Rademacher complexity

Rademacher complexity

In statistics and machine learning, Rademacher complexity measures richness of a class of real-valued functions with respect to a probability distribution.

Let mathcal{F} be a class of real-valued functions defined on a domain space Z.The empirical Rademacher complexity of mathcal{F} on a sample S=(z_1, z_2, dots, z_m) in Z^m is definedas

:widehat mathcal{R}_S(mathcal{F}) = frac{2}{m} operatorname{E} left( sup_{f in mathcal{F left| sum_{i=1}^m sigma_i f(z_i) ight| ight)

where sigma_1, sigma_2, dots, sigma_m are independent random variables such that Pr(sigma_i = +1) = Pr(sigma_i = -1) = 1/2 for any i=1,2,dots,m. The random variables sigma_1, sigma_2, dots, sigma_m are referred to as Rademacher variables.

Let P be a probability distribution over Z. The Rademacher complexity of the function class mathcal{F} with respect to P for sample size m is

:mathcal{R}_m(mathcal{F}) = operatorname{E} left( widehat mathcal{R}_S(mathcal{F}) ight)

where the above expectation is taken over an identically independently distributed (i.i.d.) sample S=(z_1, z_2, dots, z_m) generated according to P.

One can show, for example, that there exists a constant C, such that any class of {0,1}-indicator functions with Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension d has Rademacher complexity upper-bounded by Csqrt{frac{d}{m.


Peter L. Bartlett, Shahar Mendelson (2002) "Rademacher and Gaussian Complexities: Risk Bounds and Structural Results". Journal of Machine Learning Research 3 463-482

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