

Two kings of ancient Parthia were named Pacorus:
* Pacorus I of Parthia, possibly co-regent with his father Orodes II, c. 38 BC
* Pacorus II of Parthia, c. 78–105

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  • Pacorus II — de Parthie. Pacorus II de Parthie (mort en 105/110) est un roi parthe de la dynastie des Arsacides de la fin du Ier siècle. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • PACORUS I — PACORUS I. Parthorum Rex X. in pugna, quâ Crassus victus, rem egregie gessit. Antigono favens, Hierusalem venit praetextu componendae seditionis obortae, inter Iudaeos: Illis partim phaselo, et Hyrcano, partim Antigono faventibus, revera autem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PACORUS II — PACORUS II. artabano III. successit Traiani Imperatoris principatu, de quo vide Plin. l. 10. ep. 16. Illum excepit frater Osroes, quem vide …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Pacorus — ▪ Parthian prince also called  Pacorus I   died 38 BC       Parthian prince, son of King Orodes II (reigned c. 55/54–37/36 BC); he apparently never ascended the throne.       In the summer of 51 BC Pacorus was sent to invade Syria with an army… …   Universalium

  • Pacorus II — ▪ king of Parthia flourished 1st and 2nd centuries AD    king of Parthia (reigned AD 78–c. 115/116). Little is known of his reign, which seems to have been filled with rebellions and the rule of counterkings (Artabanus IV, Osroes, and Vologases… …   Universalium

  • Pacorus I of Parthia — (died 38 BC) was the son of king Orodes II of the Parthian Empire. It is possible that he was co ruler with his father for at least part of his father s reign. He was the brother in law of king Artavasdes II of Armenia.Following the defeat of the …   Wikipedia

  • Pacorus II of Parthia — ruled the Parthian Empire from about 78 to 105. A son of Vonones II and brother of Vologases I, he was given the kingdom of Media Atropatene by the latter after his succession to the throne. After Vologases death, Pacorus revolted against his… …   Wikipedia

  • Pacorus Ier — est un roi associé des Parthes de la dynastie des Arsacides, mort en 38 av. J. C. Fils aîné d Orodès II, il est associé à son père vers 41 av. J. C. et commande avec l adversaire d Antoine Quintus Labienus les forces parthes qui envahissent la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ПАКОР —    • Pacŏrus,          Πάκορος, имя парфянских царей из фамилии Арсакидов; из них особенно замечательны:        1. сын Орода, старший брат Фраата, родился ок. 98 г. до Р. X.; он был хорошо воспитан и знаком с греческой литературой; обладая… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Parthie — Empire parthe Ashkâniân 247 av. J. C. – 224 ap. J. C. Carte de l Empire parthe en 60 av. J. C. Informations générales …   Wikipédia en Français

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