- Birth rate and fertility rate in Australia
The total number of births in Australia per state is given below:
Districtwise TFR
Births by Place of Birth of Parents
MBGC - Births to Mothers born in the given country. FBGC - Births to Fathers born in the given country. % to FBA - Percentage of Births by MBGC to Fathers born in Australia. (i.e percentage of all births for mothers born in given country for which the father is born in Australia).% to MBA - Percentage of Births by FBGC to Mothers born in Australia. (i.e percentage of all births for fathers born in given country for which the mother is born in Australia).% To MBGC - Percentage of Births by FBGC to Mothers born in the given country. (i.e percentage of all births for fathers born in given country for which the mother is born in GC).% To FBGC - Percentage of Births by MBGC to Fathers born in the given country. (i.e percentage of all births for mothers born in given country for which the father is born in GC).% To FBOC - Percentage of Births by MBGC to Fathers born in some other country. (i.e percentage of all births for mothers born in given country for which the father is born in OC).% To MBOC - Percentage of Births by FBGC to mothers born in some other country. (i.e percentage of all births for fathers born in given country for which the mother is born in OC).TFR - Total Fertility Rate.TPR - Total Paternity Rate.P/M - Paternity/Maternity Ratio (i.e No. of births to fathers from the given country/No. of births to mothers from the given country)
Note: In 4,399 births place of birth of mother was not known. In 12,651 births place of birth of father was not known or paternity was disputed.
ee also
Birth rate
*Australia References
* [http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/3301.0/ Source]
* [http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/log?openagent&12160_2006.pdf&1216.0&Publication&3E15ACB95DA01A65CA2571AA0018369F&0&Jul%202006&14.07.2006&Latest Help with Statistical Areas]A - Area,AC - Aboriginal Council,B - Borough,BSD - Brisbane Statistical Division,C - City,CD - Collection District,CGC - Community Government Council,DC - District Council,I/Is - Island,IC - Island Council,LGA - Local Govt. Area,M - Municipality,MSR - Major Statistical Region,Pt - Part,RA - Remoteness Area,RC - Rural City,RegC - Regional Council,S - Shire,S'bank-D'lands - Southbank-Docklands,S Dist - Statistical District,T - Town.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.