Term Kamboja and its variants

Term Kamboja and its variants

Kamboja (Sanskrit: कम्बोज) was the ancient name of a country, and the Indo-Iranian Kshatriya tribe, the Kambojas, settled therein. The country is listed as one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas or great nations in ancient Buddhist texts, and was located in the Uttarapatha in extreme north-west of the Indian sub-continent, contiguous to the kingdom of Gandhara. It initially included the Pamirs, Badakshan, and territories as far as the Zeravshan valley in the doab of Oxus/Jaxartes [ Proceedings and Transactions of the ... All-India Oriental Conference, 1930, p 118.] . It comprised eastern part of Bactria, modern Badakshan and what is known today as the "Galcha" speaking region of Central Asia.

Later, some sections of the trans-Hindu Kush Kambojas moved to southern side of the Hindukush and planted colonies in Kunar, Swat and as far as Rajauri in Kashmir. The Kambojas are attested to have had Indian as well as Iranian affinities. [Vedic Index I, p 138, Dr Macdonnel, Dr Keith.] [Ethnology of Ancient Bhārata – 1970, p 107, Dr Ram Chandra Jain.] [The Journal of Asian Studies – 1956, p 384, Association for Asian Studies, Far Eastern Association (U.S.).] [ Balocistān: siyāsī kashmakash, muz̤mirāt va rujḥānāt – 1989, p 2, Munīr Aḥmad Marrī.] [ India as Known to Pāṇini: A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashṭādhyāyī – 1953, p 49, Dr Vasudeva Sharana Agrawala.] [Afghanistan, p 58, W. K. Fraser, M. C. Gillet.] [ Afghanistan, its People, its Society, its Culture, Donal N. Wilber, 1962, p 80, 311 etc.] [Iran, 1956, p 53, Herbert Harold Vreeland, Clifford R. Barnett.] [Geogramatical Dictionary of Sanskrit (Vedic): 700 Complete Revisions of the Best Books..., 1953, p 49, Dr Peggy Melcher, Dr A. A. McDonnel, Dr Surya Kanta, Dr Jacob Wackmangel, Dr V. S. Agarwala.] [Geographical and Economic Studies in the Mahābhārata: Upāyana Parva, 1945, p 33, Dr Moti Chandra - India.] [A Grammatical Dictionary of Sanskrit (Vedic): 700 Complete Reviews of the ..., 1953, p 49, Dr Vasudeva Sharana Agrawala, Surya Kanta, Jacob Wackernagel, Arthur Anthony Macdonell, Peggy Melcher - India.] .

Related Uses

*Camboja is the Portuguese name for Cambodia.

*Kamboja is also the Indonesian name for Cambodia.

*Kamboja also refers to:

# The "prince" of the Kamboja Nation or Tribe [Panini, IV.1.168-175.] .
# A "descendant" of the Kamboja Kshatriyas [Panini, IV.1.168-175.] .
# A "horse" raised and bred in ancient Kamboja (also "Kambojaka", Kamboji) [See: "Halayudh Kosha".] .
# An "elephant" native to, or coming from, Kamboja (also "Kambu") [See: "Nanaratha.manjari"-421.] .
# "Silver" or "gold" native to, or coming from Kamboja (also "Kambu").
# Name of a "conch" or "shell" native to Kamboja (also "Kambu").
# Name of "Supari" or "Punnag" ("Rottleria tinctoria") native to or coming from Kamboja [see: "Shabd.rattan.samanyavakosha".] .
# Name of "Somavalak" or "Karanj" native to or coming from Kamboja [See: "Shabd.rattan.samanyavakosha"] .
# Name of Ayurvedic herbal medicine "Mashaparni" and "Hingparni", imported from Kamboja ("also called Kamboji") [See: "Shabd.rattan.samanyavakosha"] .
# Name of an ancient "Raaga/Raagini" (musical mode) originated in Kamboja country (also called "Kamboji, Kambhoji" or "Kambodi" & Kambhodi). See Kambhoji
# A gold or silver "bracelet", or bracelet in general (also "Kambu").
# Name of a "mountain" located in ancient Kamboja (Afghanistan), famous for its "Kambu" or "Kambuka" silver ["Kautiliya Arthashastra", 02.13.10.] [Sixty years of the Numismatic Society of India, 1910-1971, History and Presidential Address, Numismatic Society of India, 1973. ] [Tribes Coins & Study, 1972, p 274, Dr Mahesh Kumar Sharma, University of Magadha.] [The Kambojas Through the Ages, 2005, p 76, K. S. Dardi.] [Kushāna Silver Coinage, 1982, p 61, Bratindra Nath Mukherjee.] [Technology of Indian Coinage, 1988, p 72, P. K. D. Lee, Bratindra Nath Mukherjee, Indian Museum.] . Silver mines of "Anderab", "Wakhan" and other locations in Badakshan were noted during Arabic rule [Geographical and Economical Studies in the Mahabharata, Upayana Parava, Journal of U.P. Historical Research Society, Vol XVI, Part II, p 46, Dr. Moti Chandra.] . Therefore, Kambu appears to be the name of a range of the Hindukush mountains in south-east Badakshan.
# Kamboji: the language of the ancient Kambojas.

ome Space/Time Variants of "Kamboja"

*Kaampoja (as in Mahabharata).
*Kaamboja (as in the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Vedic literature etc., hence Kaamboj). For few more variations of Kaamboja, see [http://www.msc.uky.edu/sohum/sanskrit/docs/sanshab.txt]
*Kambhoja (Southern Indian texts, as in Kautiliya's "Arthashastra", hence Kambhoj).
*Kaambhoja (in Southern Indian versions of ancient Sanskrit texts, hence Kaambhoj).
*Kumbhoja (same as "Kambhoja"; name of an ancient town in Maharashtra; also, the name of an ancient Kamboja sage referenced in some recensions of the "Ramayana").
*Camboja (common variant spellings).
*Kambuja (as in "dakshinatah Kambujaa.naam Vasisthaa.naam": See "Paraskara Grhya-Sutram" 2.1.23).
*Kamvoja same as Kamboja.
*Kamvuja same as Kambuja.
*Kambuj (from "Kambuja", like a "Kamboj" is from Kamboja).
*Kaanboja (a variant of "Kamboja"; See "Triya Chritra 217/verse 14" of "Chritropakhyana" of Dasam Granth; Hence Kaanboj. See also pages 21-23 of [http://www.gobindsadan.org/institute/dasam/pdf/v5_1.pdf] ).
*Kanboj (variant of "Kamboj").
*Kanbuj (as in a coin/seal: Khaharalaputrasya Kanbuja.raspaga: Apparently "Kanbuj" is a variant of "Kambuj/Kambuja" [See: "Geography from Ancient Indian Coins & Seals", 1989, p 248, Parmanand Gupta; "Bharat ke Prachin Mudrank", by Swami Om Nand ji Sarasvati, 1973, Rohtak] , since "m" easily becomes "n" in Indo-Aryan languages, e.g. "Kambujiya" = 'Kanbujiya").
*Cambuja (Variant spellings of Kambuja).
*Kamboza (As in the name of the "Kamboza-thadi" Palace of Bayintnaung, Myanmar).
*Kamodza, (as in Kamodza-radza referenced in the tenth century Sanskrit-Tibetan Formulary ) [Editor Joseph Hackin, Formulaire sanskrit-tibétain du xe siecle, 59, 1.16; See also Ancient Kamboja in Iran and Islam, p 66, H. W. Bailey.] .
*Kamoz, Caumoje, Camoje (Pushtu names for a clan of the Siah-Posh Kafirs of the Hindukush).
*Kamtoz (also Kamtoj; Another Pushtu name for a Katir clan of the Siah-Posh Kafirs of the Hindukush). Said to be a variant of "Kamboz").
*Kambu, as the name of an Asura, said to be a descendant of Hiranyakasipu. He falls in the fifth line of his generation [The Geographical Information in the Skanda-purāṇa: Based on the Tīrtha-yātrā Portion, 1979, p 184, Umakant Thakur, Umesh Jha.]
*Kambu, as in the name of an Asura clan, in conflict with Vedic Aryans, as referenced in "Markendeya Purana" [Markendeya Purana 8.1-6.] , "Devi Mahatam" [Devi Mahatama 5.28.1-12.] .
*Kambu, as in the name of a learned prince who ventured into Mekong valley, married a local maiden Mera and laid the foundation of Kambuja (Kamboja) empire in Indo China.
*Kaaboja [(See "Luders' Inscriptions" No 176, 472. It references one Kamboja Buddhist Bhikshu from Nandinagar making presents for a Buddhist Stupa).] .
*Kabojha or Kabojhiya or Kabhojika (In ancient Sinhalese cave inscriptions) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Kambojas/removed#KAMBOJA_SRI-LANKA_CONNECTIONS] .
*Khamboja or Khaamboja (Sometimes) erroneous spellings of "Kamboja" or Kaamboja.
*Khambhoja or Khaambhoja (erroneous spellings of "Kambhoja" or Kaambhoja, southern Indian version).
*Khamboj (from Khamboja).
*Kamboda, Kambhoda (alternative name for Kamboja or Kambhoja Raga; also Kambodi or Kambhodi).
*Kambhoji (Southern Indian form of Kamboji).
*Kambojaka or Kambojika (Buddhist texts). Native of or loyal to Kamboja. A Kamboja daughter or maiden [ E.g: "A lovely girl in the flower of youth, robed in yellow, 'Kambhojika' (=Kambojika) of the beautiful hair, searching everywhere in the forest with her maids, the thought of her lover makes her weep with tenderness" (ref: Siva.tattva.ratnakara v. 6.8.99). See link: [http://www.loc.gov/folklife/guides/SouthAsian.html] . ] .
*Kambhojaka or Kambhojika (Southern Indian spellings of Kambojika or Kambojaka).
*Kamboika, ("from Kambojika= > Kamboyika= >Kamboika"), Kamboi is the name of a "landlocked port" town in Gujarat. Tenth century Grant records of Chalukya rulers show it as Kamboika [See "Indian Antiquary" VI, 1877, pp 191-92] . The name is said to be a corruption of Pali Kambojika or Kambojaka (see above).
*Kapishi of Panini's Ashtadhyayi [ Sutra iv-2-99 of Ashtadhyayi] (equivalent to "Kamboja", as in the "Ramayanamanjri" by Pt Kshmendra of Kashmir.)
*Kau-fu (equivalent to "Kambu", the Kamboja of Hiun Tsang) [ According to Dr J. W. McCrindle, Dr. R. K. Mukerjee, Dr. B. C. Law and others] .
*Kieu-feou (name of Kamboja in the Chinese recension of "Tathagata Grhya-Sutra (Ratnakutsangraha)").
*Kipin, ancient Chinese name for Kapisa ("Kai-pi-shi(h)") of Hiuen Tsang [ Si-yu-ki] , Kapishi (q.v.) of Panini [ Sutra iv-2-99 of Ashtadhyayi] which according to scholars, is an alternative name for Kamboja [ See: Epigraphia Indica, Vol XIX-1, p 11, Indian Antiquary, 203, 1923, p 52; Indian historical quarterly, Vol XXV-3, 1949, pp 190-92; The Indian Historical Quarterly - Page 291 1963; Pre Aryan and Pre Dravidian in India, 1993, p 120, Sylvain Lévi, Jean Przyluski, Jules Bloch, Asian Educational Services; Kathakasankalanam: amskrtagranthebhyah sangrahītani Kathhakabrahmana, 1981, P xii, Surya Kanta etc. According to History and Culture of Indian People Vol II (p 122), Vol III (p 617) also, Kapisha is equivalent to Kamboja. Other scholars like Dr W. W. Taran, Dr Moti Chandra, Dr S. Chattopadhyaya, W. K. Fraser Tytler, M. C. Gillett, Donald N. Wilber, Bombay Gazetteer and others also hold that Kapisa and Kamboja are identical (See also: Ancient Kamboja, People and the Country,1981, pp 44-46, Dr J. L. Kamboj).] .
*Kophene = "Kamboja"...the name of Kabol valley [Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, Bombay, India, 1904, p 500, fn 6; Journal Asiatique, II, 1883, 3, n 3, Specht.] .
*Kam-po-ce or Kam-po-ji (name of Kamboja in the Tibetan recension of "Tathagata Grhya-Sutra (Ratnakutsangraha)".
*Kan-po-chih as in the writings of Chinese traveller Chou Ta-kuan (1296 A.D.)
*Kampu-chih (ancient Burmese name for Kamboja.)
*Kamuia, Kamuio [(See Inscriptions A2, A3, E1/E' of Mathura Lion Capital).] . See also: [http://depts.washington.edu/ebmp/etext.php?cki=CKI0048] .
*Kambocha or Kamboca [(as in Ashoka's Rock Edicts of Bhubneshwar, Orissa).] .
*Kambosh (as in the Chidambram inscriptions of Tamil-Nadu.)
*Kaboa (a Kamboja) [Chilas: The City of Nanga Parvat (Dyamar), 1983, pp 120,247, Ahmad Hasan Dan.i] .
*Kaboja (as in ancient Sinhalese and Malwa inscriptions) [See: Reports, 1880, p 58, Archaeological Survey of India, India Archaeological Survey; Buddhism in Malwa, 1976, p 68, S. M. Pahadiya; also in Luders Inscriptions. See: The Indian Historical Quarterly , 1963, p 127; Sinhalayo, 1970, p 14, S. (Senarat) Paranavitana); Ships and the Development of Maritime Technology in the Indian Ocean, 2002, p 108, David Parkin, Ruth Barnes]
*Kabusha (as in the Buddhist text "Mahamayuri") [ See also Indian Antiquaries, 52, part 2, 1923, S Levi.]
*Kabuj [The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1831, p 500, Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Hume Greenfield, Henry Walter Bates.] [Also See "Triya Chritra 217/verse 14" of the "Charitropakhyana" of "Dasam Granth Sahib". Dasam Granth attests the term "Kabuj" as well as "Kaanboj".] .
*Kalbhoj (as in the name of prince Kalbhoj, eighth ruler of the Guhilot Dynasty and founder of the Mewar Dynasty of Rajasthan. Probably a variant of "Kambhoj", since in Indo-Aryan languages, the consonant M can easily interchange with N and then L) [Kalbhoj vs Kambhoj (or Kamboj).

Kambojia is like a cookie. nice and moist

*(i) In Indo-Aryan languages, in certain forms, the consonant "M" can change to consonant "N". Some instances:

GaMdhara = GaNdhara; SaMskrit = SaNskrit; KaMbujiya = KaNbujiya; SaMgha = SaNgha; AMdhra = Andhra; ApabhraMsha = ApabhraNsha; SaMskara = SaNskara

Thus, KaMboj becomes KaNboj (as in Dasam Granth)

[http://www.gobindsadan.org/institute/dasam/pdf/v5_1.pdf] .

OR KaNbuj (as in the coins: Kharal-putras KaNbuj Raspag: See Bharat ke Prachin Mudrank, by Swami Om Nand ji Sarasvati, 1973, Rohtak.

Apparently, the terms KaNboj/KaNbuj are variants of KaMboj/KaMbuj, since "M" can become "N" in Indo-Aryan languages. Also compare KaMbujiya = KaNbujiya of ancient Persian/Susian inscriptions).

*(ii) There are numerous instances where consonant "L" can replace or interchange with consonant "M". Some Instances:

PuNinda = PuLinda; KuNinda = KuLinda; PahLava = PahNava (Puranas); ANimadra = ALimadra (Puranas); SthaNa = SthaLa; SthuNa = SthuLa ("Pali text Mahavagga, 8.12.2"); MeNandra = MiLinda; MarusthaNa = MarusthaLa; KalibaNa = KalivaLa; KoNiserpa = KoLiserpa; Kaphina = Kaphila (also Kapphina, Kapphilla, Kaphila, Kamphilla; name of a disciple of the Buddha);Nil = Lil (Indigo); GardabhiN = GardabhiL ("a dynasty of Saurashtra"); PuNika =PuLika ("Father of king Pradyota of Avanti, contemporary of Buddha. See Ancient India, 2003, p 247, Dr V. D. Mahajan");HariaLa =HariaNa ("Ancient name of Haryana");SihasivaNi= sihasivaLi ("queen of king Sihabahu of Latadesa, Capital Sinhapura");MauNa = MauLa ("Mauna is the name of tribe in Puranic literature. See Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Vol I, 2002, p 189-90. The same name is found as MauLa in Bhagvata Purana").

Thus, it is very probable that term Kalbhoj is a time/space variant of Sanskrit Kamboj or Kambhoj.] .
*Komdei (a Ptolemian name for Komuda dvipa (?) or Komed or Komdesh or Kamdesh (?); from "Kambodesh" (?), probably "Kambojdesh" [See: Studies in Indian History and Civilization, Agra, p 351; India and the World, 1964, p 71, Dr Buddha Prakash; India and Central Asia, p 25, Dr P. C. Bagchi; Ancient Kamboja, People and the Country, pp 46-47, 300 Dr J. L. Kamboj; The Kambojas Through the Ages, 2005, pp 159, 59, S Kirpal Singh".] . Ptolemian Komdei is Kiumito or Kumito of Hiun Tsang and Kumed or Kumadh of the Muslim writers, Kiumiche of Wu'kong, Kumi of T'ang and Cambothi, Kambuson and Komedon of Greek writers. Al-Maqidisi in his book Al-Muqhni calls the people of this territory as Kumiji which apparently is equivalent to Sanskrit Kamboj. The root Kam of the Sanskrit name Kamboja is also reflected in the Kama valley, a region lying between the Khyber Pass and Jalalabad; in the place names like Kama-daka, Kamma-Shilman, Kama-bela of Kabol; in the Kamdesh or Kambrom, Kamich, Kama and Kamu & Kamatol of the Kunar and Bashgul valleys; and also in the vast expanses of region called Kazal-Kam and Kara-Kam lying on either side of the Oxus, north of Hindukush. The Ptolemian terms Kamoi and Komdei exactly also refer to the Trans-Hindukush territories which region is what Mahabharata [ Mahabharata 2.27.25.] refers to as Parama Kamboja"' i.e a Kamboja lying beyond the Kamboja of Kabol valley ) ["The Kambojas Through the Ages, 2005, pp 159, 92, 59, S Kirpal Singh; These Kamboj People, 1979, 67, K. S. Dardi; cf: History of Punjab, Vol I, p 182, Dr L. M. Joshi, Dr Fauja Singh".] .
*Kamma A medieval warrior community located in South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh with possible links to Kamboja-Pallava migration. See Kamma (caste).
*Kamboya or Kamboy i.e Kambo (modern Kamboh; "Shahbazgarhi" Edicts of king Ashoka; also in Jain canon Uttaradhyana-Sutra 11/16.)
*Kambay (or Cambay; Kambaet; Khambat; Khambayat; Khambavat; Khambavati--- the Kambaya/Kanbaya of the Arab geographers). According to many scholars, the name Cambay/Kambay ("Khambat/Kambat") is also connected with the Kambojas and it is an Apbhransh of Sanskrit Kamboja [Epigraphia Indica, Vol XXIV, pp 45-46; Vangar Jatya Itihaas, Rajanya Kanda (in Bengali,), Nagendra Nath Vasu; The Spirit of Islam Or the Life and Teachings of Mohammad: or the life and teachings of Mohammed, 2002, p 359, Ameer Ali Syed; Asiatick Researches: Or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, for Inquiring Into the..., 1801, p 129, Asiatic Society (Calcutta, India); Encyclopedia of Religions Or Faiths of Man 1906, 2003 Edition, p 282, J. G. R. Forlong; Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1990, p 232, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Published 1990, Cambridge University, Press for the Royal, Asiatic Society [etc.] ; Ancient Kamboja, People and the Country, 1981, pp 305, 332; Kambojas Through the Ages, 2005, pp 161, 216; Kim (by Rudyard Kipling - 1901), Chapter XI, Page 266, line 23, Notes on the text by Sharad Keskar; cf: Ancient India, 1956, p 383, Dr R. K. Mukerjee.] .
*Kamboi & Kamoi (as in some ancient Sikh writings, like those of Giani Gian Singh. cf "Kamboy" of Ashoka's Shabaazgarhi Edicts).
*Kamboh or Kanboh (as in medieval Muslim writings)
*Kambuh or Kanbuh (variants of "Kamboh/Kanboh". In medieval Muslim writings).
*Kambho (obviously from "Kambhoj").
*Kaubenj (in Arab Geography) [The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1831, p 500, Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Hume Greenfield, Henry Walter Bates.]
*Kumbho (same as Kambho, obviously from "Kumbhoj").
*Kumboh [As in "The Martial Races of India", p 251, Sir George Fletcher MacMunn. Same as "Kamboh".] .
*Kamo ("Ultra-prakrit/vulgate" form of "Kamboj", used in the illiterate circles of Panjab).
*Komoi (a Ptolemian name for a tribe north of Bactria/Badakshan in Central Asia. Perhaps from "Kamboi", which may be an alternative of "Kamboika / Kamboyika /Kambojika").
*Tambyzoi: a Ptolemian name for a region and people on Oxus, in Bactria, north of Hindukush, said to be a poor transliteration of Sanskrit "Kamboja" (Dr. S Levi) [Indian Antiquary, 1923, p 54; Pre Aryan and Pre Dravidian in India, 1993, p 122, Dr Sylvain Lévi, Dr Jean Przyluski, Jules Bloch, Asian Educational Services; Cities and Civilization, 1962, p 172, Govind Sadashiv Ghurye; Problems of Ancient India, 2000, p 1, K. D. Sethna; Asiatic Society, Calcutta, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1956, p 37; Purana, Vol VI, No 2, Jan 1964, pp 207-208; Journal of the Asiatic Society , 1956, p 88, Asiatic Society (Calcutta, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal); Geographical Data in the Early Purāṇas: A Critical Study, 1972, p 165, Dr M. R. Singh; Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, 2000, p 99, edited by Richard J.A. Talbert - History; Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005, p 99 Leonard A. Levin, Anthony C. Arnold; Purana-vimar'sucika -: Bibliography of Articles on Puranas, 1985, p 133, P. G. Lalye.]
*Ambautai (from Kambautai), a Ptolemian transliteration for "Kamboja", a people/region in Paropamisade, south of Hindu Kush (Dr. M. Witzel) [See Refs: Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies, Vol. 5,1999, issue 1 (September), Dr. M. Witzel; Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Inference in Indian History, 2005, p 257, Laurie L. Patton, Edwin Bryant; The Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia: : Language, Material Culture and Ethnicity, 1995, p 326, George Erdosy; Linguistic Aspects of the Aryan non-invasion theory, Part I, Dr. Koenraad Elst, See Link: [http://koenraadelst.bharatvani.org/articles/aid/keaitlin1.html] ; The official pro-invasionist argument at last, A review of the Aryan invasion arguments in J. Bronkhorst and M.M. Deshpande: Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia, Dr. Koenraad Elst, See link: [http://koenraadelst.bharatvani.org/reviews/hock.html] .] .
*Kambojan (an adjectival use of "Kamboja")

*Sanskrit Kamboja appears as K.b.u.ji.i.y, Kabujiya or perhaps Kabaujiya/Kaboujiya and Kambujiya or perhaps Kambaujiya ( OR with -n- in place of -m- as Kanbujiya or Kanbaujiya) of Old Persian inscriptions, and Cambyses of Greek writings. The same name appears as C-n-b-n-z-y in Aramaic, Kambuzia in Assyrian, Kambythet in Egyptian, Kam-bu-zi-ya or Ka-am-bu-zi-ya in Akkadian, Kan-bu-zi-ia or Kan-bu-si-ya in Elamite, and Kanpuziya in Susian language [cf: "Ancient Kamboja" in "Iran and Islam", p 69, Dr H. W. Bailey] . It appears to have been quite a popular name among the ancient Iranians, of whom the ancient Kambojas are said to have formed a clan [ While discussing Kambujiya of old Persian Inscriptions (Cambyses/Kambyses of the Greeks, Kamboja of Sanskrit or Kamoja of Kafferistan/Nuresitan), J.R.A.S. 1990 observes as under: "Kambujiya, Kambujiyam, Kabujiya, Cambyse: This is the true vernacular orthography of name which was written Kambyses by the Greeks and Kauvays in Zend ……From the name of a king Kambyses was derived the geographical title of Kamboja (Sanskrit), which is retained to present days in the Kamoj of Cafferstan……The Persian historians do not seem to be aware of the name Kabus, which was born by the Dilemite sovereigns, is the same with the Kaus of Romance; yet the more ancient form of Kaubus or kabuj for latter name, renders the identification also most certain. The Georgians, even to the present day, name the hero of romance Kapus still retaining the labial which has merged in the Persian…." (See: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Published 1990, p 97, Cambridge University, Press for the Royal Asiatic Society [etc.] , By Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland). ] [Cf: Reisen im indischen Archipel, Singapore, Batavia, Manilla und Japan, 1869, p 216; Die Voelker des Oestlichen Asien: Studien und Reisen, 1869, p 216, Dr Philip Wilhelm Adolf Bastian.] .


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