- Block design
In combinatorial
mathematics , a block design (more fully, a balanced incomplete block design) is a particular kind ofset system , which has long-standing applications toexperimental design (an area ofstatistics ) as well as purely combinatorial aspects.Given a finite set "X" (of elements called points) and integers "k", "r", λ ≥ 1, we define a 2-design "B" to be a set of "k"-element subsets of "X", called blocks, such that the number "r" of blocks containing "x" in "X" is independent of "x", and the number λ of blocks containing given distinct points "x" and "y" in "X" is also independent of the choices.
Here "v" (the number of elements of "X", called points), "b" (the number of blocks), "k", "r", and λ are the parameters of the design. (Also, "B" may not consist of all "k"-element subsets of "X"; that is the meaning of "incomplete".) The design is called a ("v", "k", λ)-design or a ("v", "b", "r", "k", λ)-design. The parameters are not all independent; "v", "k", and λ determine "b" and "r", and not all combinations of "v", "k", and λ are possible. The two basic equations connecting these parameters are
:bk = vr, ,
:lambda(v-1) = r(k-1). ,
A fundamental theorem,
Fisher's inequality , named afterRonald Fisher , is that "b" ≥ "v" in any block design. The case of equality is called asymmetric design ; it has many special features.Examples of block designs include the lines in finite
projective plane s (where "X" is the set of points of the plane and λ = 1), andSteiner triple system s ("k" = 3). The former is a relatively simple example of a symmetric design.Projective planes
Projective plane s are a special case of block designs, where we have scriptstyle v ,>, 0 points and, as they are symmetric designs, scriptstyle b ,=, v (which is the limit case of Fisher's inequality), from the first basic equation we get:k = r, ,
and since scriptstyle lambda ,=, 1 by definition, the second equation gives us
:v-1 = k(k-1).,
Now, given an integer scriptstyle n ,geq, 1, called the "order of the projective plane", we can put "k" = "n" + 1 and, from the displayed equation above, we have scriptstyle v ,=, (n+1)n ,+, 1 ,=, n^2 ,+, n ,+, 1 points in a projective plane of order "n".
Since a projective plane is symmetric, we have that scriptstyle b ,=, v, which means that scriptstyle b ,=, n^2 ,+, n ,+, 1 also. The number "b" is usually called the number of "lines" of the projective plane.
This means, as a corollary, that in a projective plane, the number of lines and the number of points are always the same. For a projective plane, "k" is the number of lines and it is equal to "n" + 1, where "n" is the order of the plane. Similarly, "r" = "n" + 1 is the number of lines to which the a given point is incident.
For "n" = 2 we get a projective plane of order 2, also called the
Fano plane , with "v" = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 points and 7 lines. In the Fano plane, each line has "n" + 1 = 3 points and each point belongs to "n" + 1 = 3 lines.Generalization: "t"-designs
Given any integer "t" ≥ 2, a "t"-design "B" is a class of "k"-element subsets of "X" (the set of points), called blocks, such that the number "r" of blocks that contain any point "x" in "X" is independent of "x", and the number λ of blocks that contain any given "t"-element subset "T" is independent of the choice of "T". The numbers "v" (the number of elements of "X"), "b" (the number of blocks), "k", "r", λ, and "t" are the parameters of the design. The design may be called a "t"-("v","k",λ)-design. Again, these four numbers determine "b" and "r" and the four numbers themselves cannot be chosen arbitrarily. The equations are
:b_i = lambda left.inom{v-i}{t-i} ight/ inom{k-i}{t-i} ext{ for } i = 0,1,ldots,t,
where "bi" is the number of blocks that contain any "i"-element set of points.
There are no known examples of non-trivial "t"-("v","k",1)-designs with scriptstyle t >, 5.
The term "block design" by itself usually means a 2-design.
ee also
Randomized block design References
* van Lint, J.H., and R.M. Wilson (1992), "A Course in Combinatorics". Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
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