Anders Arborelius

Anders Arborelius

Lars Anders Arborelius (born 24 September 1949) is the Roman Catholic bishop of Stockholm.

Arborelius was born in Sorengo, Switzerland, of Swedish parents, and grew up in Lund in southern Sweden. He converted to Catholicism at the age of 20 and entered the Carmelites. He studied in Bruges and Rome and was ordained a priest in 1979.

When Arborelius succeeded Hubertus Brandenburg as Roman Catholic bishop of Stockholm (currently the only Roman Catholic diocese in Sweden and covering the entire country) in 1998, he became the first ethnically Swedish Catholic bishop in Sweden since the Reformation. (Most Catholic bishops in Scandinavia in the last century have been German or Dutch.)

External links

* [ Anders Arborelius] at
* [ Presentation of Anders Arborelius] at the website of the Roman Catholic diocese of Stockholm

NAME=Arborelius, Anders
SHORT DESCRIPTION= Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockholm
DATE OF BIRTH=September 24 1949
PLACE OF BIRTH=Sorengo, Switzerland

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