- European studies
European studies is a field of study offered by many academic colleges and universities that focuses on the current development of
European integration . It basically consists of a combination of several subjects, including political science, EU public policy,European history ,European law ,economics andsociology . Most universities expand the subject to cover aspects that encompass Europe but not necessarily European integration, for exampleEuropean culture ,European literature andEuropean languages . Though even in these studies, the European Union is most likely the central focus.The subject combines
humanities andsocial sciences . Disciplines that are involved in European studies include:
*Cultural studies
*European languages
*Public administration
*Political science
*Sociology While European studies departments are obviously more common in Europe than elsewhere, there are departments dedicated to its study further afield, including in
North America ,Asia andAustralasia .External links
* [http://www.euroculturemaster.org/ Euroculture]
* The University of Exeter, Centre for European Studies [www.centres.ex.ac.uk/ces/]
* [http://www.european-studies.info http://www.european-studies.info]
* [http://www.luiss.it/mes http://www.luiss.it/mes] Master in European Studies at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, Italy, containing courses in european history, politics, economics and law.
* [http://www.european-studies.org http://www.european-studies.org]
* Institute of European Studies,Jagiellonian University inKraków - MA in European Studies, Master in European Studies (MES,Kraków -Vienna double degree), MA in European Governance (International Double Award), International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS), MA in Euroculture: Europe in the wider world (Erasmus Mundus Masters Course), MA in Analysing Europe - International Masters degree Programme in European Studies (IMPREST), MA in European Studies "The process of building Europe" (JU Institute of Public Affairs).
* [http://www.sdu.dk/Uddannelse/Uddannelsesoversigt/Bachelor/Euro_studier.aspx Bachelor in European Studies offered at the University of Southern Denmark]
* [http://www.studiekeuze.unimaas.nl/default.asp?menuid=x0000x1521x1526x1543&lang=uk B.A. European Studies at the University Maastricht]
* [http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~europe/ Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) In European Studies from Hong Kong Baptist University]
* [http://www.ies.ubc.ca Institute for European Studies, University of British Columbia- MA Programme]
*National Centre for Research on Europe
* [http://cges.georgetown.edu BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service]
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