- Theatre of Military Operations
:"See also American theater of operations"Theatres of Military Operations (Russian: Театр военных действий, (ТВД); Teatr Voennykh Deistvii,(TVD)) is a term used in the
Soviet Armed Forces andArmed Forces of the Russian Federation to describe the continental geographic territories with their bordering maritime areas, islands, adjacent coasts and airspace.
The division of large continental and maritime areas assist in determining the limits within which the plans for operation of strategic military groups of forces are developed, allowing conduct ofmilitary operation s on specific significantstrategic direction s.trategic parameters
A TVD at once describes a geographic strategic
Area of Operation s (AO), and anechelon of command within anational military command structure , which controlGeographic Military Command s,Strategic Direction s,Military District s,Fronts or independentArmy Group s or Armies.Each TVD has specific
military-political , military, economic,geophysical and ethnographic conditions that influence decision making during itsoperational planning andexecution of operation s, and often special engineering equipment that influence preparation andconduct of military operation s.Often the land and naval TVDs are commanded by specific
Service of the Armed Forces depending on the predominant conditions and forces deployed in them, although it is not unusual for substantial naval forces such as Fleets and Flotillas to be subordinated to land-based TVDs.In addition to the land TVDs, there are also Oceanic TVDs and Sea TVDs that cover large ocean and sea areas with their adjacent coasts and airspace. The Russian VMF bases its plans, and conducts its large-scale
strategic naval operation s forces within these areas using its in coordination with ground forces and VVS.The size of continental Theater of Military Operation during the Second World War (1939-45) usually reached 300 - 600 km along its front, and 800-1000 km or more in depth. Depending on the specific prevailing strategic or military-political situation the role and value the Theater of Military Operations can change rapidly and significantly.
Organisational structure
During the period of the Soviet, and now the
Russian Federation several clearly defined TVDs existed in time of peace and war to assist with military-political strategic management of forces divided into the following regions:European Theatre
** Northern Oceanic Strategic Direction including
** Baltic Sea maritime theatre
** North Sea maritime theatre
** White Sea maritime theatre
** Arctic Ocean maritime theatre
*North-Western TVD
** Northern Strategic Direction existed during WWII
** Baltic strategic direction existed during WWII
*Western TVD was also known as *'Central' TVD
** Belorussian Strategic Direction existed during WWII
** Western Strategic Direction was also known as 'Central' TVD during WWII
** Central Reserve known during WWII as the STAVKA Central Reserve
*South-Western TVD
** South-Western Strategic Direction
** Ukrainian Strategic Direction existed during WWII
Southern TVD
** Southern Strategic Direction existed during WWII
** Caucasus Strategic Direction existed during WWIIAsian Theatre
* Near-Eastern Strategic Direction
* Mid-Eastern Strategic DirectionAtlantic Ocean Theatre TVD including
* Black Sea maritime theatre
* Mediterranean Sea maritime theatrePacific Ocean Theatre TVD including
* Far-Eastern Strategic Direction
* Sea of Okhotsk maritime theatre
* Sea of Japan maritime theatre
* East China Sea maritime theatre
* South China Sea maritime theatre
* Philippine Sea maritime theatreIndian Ocean Theatre TVD including
* Persian Gulf maritime theatreIn this range of TVDs, each continental and maritime TVD has established strategic and operational directions and
strategic region s forforce deployment .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.