Bruno Hussar

Bruno Hussar

Father Bruno Hussar (1911 – February 8, 1996) was the founder of "Neve Shalom" / "Wahat al-Salam", which means "Oasis of Peace," an Arab/Jewish village dedicated to coexistence. Father Bruno derived the name from the book of Isaiah (32:18) "My people shall dwell in an Oasis of Peace". Born in Cairo, he was an Egyptian Catholic (although Jewish by birth).

Before he founded the village, Father Bruno established the "House of Isaiah" in Jerusalem, a Jewish-Catholic ecumenical study center. For many years, he was also a leader of and the priest for the "Hebrew Christians", a tiny congregation of Israeli Jewish converts to Catholicism.


*Autobiography: "When the Cloud Lifted"

External links

* [ Short Biography at the Neve Shalom web site]
* [ "Father Bruno's Dream Alive in Israel"] - Article at ""

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