List of Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductees

List of Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductees

The Motorcycle Hall of Fame has inducted the following people as honorees:

*J. C. Agajanian (1999)
*Giacomo Agostini (1999)
*David Aldana (1999)
*Johnny Allen (1999)
*C.E. Altman (2003)
*Hap Alzina (1998)
*Brad Andres (1998)
*Leonard Andres (1999)
*Leo Anthony, Sr. (1998)
*Sam Arena Sr. (1998)
*Bob Armstrong (1998)
*Erle Armstrong (1998)
*Roy Artley (1998)
*C.R. Axtell (1999)
*Walt Axthelm (2001)
*Speedy Babbs (1999)
*Frank Baer (1998)
*Bill Bagnall (1999)
*David Bailey (1999)
*Gary Bailey (1999)
*Bill Baird (1999)
*Erwin Baker (1998)
*Steve Baker (1999)
*Mike Baldwin (2001)
*Mark Barnett (2001)
*Dave Barr (2000)
*Mike Bast (2000)
*Jean-Michel Bayle (2000)
*Vaughn Beals (2008)
*Rex Beauchamp (2007)
*Ernie Beckman (1998)
*Mike Bell (2001)
*Wells Bennett (2000)
*Ralph Berndt (2005)
*Dick Bettencourt (2000)
*Doug Bingham (2003)
*Ron Bishop (2001)
*Mark Blackwell (2000)
*Joe Bolger (2004)
*Ted Boody, Jr. (2000)
*Cliff Boswell (1998)
*Earl Bowlby (1999)
*Jerry Branch (2005)
*Everett Brashear (1998)
*Bob Braverman (2000)
*Mark Brelsford (1998)
*Eddie Brinck (1998)
*Bill Brokaw (2001)
*Becky Brown (2002)
*Bruce Brown (1999)
*Don Brown (2001)
*Willard "Red" Bryan (2004)
*Max Bubeck (1999)
*Earl Buck (1998)
*Erik Buell (2002)
*Al Burke (1996)
*Edmund Burke (2002)
*Roy Burke (2004)
*Dick Burleson (1998)
*Albert "Shrimp" Burns (1998)
*Ben Campanale (1998)
*Ben Nighthorse Campbell (2001)
*Chris Carr (2004)
*Kel Carruthers (1999)
*Woody Carson (2001)
*Allen Carter (2001)
*Woodsie Castonguay (1998)
*Tom Cates (2005)
*Danny Chandler (1999)
*Doug Chandler (2006)
*Jimmy Chann (1998)
*Alfred Rich Child (2006)
*T. C. Christenson (2005)
*Bill Church (1998)
*Charles Clayton (2001)
*Sharon Clayton (2000)
*Floyd Clymer (1998)
*Rod Coates (2008)
*A.B. Coffman (1998)
*Pete Coleman (2000)
*Russ Collins (1999)
*Arthur Constantine (1998)
*Wes Cooley (2004)
*Dave Coombs (2000)
*Mike Corbin (2000)
*Carl Cranke (2000)
*Al Crocker (1998)
*Wayne T. Curtin (1996)
*Glenn Curtiss (1998)
*Mary Shephard Cutright (1993)
*Wally Dallenbach, Sr. (2006)
*Russ Darnell (2002)
*Arthur Davidson (1998)
*Walter Davidson (1998)
*William A. Davidson (1998)
*William G. Davidson (1999)
*William H. Davidson (1999)
*Jim Davis (1998)
*Will Davis (2002)
*Paul Dean (2001)
*Roger DeCoster (1999)
*Trevor Deeley (1999)
*Babe DeMay (2001)
*Ralph DePalma (1998)
*John DeSoto (1998)
*Dave Despain (1998)
*Marty Dickerson (2002)
*Tony DiStefano (1999)
*Doug Domokos (2002)
*Dick Dorresteyn (1998)
*Floyd Dreyer (1998)
*Linda Dugeau (2004)
*Yvon Duhamel (1999)
*Paul DuPont (2004)
*Edison Dye (1999)
*Chet Dykgraaf (1998)
*Al Eames (1999)
*Ted Edwards (1998)
*Kenny Eggers (1998)
*Bud Ekins (1999)
*Dave Ekins (2001)
*Steve Eklund (1998)
*Sprouts Elder (1998)
*Don Emde (1999)
*Floyd Emde (1998)
*Jeff Emig (2004)
*Debbie Evans (2003)
*George Everett (2001)
*Michael Farabaugh (2002)
*Jimmy Filice (2000)
*Ed Fisher (2002)
*Earl Flanders (1998)
*Peter Fonda (2000)
*Malcolm Forbes (1999)
*Bill France, Jr. (2000)
*Bill France, Sr. (2000)
*Jeff Fredette (2002)
*Curly Fredricks (1998)
*Rollie Free (1998)
*Walt Fulton, Jr. (1999)
*Joe Gee (1998)
*Johnny Gibson (2004)
*Dick Gilmore (1997)
*Linda Giovannoni (1996)
*Broc Glover (2000)
*Paul Goldsmith (1999)
*Randy Goss (1998)
*Bill Goudy (1998)
*Carl Goudy (1998)
*Ricky Graham (1998)
*Morty Graves (1998)
*Bob Greene (2007)
*Al Gunter (1999)
*Mike Hailwood (2000)
*Torsten Hallman (2000)
*Fred Ham (2000)
*Dick Hammer (2000)
*Bob Hannah (1999)
*Bob Hansen (1999)
*Scot Harden (2008)
*William S. Harley (1998)
*T.K. Hastings (2000)
*Larry Headrick (1998)
*Oscar Hedstrom (1998)
*Tom Heininger (2003)
*George Hendee (1998)
*Thomas Henderson (1998)
*William Henderson (1998)
*Pat Hennen (2007)
*Doug Henry (2005)
*Ralph Hepburn (1998)
*Barry Higgins (2000)
*Bobby Hill (1998)
*Jimmy Hill (1998)
*Pete Hill (1990)
*Lester Hillbish (1998)
*Ted Hodgdon (1998)
*J.C. Hoel (1998)
*Pearl Hoel (1991)
*Soichiro Honda (2000)
*Jules Horky (1998)
*Kent Howerton (2000)
*Billy Huber (1998)
*Larry Huffman (2008)
*Roger Hull (2001)
*Hugh H. Hurt (2007)
*JackPine Gypsies Motorcycle Club (1997)
*Don Johns (1998)
*Bill Johnson (2005)
*Rick Johnson (1999)
*Gary Jones (2000)
*Hap Jones (1998)
*Maldwyn Jones (1998)
*Erv Kanemoto (2001)
*Buzz Kanter (2002)
*Benny Kaufman (1998)
*Neil Keen (2000)
*Harry Kelley, Jr. (1999)
*Mike Kidd (1998)
*Mike Kiedrowski (2007)
*Dick Klamfoth (1998)
*Evel Knievel (1999)
*Hazel Kolb (1998)
*Ed Kretz (1998)
*Ed Kretz Jr. (2002)
*Linton Kuchler (2003)
*Del Kuhn (2003)
*Allen La Fortune (2003)
*Brad Lackey (1999)
*Wilbur "Lammy" Lamoreaux (1998)
*Danny LaPorte (2000)
*Lars Larsson (2002)
*Eddie Lawson (1999)
*Mert Lawwill (1998)
*Aub LeBard (1998)
*Jay Leno (2000)
*Oscar Lenz (1998)
*Joe Leonard (1998)
*Woody Leone (1998)
*Clifford "Windy" Lindstrom (1998)
*Gunnar Lindstrom (2000)
*Carey Loftin (2001)
*Fred Ludlow (1998)
*Ken Maely (1999)
*Walt Mahony (2002)
*Larry Maiers (2001)
*Randy Mamola (2000)
*David Mann (2004)
*Dick Mann (1998)
*Denis Manning (2006)
*Bart Markel (1998)
*Freddie Marsh (2002)
*Billy Mathews (1998)
*Robert McClean (2002)
*Jim and Phyllis McClure (2001)
*Tom McDermott (2000)
*Jeremy McGrath (2003)
*Victor McLaglen (1999)
*John McLaughlin (2001)
*Steve McLaughlin (2004)
*Steve McQueen (1999)
*Fred Merkel (2001)
*Joseph Merkel (1998)
*Heikki Mikkola (2006)
*Bill Miller (1998)
*Herby Miller (1998)
*Sammy Miller (2007)
*Cordy Milne (1998)
*Jack Milne (1998)
*Chuck Minert (1999)
*Howard Mitzel (1998)
*Emmett Moore (1998)
*Steve Morehead (2004)
*Putt Mossman (1999)
*Eddie Mulder (1999)
*Dave Mungenast Sr. (2000)
*Burt Munro (2006)
*Clem Murdaugh (1998)
*Cook Neilson (2006)
*Arlen Ness (1992)
*Ed Netterberg (1999)
*Jody Nicholas (1999)
*Nick Nicholson (2005)
*Freddie Nix (1999)
*Gary Nixon (1998)
*Dick O'Brien (2000)
*Johnny O'Mara (2000)
*Tom Paradise (1998)
*Scott Parker (2003)
*Trampas Parker (2007)
*Joe Parkhurst (2001)
*Leslie "Red" Parkhurst (1998)
*Mike Parti (2001)
*Leo Payne (2001)
*Bruce Penhall (1999)
*Duke Pennell (2003)
*Jack Penton (1999)
*John Penton (1998)
*Tom Penton (2000)
*Dave Perewitz (2003)
*Dudley Perkins (1998)
*Bob Perry (1998)
*Joe Petrali (1998)
*Preston Petty (1999)
*Jimmy Phillips (1998)
*Reggie Pink (1998)
*Jim Pomeroy (1999)
*Terry Poovey (2008)
*Ray Price (1993)
*Reg Pridmore (2002)
*Wayne Rainey (1999)
*Ronnie Rall (2001)
*Cal Rayborn II (1999)
*John Reed (2001)
*Herb Reiber (1998)
*Roger Reiman (1998)
*Carroll Resweber (1998)
*Gene Rhyne (1998)
*Jim Rice (2001)
*Branscombe Richmond (2003)
*Derek and Don Rickman (2007)
*Joel Robert (2000)
*J.N. Roberts (1999)
*Kenny Roberts (1998)
*Dot Robinson (1998)
*Earl Robinson (1998)
*Roxy Rockwood (1999)
*George Roeder (1999)
*Larry Roeseler (1999)
*Gene Romero (1998)
*Sylvester Roper (2002)
*Rip Rose (2000)
*Scott Russell (2005)
*Perry Sands (2004)
*Robert Schanz (2004)
*Donny Schmit (2002)
*Bernie Schreiber (2000)
*Dave Schultz (2001)
*Kevin Schwantz (1999)
*Ignaz Schwinn (1998)
*Gary Scott (1998)
*Hank Scott (2000)
*Bubba Shobert (1998)
*Tom Sifton (1998)
*Dale Singleton (2002)
*Dal Smilie (2004)
*Donnie Smith (1995)
*E.C. Smith (1999)
*Erwin Smith (1995)
*Jeff Smith (2000)
*Malcolm Smith (1998)
*Marty Smith (2000)
*George J. Smith Sr. (1994)
*Roger Soderstrom (2006)
*Cristine Sommer-Simmons (2003)
*Freddie Spencer (1999)
*Johnny Spiegelhoff (1998)
*Jay Springsteen (2003)
*Jeff Stanton (2000)
*Orie Steele, Sr. (2007)
*Gary L. Stevens (2002)
*Bessie Stringfield (2002)
*Babe Tancrede (1998)
*Sammy Tanner (1999)
*Lee Taylor (1998)
*Shell Thuet (2001)
*John Tibben (2004)
*Rolf Tibblin (2008)
*Walter and Lucille Timme (1995)
*Fred Toscani (2003)
*Elmer Trett (2000)
*Marty Tripes (2001)
*Gavin Trippe (2005)
*Bill Tuman (1998)
*U.S. Trophee and MX des Nations Team, 1981 (2003)
*Joe Uebelacker (1998)
*Pete Uebelacker (1998)
*Billy Uhl (2007)
*Skip Van Leeuwen (1999)
*A.F. Van Order (1998)
*Adeline and Augusta VanBuren (2002)
*Terry Vance (1999)
*Don Vesco (1999)
*Craig Vetter (1999)
*Ed Waldheim (2007)
*Gene Walker (1998)
*Otto Walker (1998)
*Theresa Wallach (2003)
*Miny Waln (1998)
*Buzz Walneck (2004)
*Bruce Walters (2003)
*Jeff Ward (1999)
*Joe Weatherly (1998)
*Jimmy Weinert (1999)
*Ray Weishaar (1998)
*Bill Werner (2000)
*Ralph White (2001)
*Earl Widman (1998)
*Jack Wilson (2001)
*Margaret Wilson (2004)
*Melbourne Wilson (2006)
*Leroy Winters (1999)
*Steve Wise (2001)
*Charles "Red" Wolverton (1998)
*George Wyman (2000)
*Pops Yoshimura (2000)
*Ed Youngblood (1999)
*David Zien (2000)

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