- Prostitution in Jamaica
Prostitution in Jamaica is illegal, but is widely tolerated.
Pimp ing is not a regular practice on the island; most female prostitutes solicit from their homes or join customers in their hotel rooms or private homes. A number of prostitutes dance in adult night clubs and a percentage of them are from other countries. These imported prostitutes work in the more sophisticated night clubs in Kingston, which cater mainly to tourists, foreign workers, diplomats and affluent locals. Other clubs have mostly local prostitutes, some of whom have regular day jobs. [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/women-who-travel-for-sex-sun-sea-and-gigolos-407202.html]Massage parlours in Jamaica sometimes operate as fronts for
brothel s. These are well advertised in local pornographic magazines and in official newspapers.Gay prostitutes can be found working in hotels as entertainment coordinators.You may, if you are "lucky", find a male prostitute on the streets, they are around but they keep their distances from the public, due to the homophobic nature of the society. There are a few street walkers in the city of Kingston, but in the tourist areas of Montego Bay and Ochio Rios, young girls and guys visit hot spots where tourists hang out,not necessarily to sell themselves, but usually to find a man or woman from a first world country to give them opportunities.Then you know sex will come in the mix and money will be exchanged. Some of these result in long term relationships.
However you have "Private Whores" who have more than one sex partners who they give sexual preferences and in return get apartments, cars and there bills paid every month.
In Jamaica a lot of young people strive for a better life,and so,are pressured to have sex at an early age. Some (especially young girls) have the mind set that they have to go with the flow,so the in thing is to find a rich man or one who can give them opportunities and have him take care of her. Or work in a strip club and get paid for prostituting themselves, thus to buy the latest brand name wears and maybe a house and a car.
Though prostitution in Jamaica is currently illegal there have been discussions within the Jamaican government in July 2008 about legalising, regulating and taxing the industry. The legalization of the industry however does not seem likely at least not in the near future.
ee also
Female sex tourism External links
* [http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/story.html?id=2bdb148d-66df-4f8a-918f-ffe59d617b90 Sex tourism in full boom]
* [http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/columns/html/20060812T210000-0500_111100_OBS__LOVE_TOURISM__.asp 'Love tourism']
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2006/jul/23/jamaica.theatre.theobserver Focus: Sex tourism in Jamaica]
* [http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/html/20050626t010000-0500_83123_obs_the_children_of_jamaica_s_sex_trade.asp The children of Jamaica's sex trade]
* [http://www.sundayindependent.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=3340384 Women who travel for sun and sex]
* [http://www.aegis.com/news/mh/2003/MH030706.html Jamaican beach boys a tourist temptation]
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2006/jul/23/jamaica.theatre.theobserver Sex, sand and sugar mummies in a Caribbean beach fantasy]
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