pyua-tou no Nakama-tachi")
** character design, (all 26 episodes)
*1983-85 [TV] "The Yearling" / "子鹿物語" ("Kojika Monogatari")
** animator, chief animator (episode 19)
*1984 [movie] "Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind" ("風の谷のナウシカ", "Kaze no Tani no Naushika")
**animator, (he took charge of the scene to which Nausicaa was revived and the scene of the ending that old men laughed at a feast.)
*1984 [animated picture book] "パパママバイバイ" ("Papa Mama Bai Bai") / "Daddy Mom by-by"
*1985 [movie] "ペンギンズ・メモリー 幸福物語" ("Penginzu Memori Koufuku Monogatari") / "Penguins memory happiness story"
*1986 [TV special program] "サンゴ礁伝説 青い海のエルフィ" ("Sango-sho Densetsu: Aoi Umi no Erufii") / ""
** character design
*1986-87 [TV] "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" / "オズの魔法使い" ("Oz no Mahōtsukai")
*1997- (to date) [TV] "Pokémon" / "ポケットモンスター"
** animation supervisor
*1998 " [movie] - Mewtwo Strikes Back" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲"
** animation supervisor
*1998 [short film] "Pikachu's Vacation" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIEピカチュウのなつやすみ"
** animation supervisor
*1999 [remake movie] "MARCO, 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother" / ("母をたずねて三千里", "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzen-ri")
**original character (it was only used as the base of a new character design)
*1999 [movie] " - The Power of One" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター 幻のポケモン ルギア爆誕"
** animation supervisor
*1999 [short film] "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIE ピカチュウたんけんたい"
** animation supervisor
*2000 " [movie] Pokémon 3: The Movie Spell of the Unown" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター 結晶塔の帝王 ENTEI"
** animation supervisor
*2000 [short film] "Pikachu and Pichu" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIE 2000 ピチューとピカチュウ"
** animation supervisor
*2001-03 [TV] "" / "星のカービィ"
** animation supervisor
*2001 [movie] "Pokémon 4Ever: Celebi: Voice of the Forest" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター セレビィ 時を超えた遭遇 (であい)"
** animation supervisor
*2001 [short film] "Pikachu's PikaBoo" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIE 2001 ピカチュウのどきどきかくれんぼ"
** animation supervisor
*2002 [movie] "Pokémon Heroes" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター 水の都の護神ラティアスとラティオス"
** animation supervisor
*2002 [short film] "Camp Pikachu" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIE ピカ☆ピカ星空キャンプ"
** animation supervisor
*2003 [movie] "" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション 七夜の願い星"
** animation supervisor
*2003 [short film] "Gotta Dance!!" / "PIKACHU THE MOVIE おどるポケモンひみつ基地"
** animation supervisor
*2003 [movie] "Winter Days" / "冬の日" ("Fuyu no Hi")
** animator, storyboard animator, he participated in this movie with 35 animation creators in the world. (with Reiko Okuyama, 奥山玲子)
*2004 [movie] "" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション 裂空の訪問者 デオキシス"
** animation supervisor
*2005 [movie] "" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ミュウと波導の勇者ルカリ"
** animation supervisor
*2005 [3D mini-movie] "" / "ポケモン3Dアドベンチャー ミュウを探せ!"
** animation supervisor
*2006 [movie] "Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea" / "劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ポケモンレンジャーと蒼海の王子マナフィ"
** animation supervisor
*2006 [3D mini-movie] "" / "ポケモン3Dアドベンチャー2 ピカチュウの海底大冒険"
** animation supervisor
*2006 [short film] "ピカチュウのわんぱくアイランド" ("Pikachu no Wanpaku Airando")
** animation supervisor, (it was shown only in ANA airplane)
*2007 [movie] "劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ" ("Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai")
** animation supervisor

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