- Lentinellus
regnum =Fungi
subregnum =Dikarya
phylum =Basidiomycota
subphylum =Agaricomycotina
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Russulales
familia =Auriscalpiaceae
genus = Lentinellus
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Lentinellus auricula"
"Lentinellus brunnescens"
"Lentinellus castoreus"
"Lentinellus cochleatus"
"Lentinellus crawfordii"
"Lentinellus cystidiosus"
"Lentinellus flabelliformis"
"Lentinellus lineolatus"
"Lentinellus mexicanus"
"Lentinellus micheneri"
"Lentinellus montanus"
"Lentinellus novae-zelandiae"
"Lentinellus occidentalis"
"Lentinellus perstrictifolius"
"Lentinellus pulvinulus"
"Lentinellus semivestitus"
"Lentinellus sinensis"
"Lentinellus subargillaceus"
"Lentinellus subaustralis"
"Lentinellus sublineolatus"
"Lentinellus tasmanicus"
"Lentinellus tridentinus"
"Lentinellus ursinus"
"Lentinellus vulpinus"Lentinellus is a white rot, wood decay, lamellate
agaric in the familyAuriscalpiaceae , further characterized in part by rough-walled, amyloid spores produced onlamella e with jagged edges. Typically, thick-walled hyphae in the fruitbody are in part amyloid, and frequently the taste of themushroom s is acrid (burning, spicy). Closely allied genera are "Auriscalpium " and "Dentipratulum ", with "Artomyces " slightly more distantly related. [cite journal | author=Petersen, R.H. & Hughes, K.W.|year=2004| title=A preliminary monograph of Lentinellus (Russulales)| journal=Bibliotheca Mycologica| volume=198| pages=1–270] [cite journal | author=Miller, S.L. et al.|year=2006| title=Perspectives in the new Russulales| journal=Mycologia| volume=98| pages=960–970| doi=10.3852/mycologia.98.6.960] [cite journal | author=Moreau, P-A. & Mascarell, G.|year=1999| title=Une étude du genre Lentinellus| journal=Bull. trim. Soc. Mycol. France| volume=115| pages=229–373] [cite journal | author=Miller, O.K. & Stewart, L.|year=1971| title=The genus Lentinellus| journal=Mycologia| volume=63| pages=333–369| doi=10.2307/3757765]Etymology Lentinellus is the diminutive of "
Lentinus ", which is the generic name for another group of wood decay fungi with rough lamellar edges.References
External links
[http://www.hlasek.com/lentinellus_ursinus_ac0745.html] Photo of "Lentinellus ursinus".
[http://www.cegep-sept-iles.qc.ca/raymondboyer/champignons/Lentinellacees.htm] Photos of "Lentinellus" species. [http://www.nybg.org/bsci/res/hall/ursinus.html] Photo of "Lentinellus castoreus".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.