- Commodore Admiral
Hierarchy of naval officer ranks Flag officers: Admiral of the navy
Admiral of the fleet • Fleet admiral
General admiral • Grand admiral • Admiral
Squadron admiral • Flotilla admiral
Vice admiral • Lieutenant admiral
Rear admiral • Counter admiral
Commodore admiral • Schout-bij-nacht
Port admiral • CommodoreSenior officers: Fleet captain • Post captain
Captain • Ship-of-the-line captain
Captain of sea and war • Captain at sea
Corvette captain • Commander
Frigate captain • Lieutenant commanderJunior officers: Captain lieutenant • Flag lieutenant
Lieutenant • Ship-of-the-line lieutenant
Corvette lieutenant • Frigate lieutenant
Lieutenant (junior grade) • Sub-lieutenant
EnsignTraining officers: Commodore Admiral was a short lived military rank of the United States Navy that existed for less than 11 months during the year 1982. The rank of Commodore Admiral was established as the Navy's one-star admiral rank after nearly forty years of all Navy captains receiving promotion directly to the two-star position of rear admiral.
The new rank of Commodore Admiral was created both as a means to appease other branches of the military (who felt promoting O-6s directly to O-8 was unfair) and also as a means of distinguishing that Navy one-star admirals were in fact flag officers. This had been a major problem in World War II when cultural mistakes had led to several Navy commodores being regarded as senior captains by members of foreign militaries and in turn denied honors due to a U.S. admiral grade officer.
Upon its establishment, many in the leadership of the US Navy felt that the rank of Commodore Admiral violated over a century of tradition and there were numerous petitions to the Chief of Naval Operations to eliminate the rank. As a compromise, the rank of Commodore Admiral was changed simply to "Commodore" at the start of 1983, which itself was abolished as a rank in 1985. It was replaced by the new rank of rear admiral (lower half).
The rank of Commodore Admiral is one of the rarest ranks in the history of United States Navy. Only a handful of officers, mainly those Captains promoted to O-7 during the year 1982, have ever held the position, such as Admiral Leon A. Edney, when promoted while serving as the Commandant of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy.
United States commissioned officer and officer candidate ranks Pay Grade / Branch of Service Officer
CandidateO-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-9 O-10 Special Special Approximate insignia (no universal insignia) or
Air Force CDT / OT 2d Lt 1st Lt Capt Maj Lt Col Col Brig Gen Maj Gen Lt Gen Gen GAF[1] [3] Army CDT / OC 2LT 1LT CPT MAJ LTC COL BG MG LTG GEN GA[1] General of the Armies[1] Marine Corps Midn. / Cand. 2ndLt 1stLt Capt Maj LtCol Col BGen MajGen LtGen Gen [3] [3] Navy MIDN / OC ENS LTJG LT LCDR CDR CAPT RDML RADM VADM ADM FADM[1] Admiral of the Navy[1] Coast Guard CDT / OC ENS LTJG LT LCDR CDR CAPT RDML RADM VADM ADM [1] [1] Public Health Service [3] ENS LTJG LT LCDR CDR CAPT RADM RADM VADM ADM [3] [3] National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration[3] ENS LTJG LT LCDR CDR CAPT RDML RADM VADM[1] [2] [3] [3] Grade inactive; requires Congressional approval for re-activation [1]
Grade is authorized for use by U.S. Code but has not been created [2]
Grade never created or authorized [3]United States warrant officer ranks W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 W-5 Air Force WO1[1] CWO2[1] CWO3[1] CWO4[1] CWO5[1] Army WO1 CW2 CW3 CW4 CW5 Marine Corps WO1 CWO2 CWO3 CWO4 CWO5 Navy WO1[1] CWO2 CWO3 CWO4 CWO5 Coast Guard WO1[1] CWO2 CWO3 CWO4 [2] Public Health Service [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] Grade inactive [1]
Grade is authorized for use by U.S. Code but has not been created [2]
Grade never created or authorized [3]Categories:- Military ranks of the United States Navy
- 1 star officers
- United States military stubs
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