- Cuboid Syndrome
Cuboid Syndrome, or Cuboid
Subluxation , describes a condition that results from injury to thejoints andligaments in the vicinity of thecuboid bone , one of seventarsal bones of the humanfoot .This condition often manifests in the form of lateral (side-to-side) foot pain and sometimes general foot weakness.Cuboid Syndrome, which is relatively common but not well defined or recognized, [ [http://www.podiatrytoday.com/article/3691 Diagnostic Dilemmas: A Guide To Understanding And Treating Lateral Column Pain] ] [http://www.myfootshop.com/detail.asp?Condition=Cuboid%20Syndrome Cuboid Syndrome] ] goes by other names, including "lateral plantar neuritis, cuboid fault syndrome, dropped cuboid, locked cuboid and subluxed cuboid." [http://www.podiatrytoday.com/article/3036 How to Treat Cuboid Syndrome in The Athlete] ]ymptoms
A patient with Cuboid Syndrome usually seeks medical advice and attention complaining of pain, discomfort, or weakness in their foot, usually experienced during sporting exertion or impact, such as landing from a jump.The pain may be observed in a controlled environment by standing on the toes or rolling the
arches of the foot , as these motions tend to exercise the foot'scalcaneocuboid joint and ligament, which are characteristically strained in a patient suffering from Cuboid Syndrome. [http://www.cascadewellnessclinic.com/articles/2002art/0211art.shtml Subluxated Cuboid Bone] ] Also, the pain may come on suddenly or it may develop gradually and persist over time.Sometimes the pain is intermittent, subsiding partially or completely for a period of time before returning again.Causes
A patient may develop Cuboid Syndrome through either a single injury event or
repetitive strain over time.The condition mainly affects athletes, especially those whose activities incur a significant amount of pressure on their feet from jumping or running (such as ballet dancers [Peter Marshall and William G. Hamilton. [http://ajs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/20/2/169 "Cuboid subluxation in ballet dancers."] The American Journal of Sports Medicine 20:169-175 (1992)] and runners) and those who place added strain on their feet during lateral maneuvering (such as tennis and basketball players).Cuboid Syndrome may persist even if the patient is taking part in regularphysical therapy .The patient'sfoot type , such as the presence of overpronation or underpronation, may also play a factor in the condition.Treatment
Once diagnosed, a medical professional may treat Cuboid Syndrome by realigning (also known as reducing) the subluxed cuboid.This form of manual manipulation of the foot should be done by a trained specialist, such as a
podiatrist .Further treatment may take into account other considerations, such as possible causes or aggravators (e.g. recommending that the patient be fit with customorthotics if she is overprone).Fortunately, subluxed cuboids are generally quite treatableand most patients return to a normal level of activity once the pain is brought under control.References
External links
* [http://www.podiatrytoday.com/ Podiatry Today Magazine]
* [http://www.aapsm.org/ American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine]
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