John August

John August

John August (born August 4, 1970 in Boulder, Colorado as John Meise [imdb name|0041864] ) is an American screenwriter and film director.


Born and raised in Boulder, Colorado, August earned a degree in journalism from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa and an MFA in film from the The Peter Stark Producing Program at the University of Southern California. He lives in Los Angeles. He was married on June 28, 2008 after California's ban on gay marriage was lifted. [ [ » I got married ] ]


August's debut film was 1999's critically-acclaimed "Go", which he also co-produced and was second unit director in. Since that time, his credits include "Big Fish", for which he was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, "Charlie's Angels", "Titan A.E.", and "".

He wrote the screenplay for both of Tim Burton's 2005 ventures, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", an adaptation of Roald Dahl's classic children's book, and "Corpse Bride".

As of 2006, August is writing a feature adaptation of "Tarzan" and executive producing a movie version of Jordan Mechner's videogame "" for Jerry Bruckheimer's company. At the moment he is writing the script for the superhero movie "Shazam!".

He runs a website aimed at budding screenwriters, [] , and a semi-regular Q&A at the Internet Movie Database.

His directorial debut, an independently-produced drama entitled "The Nines", was screened at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival.

Produced screenplays

*"Blue Streak" (uncredited rewrite)
*"Titan A.E."
*"Charlie's Angels"
*"Jurassic Park III" (uncredited rewrite)
*"Minority Report" (uncredited rewrite)
*"The Rundown" (uncredited rewrite)
*"Big Fish"
*"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
*"Corpse Bride"
*"The Nines" (also director)
*"Iron Man" (uncredited rewrite)
*"" (in development)

Unproduced screenplays

*"Here and Now" (first script)
*"How to Eat Fried Worms" (unused draft)
*"A Wrinkle in Time" (unused draft)
*"Devil's Canyon" (unsold zombie western)
*"Fenwick's Suit"
*"Demonology (described as "Aliens" meets "Clueless")
*"Fantasy Island"
*"Thief of Always"
*"Scared Guys"
*"Fury" (unsold violent action spec)
*"Tarzan" (modern-day interpretation)


External links

* [ John August's Personal Website]
* [ Test screening of his untitled project]
* [ Some Biographical and Career Information]
* [ August's initial thoughts on Captain Marvel film]
* [ John August on writing, creativity, and the creative process -- an interview with June 7, 2007]

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