Nukus Museum of Art

Nukus Museum of Art
Nukus Art Museum

Nukus Museum of Art or, in full, The State Art Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, named after I.V. Savitsky is an art museum based in Nukus, Uzbekistan. Opened in 1966, the museum houses a collection of over 82,000 items, ranging from antiquities from Khorezm to Karakalpak folk art, Uzbek fine art and, uniquely, the second largest collection of Russian avant-garde in the world (after the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).

The museum represents the lifes work of Igor Savitsky, whose legacy, which includes thousands of artistic and cultural treasures on permanent exhibition, make this building one of the most interesting repositories of ancient and modern art. [1]


Savitsky, the Founder

Igor Savitsky

The Russian painter, archeologist and collector, Igor Savitsky, first visited Karakalpakstan in 1950 to participate in the Khorezm Archeological & Ethnographic Expedition and later moved to Nukus, Karakalpakstans capital, and continued living there until his death in Moscow in 1984. During 1957-66, he assembled an extensive collection of Karakalpak jewellery, carpets, coins, clothing and other artifacts, convinced the authorities of the need for a museum, and, following its establishment, was appointed its curator in 1966.[2]

Thereafter, he began collecting the works of Central Asian artists, including Alexander Volkov, Ural Tansykbayev and Victor Ufimtsev of the Uzbek school, and later those of the Russian avant-gardeincluding Kliment Red'ko, Lyubov Popova, Mukhina, Ivan Koudriachov and Robert Falkwhose paintings, although already recognized in Western Europe (especially in France), had been banned in the Soviet Union during Stalins rule and through the 1960s.

Despite the risk of being denounced as anenemy of the people”, Savitsky sought out proscribed painters and their heirs to collect, archive and display their works; and, with great courage, he managed to assemble thousands of Russian avant-garde and post avant-garde paintings. Moreover, refuting the Socialist Realism school, the collection shook the foundations of that period of art history.

It was not until perestroika in 1985the year after he diedthat Savitskys remarkable achievements and collections were truly acknowledged, and not until 1991when Uzbekistan became independentthat Nukus, a remoteclosedcity during the Soviet Union, became accessible to the outside world. [3] Since then, exhibitions in France (Caen, 1998), [3] Uzbekistan (Tashkent, 2001, 2002 and 2003) and Russia (planned for 2008) have brought Savitskys bequest to the attention of a wider international audience.

Today, the number of its admirers and supporters in Uzbekistan and around the world, while still relatively few, is gradually increasing, and this vast collection of Russian art has become amust-seefor any visitor to Uzbekistanand a fascinating addition to the conventional itinerary and traditional cultural sites of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. Following its move to a new building in 2003, the Nukus Museum is now one of the finest in Uzbekistanand in all of Central Asia.

Friends of Nukus Museum

Set up initially in Tashkent [4] as an informal group during the early 1990s and later registered in Karakalpakstan as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in 2001 [5], the Friends of Nukus Museum (FoNM) is a small, but dedicated international network of advocates and supporters. In 2007, it was re-constituted as the Friends of Nukus Museum Foundation, based in the Netherlands.

Marinika Babanazarova, Savitskys successor as the Museums curator, has been involved in presenting more than 20 exhibitionsin France, Germany, Russia, and the United States as well as in Uzbekistan.[6], Her essays have featured in five exhibition catalogues, including the best selling Avangard, ostanovlennyi na begu (Avant-Garde Stopped on the Run) .[7]


External links

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