- List of Old Catholic Churches
Old Catholic Church is a community of Christian churches.Member churches of
Utrecht Union Member churches
* [http://www.utrechter-union.org/english/start.htm Union of Utrecht of The Old Catholic Churches]
*Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands [http://www.okkn.nl]
*Catholic Diocese of the Old Catholics in Germany [http://www.alt-katholisch.de]
*Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland [http://www.christkath.ch]
*Old Catholic Church of Austria [http://www.altkatholiken.at]
*Old Catholic Church of the Czech Republic [http://www.starokatolici.cz]
*Polish Catholic Church [http://www.polskokatolicki.pl]Dependent jurisdictions
Old Catholic Mission in France [http://www.vieux-catholique-alsace.com]
*Old Catholic Church in Italy [http://www.chiesaveterocattolica.org] and [http://www.veterocattolici.it]
*Old Catholic Church in Sweden and Denmark [http://www.gammalkatolik.se]
*Old Catholic Church of Croatia
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._John%27s_Polish_Catholic_Cathedral%2C_Toronto Polish Catholic Church in Canada]Other Churches with Old Catholic roots
Canada and USA – Churches with dioceses, parishes and missions
* [http://www.americanchurch.org American Apostolic Catholic Church]
** [http://www.atl-americanchurch.org Holy Family Old Catholic Church] The American Apostolic Catholic Church in Atlanta Georgia
* [http://www.catholicchurchinc.org/ Catholic Church, Inc.] Catholic Church, Inc.
** [http://www.allsaintsinc.org/ All Saints Catholic Church] All Saints Catholic Church, Tallahassee, Florida
** [http://www.holyangelscatholiccommunity.com Holy Angels Catholic Community] Holy Angels Catholic Community, Winter Park, Florida
** [http://www.mstrevjdfinnegan.org Most Reverend Joseph Daniel Finnegan] Ordinary of Catholic Church Inc.
* [http://www.communitycatholicchurch.com Community Catholic Church of Canada]
** [http://www.holyangelsministries.com Holy Angels Ministries]
** [http://www.communitycatholicchurch.com/ourpresidingbishop.htm St. Anne’s Parish]
* [http://www.ecumenical-catholic-communion.org Ecumenical Catholic Communion]
** [http://www.SanDamianoChurch.com San Damiano Ecumenical Catholic Church] Ecumenical Catholic Parish in Little Rock, AR, affiliated with the [http://www.ecumenical-catholic-communion.org Ecumenical Catholic Communion]
* [http://www.free-catholic.org/ Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion] The EFCC is an ecumenical, free, catholic communion of individual Christians and various ministries who support catholic unity. It is open to traditional, conservative, moderate, progressive, and liberal thought, doctrine, and liturgical expression.
** [http://www.shepherds-heart.org/ Diocese of the Shepherd's Heart] EFCC Diocese in Hollister Missouri, affiliated with the [http://www.free-catholic.org Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion]
** [http://www.evocc.org Autocephalous Diocese of St. Willibrord]
* [http://www.naoldcatholicchurch.com North American Old Catholic Church] An inclusive Catholic faith community
** [http://mychaljudge.com St. Mychal Judge Old Catholic Church] Dallas, Texas, USA
** [http://www.stjudeocc.com St. Jude Old Catholic Church] Bethlehem, PA
** [http://angelamericiocc.com Saint Angela Merici Old Catholic Church] Baltimore, MD
** [http://www.holyspiritocc.org Holy Spirit Old Catholic Parish]
** [http://www.christthekingocc.org Christ the King Old Catholic Church]
** [http://www.olmc-dc.org Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Old Catholic Church]
* [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America] An Old Catholic Communion open to all autocephalous Old Catholic jurisdictions and bishops seeking to establish unity.
** [http://www.allsaintsoccna.org All Saints Old Catholic Church] Old Catholic Parish in Tennessee affiliated with the [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America]
** [http://www.doveofpeaceco.com/ Dove of Peace Old Catholic Church] Old Catholic Parish affiliated with the [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America]
** [http://www.holyspiritoccna.org Old Catholic Diocese of The Holy Spirit] Old Catholic Diocese with orthodox theology affiliated with the [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America]
** [http://jrcmcneil.tripod.com/ Saint Francis Old Catholic Mission] Old Catholic Parish affiliated with the [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America]
** [http://holytrinityoldcatholicchurch.org Holy Trinity Old Catholic Church] Old Catholic Parish affiliated with the [http://www.occna.org Old Catholic Communion in North America]
* [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.canticleofchristministry.com Canticle of Christ Ministry] An outreach ministry of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.incarnationoldcatholic.com Incarnation Old Catholic Mission] A mission of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.saintthomasmorechurch.com St Thomas More Old Catholic Church] An Old Catholic parish in Central Florida, part of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.saintjudemission.com St. Jude Old Catholic Mission] A mission of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.holyspiritmission.com Old Catholic Mission of the Holy Spirit] A mission of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
** [http://www.dioceseofsaintmichael.com/dismas.html St. Dismas Ministries] An outreach ministry of the [http://www.oldcatholicchurch.org Old Catholic Church of North America]
*Reformed Catholic Church [http://www.reformedcatholicchurch.org]
** [http://www.reconciliationcatholicchurch.org Reconciliation Catholic Church] an affiliate of The Reformed Catholic Church
* [http://www.unitedecc.org United Ecumenical Catholic Church] North America
** [http://www.eccaustralia.org United Ecumenical Catholic Church] Metropolitan Region of Australasia
* [http://usocc.org/ United States Old Catholic Church]
** [http://www.universalcatholic.com Saint Christopher Old Catholic Church]
** [http://goodshepherdocc.org Good Shepherd Old Catholic Church]Canada and USA – others
* [http://www.americancatholicchurch.info American Catholic Church] The original American Catholic Church charter established in 1915.
* [http://www.catholicchurchofamerica.com American Catholic Church] Diocese of California
* [http://www.americancatholicchurch.net American Catholic Church in Nevada]
* [http://www.accne.net American Catholic Church in New England]
* [http://www.accus.us American Catholic Church in the United States]
* [http://americanecumenicalchurch.com American Ecumenical Catholic Church]
* [http://www.aocc.org/ American Old Catholic Church of Aurora, Colorado]
*American Orthodox Catholic Church - Western Rite Mission, Diocese of New York [http://www.aoccw.org/about/index.htm]
* [http://www.taac.us Ancient Apostolic Communion]
* [http://www.apostoliccatholicchurch.com Apostolic Catholic Church]
* [http://acschurch.org Apostolic Catholic and Spiritual Church]
*Archdiocese of the Old Catholic Church of America
* [http://www.cccint.org Caritas Catholic Church International]
* [http://www.thecca.org Catholic Church of Americas]
* [http://www.christcatholicchurch.com Christ Catholic Church]
* [http://www.christourteacheroldcatholic.org Christ Our Teacher Old Catholic Ministry]
* [http://www.communityofcharity.org Community of Charity Reform Catholic Church] aka Independent Old Catholic Church
* [http://www.conferenceofoldcatholicbishops.org Conference of North American Old Catholic Bishops]
* [http://www.ctgs.us Community of The Good Samaritan] American Independent Catholic Church Mission
* [http://www.ecchurch.org Ecumenical Catholic Church]
* [http://home.cogeco.ca/~dmullan1/ Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ] Christ Catholic Canadian Archdiocese of ECCC
* [http://www.ecc-usa.org Ecumenical Catholic Church USA]
* [http://www.heartlandoldcatholic.org Heartland Old Catholic Church]
* [http://www.inclusivecatholics.com Independent Catholic Christian Church]
* [http://www.indcatholicchurch.org Independent Catholic Church] An Old Catholic Faith Tradition
* [http://independentoldcatholicchurch.com Independent Old Catholic Church]
* [http://www.iccwest.com Independent Catholic Church of the West]
* [http://www.naorc.org North American Old Roman Catholic Church]
* [http://www.oldcatholic.org Old Catholic Church of America]
* [http://www.oldcatholicbc.com Old Catholic Church of British Columbia]
* [http://www.churchofthebeatitudes.org Old Catholic Church of the Beatitudes Lansdowne PA] Apostolic Catholic Church
*Old Roman Catholic Church in North America [http://www.orccna.org]
* [http://www.pncc.org Polish National Catholic Church]
* [http://reformedcatholicchurchinternational.org Reformed Catholic Church International]
* [http://www.reformed-catholic.net Reformed Catholic Church of America]
* [http://www.saintfaustinaocc.weebly.com Saint Faustina Old Catholic Church] , Pensacola, Fl
* [http://www.oldcatholic.us/sjn/index.htm St. Julian of Norwich Old Catholic Church] Old Catholic Church in America
* [http://www.unitycatholic.org Servants of the Good Shepherd]
* [http://www.uacatholicchurch.org United American Catholic Church]
* [http://www.united-catholic-church.org United Catholic Church]
* [http://www.urcci.net United Reform Catholic Church International]Europe
* [http://www.holygrail-church.fsnet.co.uk/BOCC.htm British Old Catholic Church]
* [http://www.holygrail-church.fsnet.co.uk/Ecclesia%20Apostolica%20Sancti%20Graal.htm Ecclesia Apostolica Jesu Christi]
* [http://www.goedeherder.be Gemeenschap van de Goede Herder] (in Dutch)
* [http://www.occe.co.uk Old Catholic Church in Europe]
* [http://mariawita.pl/htmls/indexang.html Old Catholic Mariavite Church]
* [http://www.slovenski-katolici.sk Old Catholic Church in Slovakia]
* [http://www.starokatolicka-ua.org Old Catholic Church of Ukraine]
* [http://www.oekk.nl Old Episcopal Catholic Church of The Netherlands]
* [http://www.pnkk.com Polish National Catholic Church in Republic of Poland]
*Reformed Catholic Church [http://www.apostolski.wordpress.com/] in Poland
* [http://www.oldcatholicorthodox.org.uk Traditional Catholic Orthodox Church]
* [http://www.eccuk.org.uk/index.html United Ecumenical Catholic Church] Europe and the United KingdomLiberal Catholic Churches with Old catholic roots and
theosophical tenetsUSA
* [http://www.thelcc.org/ The Liberal Catholic Church, Province of the USA] The American branch of the more traditional church which emphasizes theosophical tenets
* [http://www.liberalcatholic.org/ Liberal Catholic Church International] The church in which theosophical tenets are allowed but not emphasizedEurope
* [http://TheLiberalCatholicChurch.org/ The Liberal Catholic Church] Overview of the entire Liberal Catholic movements, regardless of jurisdiction
* [http://www.liberalcatholic.org.uk The Liberal Catholic Church International Province of Great Britain and Ireland]
* [http://www.lccinbi.org The Liberal Catholic Church in the British Isles]
* [http://www.independentoldcatholic.org/ Liberal Catholic Apostolic Church] An independent Liberal Catholic community
* [http://www.reformedlcc.org/ The Reformed Liberal Catholic Church]
* [http://www.youngrite.org The Young Rite] Ritual in an esoteric Christian traditionReligious Orders
* [http://www.franciscancommunity.net Franciscan Community of Saint Anthony]
* [http://www.franciscansofdivineprovidence.org Franciscans of Divine Providence] A canonical Religious Order to the Trinitarian Catholic Church
* [http://www.csfdinc.org Companions of Saints Francis and Dominic] Ecumenical fraternity of vowed men and women
* [http://www.fspfranciscans.com Society of the Franciscan Servants of the Poor]
* [http://servantfranciscans.net The Order of Servant Franciscans] An Ecumenical community of faithBenedictines / Cistercians
* [http://grosb.org Grey Robed Monks of St. Benedict] An Ecumenical Benedictine Community
* [http://www.port-royal.org Order of Port Royal] Ecumenical Cistercian Congregation
* [http://www.osjtb.org The Benedictine Order of Saint John the Beloved]
* [http://www.anacletians.org The Society of Pope Saint Anacletus] An Old Catholic Benedictine order
* [http://www.goedeherder.be Goedeherder] Benedictijns geïnspireerde broedergemeenschapOthers
* [http://www.aihmfriars.org Augustinians of the Immaculate Heart of Mary] An Independent Catholic Religious Order
* [http://www.shepherds-heart.net/order/ Order of the Shepherd's Heart - EFCC] Religious Order in Hollister Missouri, affiliated with the [http://www.free-catholic.org Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion]ee also
Episcopi vagantes
*Independent Catholic Churches
*Old Catholic
*Liberal Catholic Church
*Liberal Catholic Church International
*Liberal Catholic Church, Province of the United States of America Other links
* [http://www.conferenceofoldcatholicbishops.org Conference of North American Old Catholic Bishops]
* [http://kingsgarden.org/English/Organizations/LCC.GB/Succession.html Table of the Old Catholic Apostolic Succession]
* [http://www.alt-katholisch.de/oekumene/anglican.htm Bonn Agreement]
* [http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Oldcath.html Old Roman Catholics] - a term paper by Mariruth Graham
* [http://www.oldcatholic.co.uk/old_catholic_church_history.htm Declaration of Independence (1910)] of the English "Old Roman Catholic Church" from theUtrecht Union , by ArchbishopArnold Harris Mathew
* [http://www.catholicrestoration.org/library/oldcatholics.html "The Old Catholics"] , Rev. Anthony Cekada, 1980. In: "The Roman Catholic Magazine".
* [http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=17-04-056-r Disunion of Utrecht: Old Catholics Fall Out Over New Doctrines] . An article by Laurence J. Orzell
* [http://www.independentmovement.us Independent Movement Database] - A free encyclopedia of information on the Independent Movement.
* [http://www.ind-movement.org Ind-Movement.org: The World of Autocephalous Churches] Extensive information and links concerning Old Catholic and other Churches claiming validApostolic Succession which are separate from the more mainstreamRoman Catholic ,Orthodox , andAnglican Churches.
* [http://anglicanhistory.org/oc/index.html Anglican Relations with Old Catholics]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11235b.htm "Catholic Encyclopedia" on the Old Catholics (Döllingerites)]
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