- Causality conditions
In the study of
Lorentzian manifold spacetime s there exists a hierarchy of causality conditions which are important in proving mathematical theorems about the global structure of such manifolds. These conditions were collected during the late 1970s.E. Minguzzi and M. Sanchez, [http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0609119v3 "The causal hierarchy of spacetimes"] in H. Baum and D. Alekseevsky (eds.), vol. Recent developments in pseudo-Riemannian geometry, ESI Lect. Math. Phys., (Eur. Math. Soc. Publ. House, Zurich, 2008), p. 299-358, ISBN=978-3-03719-051-7, arXiv:gr-qc/0609119v3]The weaker the causality condition on a spacetime, the more "unphysical" the spacetime is. Spacetimes with
closed timelike curve s, for example, present severe interpretational difficulties. See thegrandfather paradox .It is reasonable to believe that any physical spacetime will satisfy the strongest causality condtion: global hyperbolicity. For such spacetimes the equations in
general relativity can be posed as aninitial value problem on aCauchy surface .The hierarchy
There is a hierarchy of causality conditions, each one of which is strictly stronger than the previous. This is sometimes called the causal ladder. The conditions, from weakest to strongest, are:
* Non-totally vicious
* Chronological
* Causal
* Distinguishing
* Strongly causal
* Stably causal
* Causally continuous
* Causally simple
* Globally hyperbolicWe now give definitions of these causality conditions for a
Lorentzian manifold M,g). Where two or more are given they are equivalent.Notation:
* p ll q denotes thechronological relation .
* p prec q denotes thecausal relation .(See causal structure for definitions.)Non-totally vicious
* For some points p in M we have p otll p.
* There are no closed chronological (timelike) curves.
* Thechronological relation isirreflexive : p otll p for all p in M .Causal
* There are no closed causal (non-spacelike) curves.
* If both p prec q and q prec p then p = qDistinguishing
* Two points p, q in M which share the same chronological past are the same point:I^-(p) = I^-(q) implies p = q
* For any neighborhood U of p in M there exists a neighborhood V subset U, p in V such that no past-directed non-spacelike curve from p intersects V more than once.Future-distinguishing
* Two points p, q in M which share the same chronological future are the same point:I^+(p) = I^+(q) implies p = q
* For any neighborhood U of p in M there exists a neighborhood V subset U, p in V such that no future-directed non-spacelike curve from p intersects V more than once.Strongly causal
* For any neighborhood U of p in M there exists no timelike curve that passes through U more than once.
* For any neighborhood U of p in M there exists a neighborhood V subset U, p in V such that V is causally convex in M (and thus in U).
* The Alexandrov topology agrees with the manifold topology.Stably causal
A manifold satisfying any of the weaker causality conditions defined above will fail to do so if the metric is given a small perturbation. A spacetime is stably causal if it cannot be made to contain closed
causal curve s by arbitrarily small perturbations of the metric.Stephen Hawking showedS.W. Hawking, [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0080-4630%2819690114%29308%3A1494%3C433%3ATEOCTF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-U "The existence of cosmic time functions"] Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (1969), A308, 433] that this is equivalent to:* There exists a "global time function" on M. This is a
scalar field t on M whose gradient abla^a t is everywhere timelike and future-directed. This "global time function" gives us a stable way to distinguish between future and past for each point of the spacetime (and so we have no causal violations).Globally hyperbolic
* M is strongly causal and every set J^+(x) cap J^-(y) (for points x,y in M) is compact.
Robert Geroch showedR. Geroch, [http://link.aip.org/link/?JMAPAQ/11/437/1 "Domain of Dependence"] J. Math. Phys. (1970) 11, 437-449] that a spacetime is globally hyperbolicif and only if there exists aCauchy surface for M. This means that:
* M is topologically equivalent to mathbb{R} imes S for someCauchy surface S (Here mathbb{R} denotes thereal line ).See also
*Lorentzian manifold
*Causal structure
*Globally hyperbolic
*Closed timelike curve References
*cite book | author=S.W. Hawking, G.F.R. Ellis, | title=
The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime | location=Cambridge | publisher=Cambridge University Press | year=1973 | id=ISBN 0-521-20016-4*cite book | author = S.W. Hawking, W. Israel, | title =
General Relativity, an Einstein Centenary Survey | publisher = Cambridge University Press | year 1979 | id=ISBN 0-521-22285-0
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