

Chionides (Greek: Χιωνίδης or Χιονίδης) an Athenian comic poet of the 5th century BC, contemporary of Magnes (comic poet). The Suda says that Chionides existed 8 years before Greco–Persian Wars, that is, 487 BC. But Augustus Meineke thinks that Chionides flourished no earlier than 460 BC; and in confirmation of this date he quotes from Athenaeus, who quoted a fragment of Chionides' Πτωχοί (Beggars), which mentions Gnesippus, a poet contemporary with Cratinus. Aristotle also notes that Chionides "lived long after Epicharmus". But Athenaeus also noted that some of the ancients regarded it as spurious. Some scholars has brought forward strong arguments against its genuineness.

Titles of his Comedies:

  • Ἥρωες (Heroes, a correction for "Ἥρως"), The Heroes
  • Πτωχοί (Ptochoi), Poor People, or Beggars
  • Πέρσαι (Persai), The Persians


  • Theodor Kock. Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, i. (1880).
  • Augustus Meineke. Potarum Graecorum comicorum fragmenta, (1855).
  • Rudolf Kassel, Colin Austin. Poetae comici Graeci Volume 4. (1983)



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