List of common weeds of Queensland

List of common weeds of Queensland

There are a number of commonly occurring weeds or invasive plant species in Queensland, Australia. These plants typically produce large numbers of seeds, often excellent at surviving and reproducing in disturbed environments and are commonly the first species to colonise and dominate in these conditions. Weeds may reduce native biodiversity, affect agricultural productivity, the environment, human health and amenity.


Common weeds

Some common weeds of Queensland are listed below. Weeds that are not yet common or established but pose a significant threat are identified by an asterix. Weeds that are identified as Australian Weeds of National Significance are noted as "WONS".

Common Name Scientific Name Origin Description Signif- icance Primary Distribution Image Ref.
African tulip tree Spathodea campanulata tropical Africa Fast growing, highly invasive, evergreen tree forming dense stands in gullies and streams, crowding out native vegetation Class 3 SE Qld and gardens Flower & leaves I IMG 2799.jpg [1]
Alligator Weed* Alternanthera philoxeroides South America Grows on land in damp soil, or in water as dense floating mats Class 1 WONS Potential to establish in all Queensland coastal areas and inland agricultural and urban areas Alligator-Weed1web.jpg [2]
Camphor laurel Cinnamomum camphora Asia Large attractive shade tree, aggressively replaces native vegetation Class 3 Gardens through-out Qld Cinnamomum camphora - Botanic Gardens.jpg [3]
Fireweed Senecio madagascariensis Madagascar, Southern Africa Daisy-like herb with bright yellow flowers, competes with pasture species Class 2 New South Wales coast and north to Brisbane Fireweed.jpg [4]
Lantana Lantana camara Central, South America Heavily branched shrub that can grow as compact clumps, dense thickets and as scrambling and climbing vines that smother native vegetation Class 3 WONS Most coastal and sub-coastal areas of eastern Australia Lantana berries.jpg [5]
Mesquite Prosopis spp. North, South America Spread significantly in Queensland, may form dense impenetrable thickets, aggressive competitor and drought tolerant Class 1 WONS Western Qld Mesquite1.jpg [6]
Mother of millions Bryophyllum spp. Madagascar Succulent type plant well adapted to dry areas, highly toxic to stock, forms masses of embryoids (plantlets), hard to eradicate Class 2 Ornamental garden plant, Central Highlands, Burnett Blütenstamm einer Bryophyllum.jpg [7]
Ochna (aka Mickey Mouse plant) Ochna serrulata Africa Ornamental species, easily dispersed to new areas by birds eating the fruits n/a Widely planted in gardens Ochna serrulata2.jpg [8]
Parkinsonia Parkinsonia aculeata tropical America Introduced ornamental small shade tree, seeds float, forms dense, thorny thickets along watercourses Class 2 WONS inland Qld Starr 010209-0260 Parkinsonia aculeata.jpg [9]
Parthenium Parthenium hysterophorus tropical America Vigorous coloniser of weak pastures, disturbed areas, brigalow, gidgee and softwood scrub soils. Linked to health allergies Class 2 WONS predominantly Central Qld [10]
Prickly pear Opuntia spp. Americas Spiky cactus, drought resistant, widespread infestation in early 20th c. but reduced through biological control Class 2 Central, Southern Qld Prickly pear cactus beed.jpg [11]
Willow Salix spp. Northern hemisphere Popular garden ornamentals, but invasive in waterways with aggressive root systems Class 1 WONS Cooler parts of Qld Weeping Willow.jpg [12]

See also


Further reading

  • Kleinschmidt, H. E. Weeds of Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries. pp. 469. 
  • Parsons, W. Noxious Weeds of Australia. 
  • Panetta, F. The Biology of Australian Weeds Vol.2. 

External links

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