Aero Continente Dominicana
- Aero Continente Dominicana
Aero Continente Dominicana was an airline based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. It operates regional services and is an affiliate of Aero Continente, an airline from Peru. It intends to fly to the USA using wet-leased aircraft.
The airline was established in 2002 and launched its maiden flight on 9 August 2002 between Santo Doming and Aruba, followed 4 October 2002 for flights between Santo Domingo and Havana. It is not clear if this airline is still flying today (March 7). The parent airline, AeroContinente from Peru shut down operations on 10 July 2004 (See link below).
Code Data
*IATA Code: 9D
*Callsign: Condominicana
The airline was established in 2002 and started operations in November 2002. It is owned by Dr Jose Tomas Ares German (33%), who is also the General Manager, Jose Carlos Olaizola Leroux (33%) and Jamie Arturo Sanchez Galdos (30%).
*1 Boeing 737-200 (HI-764CA)
*1 Boeing 757-200 (Leased from Aero Continente)
*1 Boeing 767-200 (Leased from Aero Continente)
Scheduled Flights
The airline currently doesn't have any flight at all.
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