- Youth voice
Youth voice refers to the distinct ideas, opinions, attitudes,
knowledge , and actions of young people as a collective body.Background
The term youth voice often groups together a diversity of perspectives and experiences, regardless of backgrounds, identities, and cultural differences. It is frequently associated with the successful application of a variety of
youth development activities, includingservice learning [Garvey, J., McIntyre-Craig, C., & Myers, C. (2000). "Youth voice: The essential element of service-learning," In C. Myers and M. Bellener (Eds.) "Embedding service-learning into teacher education: Issue briefs." Indianapolis, IN: The Center for Youth as Resources.] , youth research [Kirshner, B., O'Donoghue, J., & McLaughlin, M. (2005) "Youth-adult research collaborations: Bringing youth voice to the research process," In J. L. Mahoney & R. W. Larson (Eds.) "Organized activities as contexts of development: Extracurricular activities, after-school and community programs." (pp. 131-156): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.] , and leadership training [Bruce, J., Nicola, S. & Menke, T. (2006) " [http://www.joe.org/joe/2006december/tt6.shtml Listening to the Youth Voice in Planning Leadership Development Programs] ," "Journal of Extension. 44"6. December 2006.] . Additional research has shown that engaging youth voice is an essential element of effective organizational development among community and youth-serving organizations. [Zeldin, S. (2004) "Youth as Agents of Adult and Community Development: Mapping the Processes and Outcomes of Youth Engaged in Organizational Governance," "Applied Development Science. 8"(2), pp 75-90.]Applications
youth organizations and community activities cite youth voice as an important factor to their successful operations. [Fletcher, A. (2006) [http://www.commonaction.org/publications.htm Washington Youth Voice Handbook] Olympia, WA: CommonAction(2006)] Examples of these include:
*Youth service [Tackett, W. (2005) "A new perspective: an evaluation of youth by youth," "Reclaiming Children and Youth. 14"(1). pp 5-13.]
*Community youth development [Campbell, S. (1996) "Youth Issues, Youth Voices: A guide for engaging youth and adults in public dialogue and problem-solving." Washington, DC: Study Circles Resource Center.] [Driskell, D. (2002) "Creating Better Cities with Children and Youth: A Manual for Participation." Earthscan.]
*Youth activism [Boudin, K., et al. (2005) "Letters from Young Activists: Today's Rebels Speak Out." Nation Books.]
*Peer education [Mandel, L. (2005) "Youth voices as change agents: moving beyond the medical model in school-based health center practice," "Journal of School Health. 75"(7) pp 239-243.]
*Youth-led media
*Youth leadership [Gillen, D., Johnson, M., & Sinykin, J. (2006) "Giving Voice to the Leader Within; Practical Ideas and Actions for Parents and Adults Who Work with Young People." Syren Book Company.]
*Schools [Fletcher, A. (2005) " [http://www.soundout.org/MSIStories.pdf Stories of meaningful student involvement] ." Bothell, WA: HumanLinks Foundation.]Movement
A broad international movement exists to promote youth voice, born from earlier
youth service andyouth rights movements. [Fletcher, A. (2004) [http://www.nylc.org/rc_downloaddetail.cfm?emoid=14:176 "The Youth Voice Movement: A New Vision for the Future, or a Lost Dream of the Past?"] "The Generator", Spring 2004.] The United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child was the first international mechanism to stipulate the systemic engagement of youth voice. Specific aims are stated in Articles 5 and 12 that clearly acknowledge the youth have a voice, that youth voice is constantly changing, and that all areas of our society are morally responsible for engaging youth voice. Annual events which center on youth voice includeGlobal Youth Service Day and theNational Service Learning Conference .Criticism
Ephebiphobia andadultism have been identified as the factors preventing widespread recognition of youth voice throughout communities [Felix, A. (2003) [http://www.ysa.org/yvi/resources/MakingYouthVoiceACommunityPrinciple.pdf Making Youth Voice a Community Principle] "Youth Service Journal", October 2003, Youth Service America.] . Additionally, it is commonly acknowledged that "little quantitative research has been conducted regarding the issue of youth voice" [Ellis, J., & Caldwell, L. L. (2001). [http://rptsweb.tamu.edu/Faculty/Witt/conpubs/Caldwell%20Teen%20Center.PDF "Increasing youth voice through participation in a recreation-based teen center"] . College Park, PA: Author.] , while the qualitative research on youth voice is often seen as minimally effective, as well, due to a limited scope focused onyouth participation in decision-making and opinion-sharing. [Beilenson, J. (1993). "Looking for young people, listening for youth voice." "Social Policy, 24"1, pp 8–13.] [Jones, K. & Perkins, D. (2005) [http://www.joe.org/joe/2005october/a5.shtml "Determining the Quality of Youth-Adult Relationships Within Community-Based Youth Programs"] , "Journal of Extension. 43"(5).]Youth voice also faces criticism from the
youth rights movement that it does not go far enough, or that it is using youth. Critics claim that youth voice advocates only advance a shallow analysis ofageism and propose solutions that do not go far enough to give youth any substantive power in society. Coupled withyouth service this can lead to young people being pressured to help fix adult problems without ever addressing the problems youth face. [Koroknay-Palicz, Alex. [http://oneandfour.org/archives/2006/02/a_critique_of_t.html "A Critique of the Youth Service Movement"] . [Weblog entry.] One and Four. 14 Feb 2006. 4 Feb 2007.]ee also
Positive psychology
*Teaching for social justice
*Critical pedagogy
*Convention on the Rights of the Child
*Student Voice
*List of youth empowerment organizations References
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