Easton High School

Easton High School

Infobox School
name = Easton High School
imagesize =
caption =
location =
streetaddress = 723 Mecklenburg Avenue
region =
city = Easton
state = Maryland
district = Talbot Public Schools
zipcode = 21601
country = USA
coordinates =
schoolnumber =
schoolboard =
authority =
religion =
denomination =
oversight =
affiliation =
authorizer =
superintendent =
trustee =
founder =
specialist =
session =
president =
head of school =
headteacher =
head_label =
head =
chairperson =
principal = Kelly Griffith
viceprincipal = Norby Lee 10th Grade Tom Callahan 9th Grade Susan Schwartz
dean =
faculty =
administrator =
rector =
chaplain =
director =
custodian =
staff = Andrew, KarenTitle: Foreign Language TeacherE-Mail: kandrew@tcps.k12.md.us

Atwell, JulieanneTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: jatwell@tcps.k12.md.us

Baird, JanisTitle: Drafting TeacherE-Mail: jbaird@tcps.k12.md.us

Barnett, RachelTitle: Tech Ed TeacherE-Mail: rbarnett@tcps.k12.md.us

Bastos, JavierTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: jbastos@tcps.k12.md.us

Beaufait, MeganTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: mbeaufait@tcps.k12.md.us

Berrang, JudithTitle: Guidance CounselorE-Mail: jberrang@tcps.k12.md.us

Biringer, JasonTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: jbiringer@tcps.k12.md.us

Boehm, BlairTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: bboehm@tcps.k12.md.us

Brown, AngelaTitle: Case ManagerE-Mail: abrown@tcps.k12.md.us

Brown, LindaTitle: Tech Ed TeacherE-Mail: lbrown@tcps.k12.md.us

Brown, SeanTitle: Computer TechnicianE-Mail: sbrown@tcps.k12.md.us

Burke, AndrewTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: Aburke@tcps.k12.md.us

Burkhardt, JRTitle: Guidance CounselorE-Mail: jrburkhardt@tcps.k12.md.us

Burkhardt, LenoreTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: lburkhardt@tcps.k12.md.us

Callahan, TheresaTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: tacallahan@tcps.k12.md.us

Candel, JosephTitle: Full Time SubstituteE-Mail: jcandel@tcps.k12.md.us

Carney, CynthiaTitle: Instructional AssistantE-Mail: ccarney@tcps.k12.md.us

Collinson, JeanneTitle: Technology SecretaryE-Mail: jcollinson@tcps.k12.md.us

Criniti, GregoryTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: gcriniti@tcps.k12.md.us

Curry, KatherineTitle: Mathematics TeacherE-Mail: kcurry@tcps.k12.md.us

Detrich, TracyTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: tdetrich@tcps.k12.md.us

Dixon, JamaineTitle: School Security OfficerE-Mail: jdixon@tcps.k12.md.us

Duncan, ChristineTitle: Art TeacherE-Mail: cduncan@tcps.k12.md.us

Enzor, DoreenTitle: SecretaryE-Mail: denzor@tcps.k12.md.us

Ewing, BrendaTitle: Special Education Personal AssistantE-Mail: bewing@tcps.k12.md.us

Farraj, TammieTitle: ESOL TeacherE-Mail: tfarraj@tcps.k12.md.us

Farris, ElizabethTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: efarris@tcps.k12.md.us

Fellows, LindaTitle: Facilitator - School to CareerE-Mail: lfellows@tcps.k12.md.us

Figueira, MiguelTitle: Foreign Language TeacherE-Mail: mfigueira@tcps.k12.md.us

George, DamyrnaTitle: Special Education Personal AssistantE-Mail: dgeorge@tcps.k12.md.us

Godbout, RobertTitle: Biology TeacherE-Mail: rgodbout@tcps.k12.md.us

Gould, CharleneTitle: SecretaryE-Mail: cgould@tcps.k12.md.us

Gowers, DeborahTitle: SecretaryE-Mail: dgowers@tcps.k12.md.us

Greenhawk, JanetTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: jgreenhawk@tcps.k12.md.us

Grimm, BarryTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: bgrimm@tcps.k12.md.us

Haddaway, ScottTitle: Physical Education TeacherE-Mail: shaddaway@tcps.k12.md.us

Hammond, JonathanTitle: NJROTC SpecialistE-Mail: jhammond@tcps.k12.md.us

Hines, GarnetteTitle: Career & Technology Education TeacherE-Mail: ghall@tcps.k12.md.us

Hoffman, FlorenceTitle: Cafeteria ManagerE-Mail: fcahall@tcps.k12.md.us

Holmes, EltonTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: eholmes@tcps.k12.md.us

Hutchins, JedinaTitle: Business TeacherE-Mail: jhutchins@tcps.k12.md.us

Hutchinson, DonaldTitle: Special Education TeacherE-Mail: chutchinson@tcps.k12.md.us

Keeler, TamaraTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: tkeeler@tcps.k12.md.us

Keenan, DennisTitle: Special Ed TeacherE-Mail: dkeenen@tcps.k12.md.us

Keswick, WilliamTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: wkeswick@tcps.k12.md.us

Knauss, JamesTitle: Health TeacherE-Mail: jknauss@tcps.k12.md.us

Kolakowski, JonaTitle: Special Education Personal/Teacher AssistantE-Mail: jkolakowski@tcps.k12.md.us

Lester, SusanTitle: Business TeacherE-Mail: slester@tcps.k12.md.us

Levin, LauraTitle: Special Education SecretaryE-Mail: llevin@tcps.k12.md.us

Lopp, RachelTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: rlopp@tcps.k12.md.us

Majchrzak, MarieTitle: Agriculture TeacherE-Mail: mmajchrzak@tcps.k12.md.us

Meer, KennethTitle: NJROTC InstructorE-Mail: kmeer@tcps.k12.md.us

Melchior, JuneTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: jmelchior@tcps.k12.md.us

Messich, LaurenTitle: Biology TeacherE-Mail: lmessich@tcps.k12.md.us

Mielke, MandiTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: mmielke@tcps.k12.md.us

Mowrer, NancyTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: nmowrer@tcps.k12.md.us

Nimmo, JessicaTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: jnimmo@tcps.k12.md.us

Noyes, ChristineTitle: Music TeacherE-Mail: cnoyes@tcps.k12.md.us

O'Keefe, KerryTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: kokeefe@tcps.k12.md.us

O'Neill, RuthannTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: roneill@tcps.k12.md.us

Overington, CherylTitle: Science TeacherE-Mail: coverington@tcps.k12.md.us

Pantusa, JenniferTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: jpantusa@tcps.k12.md.us

Parker, KathrynTitle: Instructional AssistantE-Mail: kparker@tcps.k12.md.us

Patrick, TraciTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: tpatrick@tcps.k12.md.us

Payne, JefferyTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: jpayne@tcps.k12.md.us

Phillips, LeithTitle: Art TeacherE-Mail: lphillips@tcps.k12.md.us

Phipps, DeborahTitle: Special Education Personal AssistantE-Mail: dphipps@tcps.k12.md.us

Plutschak, HeatherTitle: Guidance CounselorE-Mail: hplutschak@tcps.k12.md.us

Popp, KennethTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: kpopp@tcps.k12.md.us

Powell, JenniferTitle: Health TeacherE-Mail: jpowell@tcps.k12.md.us

Ramey, MaryanTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: mramey@tcps.k12.md.us

Reyes, SindyTitle: Instructional AssistantE-Mail: sreyes@tcps.k12.md.us

Robbins, MelissaTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: mrobbins@tcps.k12.md.us

Roberts, ChristineTitle: Foreign Language TeacherE-Mail: croberts@tcps.k12.md.us

Saulsbury, WilliamTitle: Health TeacherE-Mail: msaulsbury@tcps.k12.md.us

Shaffer, MargaretTitle: Media SpecialistE-Mail: mshaffer@tcps.k12.md.us

Spiker, MatthewTitle: Special Education TeacherE-Mail: mspiker@tcps.k12.md.us

Stamer, SandraTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: sstamer@tcps.k12.md.us

Stebbins, StephanieTitle: Special Education TeacherE-Mail: sstebbins@tcps.k12.md.us

Storch, SandraTitle: Foreign Language TeacherE-Mail: sstorch@tcps.k12.md.us

Strother, MicheleTitle: Special Education TeacherE-Mail: mstrother@tcps.k12.md.us

Swann, MichelleTitle: Special Ed TeacherE-Mail: mswann@tcps.k12.md.us

Turner, AlanaTitle: Math TeacherE-Mail: aturner@tcps.k12.md.us

Wager, MichaelTitle: English TeacherE-Mail: mwager@tcps.k12.md.us

Whitelock, JaneTitle: Biology TeacherE-Mail: jwhitelock@tcps.k12.md.us

Willey, BrianTitle: Auto TeacherE-Mail: bwilley@tcps.k12.md.us

Wilson, KeithTitle: Social Studies TeacherE-Mail: kwilson@tcps.k12.md.us

Wilson, LindaTitle: SecretaryE-Mail: lwilson@tcps.k12.md.us

Wilson, VickieTitle: Guidance CounselorE-Mail: vwilson@tcps.k12.md.us

Wittman, MargaretTitle: Special Education TeacherE-Mail: mwittman@tcps.k12.md.us

Wolters, AndreaTitle: Tech Ed TeacherE-Mail: awolters@tcps.k12.md.us

ranking =
bar pass rate =
roll =
ceeb =
school code =
ofsted =
testaverage =
national_ranking =
classrooms =
class =
classes offered =
avg_class_size =
ratio =
graduates =
gender =
lower_age =
upper_age =
houses =
schooltype =
fundingtype =
type = Public high school
system =
fees =
tuition =
revenue =
endowment =
budget =
enrollment =
products =
age range =
grades = 9-12
medium =
language = English
campus =
campus size =
campus type =
Hours_in_Day = 8am - 2:41pm
athletics =
conference =
slogan =
song =
fightsong =
motto =
accreditation =
rival =
mascot =

sports =
patron =
team_name =
nickname =
school_colours = Black and Orange
yearbook =
publication =
newspaper = Eastonian
opened =
established =
founded =
status =
closed =
students =
pupils =
alumni =
nobel_laureates =
grade6 =
grade7 =
grade8 =
grade9 =
grade10 =
grade11 =
grade12 =
other_grade_label =
other =
communities =
feeders =
free_label =
free_text =
free_label1 =
free_text1 =
free_label2 =
free_text2 =
free_label3 =
free_text3 =
free_label4 =
free_text4 =
free_label5 =
free_text5 =
footnotes =
picture =
homepage = [http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/index.php/schools/ehs Easton High School website]

Easton High School (EHS) is a four-year public high school in Easton, Talbot County, Maryland, United States. It is one of two public high schools in Talbot County along with St. Michaels Middle/High School.


The school is located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in the town of Easton in Talbot County. The school is on Mecklenburg Avenue, which is west of U.S. 50 and east of Maryland 565.

The current building has convert|100000|sqft|m2 of space located on convert|32.91|acre|ha of land. [ [http://sdatcert3.resiusa.org/rp_rewrite/details.aspx?AccountNumber=01%20026488%20%20%20%20%20%20%20&County=21&SearchType=STREET Maryland Property Database] ]


Easton's graduation rate has been fairly steady over the past 12 years. In 2007 the school graduated 94.1%, up from 80.73% in 1997 and the highest in the previous 12 years. [ [http://www.mdreportcard.org/StatDisplay.aspx?PV=26|12|20|0101|3|N|6|1|1|2|1|1|1|1|3 Maryland Report Card] ]

The school population has increased nearly 50% over the past 12 years. In 2007 the school was at its 12-year high enrollment with 1,228 students.


State Champions

* 2008 - Girls' Softball [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/springsports/softball/ Softball - MPSSAA.org ] ]
* 2004 - Girls' Softball [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/softball/Softball%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Girls' Softball] ]
* 2002 - Girls' Softball
* 2000 - Girls' Softball
* 1995 - Boys' Baseball [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/baseball/Baseball%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Baseball] ]
* 1994 - Boys' Baseball
* 1994 - Boys' Soccer [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/fallsports/boyssoccer/boys%20soccer%20champs%202007.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Soccer] ]
* 1994 - Girls' Basketball [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/wintersports/girlsbasketball/Girls%20State%20Basketball%20Champions.pdf ] ]
* 1993 - Boys' Soccer
* 1993 - Girls' Basketball
* 1991 - Girls' Field Hockey [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/fallsports/fieldhockey/fh%20state%20champs%202007%20.pdf MPSSAA Field Hockey] ]
* 1990 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1989 - Boys' Soccer
* 1988 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1987 - Boys' Baseball
* 1987 - Girls' Tennis Doubles [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/girlstennis/Girls%20Tennis%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Girls' Tennis Doubles] ]
* 1986 - Girls' Tennis Doubles
* 1985 - Girls' Tennis Doubles
* 1983 - Tennis Mixed Doubles [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/boystennis/Mixed%20Doubles%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Tennis Mixed Doubles] ]
* 1968 - Boys' Basketball [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/wintersports/boysbasketball/Boys%20Basketball%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Basketball] ]

State Finalist

* 2006 - Girls' Softball
* 2005 - Girls' Softball
* 1998 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1997 - Boys' Baseball
* 1997 - Boys' Soccer
* 1997 - Girls' Softball
* 1993 - Boys' Cross Country [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/fallsports/boysxcountry/State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Cross Country] ]
* 1993 - Football [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/fallsports/football/Football%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Football] ]
* 1992 - Football
* 1992 - Boys' Cross Country
* 1992 - Boys' Soccer
* 1992 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1986 - Boys' Track & Field [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/boystrackandfield/Boys%20Track%20and%20Field%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Track & Field] ]
* 1986 - Football
* 1986 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1981 - Football
* 1965 - Boys' Basketball
* 1954 - Boys' Basketball
* 1952 - Boys' Basketball
* 1947 - Boys' Basketball

State Semi-Finalist

* 2006 - Girls' Lacrosse [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/girlslacrosse/Girls%20Lacrosse%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Girls' Lacrosse] ]
* 2005 - Girls' Lacrosse
* 2003 - Girls' Lacrosse
* 2002 - Boys' Baseball
* 2001 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1997 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1993 - Boys' Lacrosse [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/springsports/boyslacrosse/Boys%20Lacrosse%20State%20Champions.pdf MPSSAA Boys' Lacrosse] ]
* 1993 - Girls' Softball
* 1991 - Boys' Soccer
* 1991 - Football
* 1990 - Football
* 1989 - Football
* 1989 - Girls' Field Hockey
* 1988 - Boys' Baseball
* 1988 - Boys' Basketball
* 1987 - Boys' Soccer
* 1987 - Girls' Soccer [ [http://www.mpssaa.org/assets/fallsports/volleyball/state%20champs%20after%202007.pdf MPSSAA Girls' Soccer] ]
* 1986 - Boys' Soccer
* 1977 - Girls' Soccer
* 1966 - Boys' Basketball
* 1953 - Boys' Basketball

Notable Alumni

* Richard F. Colburn - Maryland State Senator
* Jeannie Haddaway - Maryland State Delegate

References and notes

ee also

* List of high schools in Maryland
* Talbot County Public Schools

External links

* [http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/index.php?page=easton_high_school Easton High School website]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=easton+md&ie=UTF8&ll=38.754786,-76.065474&spn=0.005857,0.010042&t=h&z=17&om=0 Map of School from Google Maps]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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