Software testing outsourcing

Software testing outsourcing

Software testing outsourcing provides for software testing carried out by the forces of an additionally engaged company or a group of people not directly involved in the process of software development. Contemporary testing outsourcing is an independent IT field , the so called Software Testing & Quality Assurance.

Software testing is an essential phase of software development, but is definitely not the core activity of most companies. Outsourcing enables the company to concentrate on its core activities while external software testing experts handle the work efficiently, ensuring quality results.Fact|date=September 2008 Today stress, performance and security testing are the most demanded types in software testing outsourcing.

At present 5 main options of software testing outsourcing are available depending on the detected problems with software development:Fact|date=September 2008

* full outsourcing of the whole palette of software testing & quality assurance operations
* realization of complex testing with high resource consumption
* prompt resource enlargement of the company by external testing experts
* support of existing program products by new releases testing
* independent quality audit.

Availability of the effective channels of communication and information sharing is one of the core aspects that allow to guarantee the high quality of testing, being at the same time the main obstacle for outsourcing. Due to this channels software testing outsourcing allows to cut down the number of software defects 3 – 30 times depending on the quality of the legacy system.

External links

*Article [ "Selection of a software testing services vendor - Tips and recommendations"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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