
—  village  —
Country India
State Tamil Nadu
District(s) Tirunelveli
Nearest city Alangulam
Literacy 21% 
Time zone IST (UTC+05:30)

Muthukrishnaperi is a village comes under Tirunelveli District Tamil Nadu, India. It locates between Alangulam and Surandai. It is a Panchayath union comes under Melakrishnaperi.



Most of the people work in fields and rolling Cigarette.[citation needed]


It has one Government aided Child care centre and one primary school.


It has two ponds. The famous waterfall Courtallam is near to this village. So at the time of Courtallam season, this village is also getting chill climate and drizzle. Normally this village looks green except the summer season.

The number of vehicles in this village is low, so this village is free of pollution.


Christianity and Hinduism are the normal religions followed by the people here. This village has two churches and a number of temples. The famous Perumal temple is in this village. At the festival time in every year god roams around the village on the Car.


This village is specialized for Festivals. Perumal Kovil, Amman Kovil, Santhanmari Amman Kovil are the big temples here. Moreover there are more than 30 temples are here. When compared to the population and tha area of this village it is quite large. Each and every function is celebrated royally. All the students who are studying in other towns, Married women's, Working Peoples in other town come here to enjoy these pleasant festivals. At these times this village looks like a heaven.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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