- Fisher's inequality
In combinatorial
mathematics , Fisher's inequality, named afterRonald Fisher , is anecessary condition for the existence of abalanced incomplete block design satisfying certain prescribed conditions.Fisher, a population geneticist and statistician, was concerned with the
design of experiments studying the differences among several different varieties of plants, under each of a number of different growing conditions, called "blocks".Let:
* "v" be the number of varieties of plants;
* "b" be the number of blocks.It was required that:
* "k" different varieties are in each block, "k" < "v"; no variety occurs twice in any one block;
* any two varieties occur together in exactly λ blocks;Fisher's inequality states simply that
:v ge b.,
* R. A. Fisher, "An examination of the different possible solutions of a problem in incomplete blocks", "
Annals of Eugenics ", volume 10, 1940, pages 52–75.
* R. C. Bose, "A Note on Fisher's Inequality for Balanced Incomplete Block Designs", "Annals of Mathematical Statistics ", 1949, pages 619–620.
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