- Tanoli
The Tanolis (Urdu: تنولی ) also called Tanaoli, Tanol, Tol, Tholi, Tahola, Tarnoli, Tanwalis are a tribe of Hazaracite book
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=UQUtQzPtC6wC&pg=RA4-PA455&dq=Tanoli+tribe&lr=&ei=jzpISLeqB57wigH82fz4BA&sig=6tfp1RjomxF9EcVj7KTPtIKPJfM
title = A glossary of the tribes and castes of the punjab and north west frontier
author = H.A. Rose, IBBETSON, Maclagan
year = 1990
publisher =Asian Educational Services
ISBN = 8120605055
pages = 455
accessdate = 2008-06-05 ] . They are aMuslim MughalBarlas tribe residing mainly in the Amb,Hazara Division of theNorth-West Frontier Province Pakistan . This statement of descent has been recorded in the "Gazetteer of the Hazara District". ["Gazetteer of the Hazara District", Sangmeel Publication, 1990 p38]The homeland of the Tanolis is Tanawal, which is divided into two parts; Upper Tanawal and Lower Tanawal which cover a great part of Hazara have been ruled by Tanolis for centuries. They have ruled the state of Amb in Hazara since the beginning of 18th century. Many Khans of their dynasty have gained mass popularity as heroes. Charles Allen referred to them in his book "Men who made the North-West Frontier" as "the extremely hostile and powerful Tanolis of the Tanawal Mountains, brave and hardy and accounted for the best swordsmen in Hazara.""
They were also the last ruling
dynasty of the Princely State of Amb.Origins and History
A prominent theory is of the
Barlas Mugal origin, which has been recorded officially by the the Tanoli Hindwal sept chief Nawabzada Saludin Saeed Khan ["Hazara Gazzetter", 1990, p38, "the Herald interview of Nawabzada Salahuddin Saeed Khan Tanoli"] . It is said that they were settled in the region of Tanawal and established their tribes and evicted tribes that were already settled there. Over time they intermarried with other Pashtun and Turkic tribes and settled in the region.Other historians suggest a Pakhtun origin for example in "The Golden Book of India" Sir Roper Lethbridge on page 328 states about Nawab Muhammad Akram Khan, Sir, K.C.S.I "The Nawab Bahadur is Chief of Amb, on the right bank of the Indus, where he and his ancestors have long been independent. Belongs to a Pathan (Muhammadan) family...."
The Pathan Origin theory has been mentioned in other works of literature. ["Across the Border: Pathan and Bilochi" by Edward Emmerson Oliver, p313] ["Afghan and Pathan: A Sketch" by George Batley Scott (1928), p71] ["A Handbook of Fighting Races of India" by P D Bonarjee, p37]
In the section titled "Races allied to the Pathan" Sir Denzil Ibbetson records
"Syed Murad Ali Shah", the author of "Tarikh-i-Tanaolian", supports their claim saying that the ancestors of the Tanolis lived in the "Tanal Pass", the then famous pass in Afghanistan. He further says that Sultan Sabuktagin, after defeating a Hindu Mahraja Jaipala conquering the area up to Attock, brought five thousand people from the Tanal Pass who were a mixture of the Mughals, Syeds and Afghans and settled them in Swat where Anawar Din Khan Mughal was appointed the ruler. For a long time they ruled Swat and gradually settled in Mahaban. The ancestor of Tanolis was Amir Khan Beerdewa who had six sons namely Pall Khan, Hind Khan, Thakar Khan, Arjin Khan and Kul Khan. After the names of Beerdewa's sons there are six main clans of the Tanaolis. They are also split up into numerous smaller sections, whose names all end in 'al'.
According to the same source the Tanolis, finally under the command of Maulvi Mohammad Ibrahim, crossed the river Indus into Hazara and after defeating the Turks lashkar settled there. Their settlement took place in 1472 when "Chara" and "Mamara" were their prominent leaders.
The whole of the territory ruled by the chief of Amb was known as "Mulk-e-Tanawal" ["Settlement Report of Hazara District", 1872 pages 682 & 684] . The volumous Urdu copy of the settlement report of Hazara compiled by Major Wace in 1872 contains many passages in its historical resume of the area. In a number of maps drawn at the time and enclosed in the report, showing Hazara under the Mughals and under the Durranis, the Amb state has been shown as Mulk-i-Tanawal. (Country of Tanawal). The original existence of that Mulk is as old as the middle period of the great Afghan invasions of India. The principality ruled by the Nawabs of Amb was spread over 30 miles in tne Indus valley and 200 miles in the upper Tanawal area comprising more than 500 villages. Syed Murad Ali Shah stated that the area had been divided amongst the two brothers Chara and Mamara - the Upper and the Lower Tanawal.
The former occupied by Hindwal and latter by Palal. "Haibat Khan" and "Suba Khan", after eleven generations, became prominent Khans of whom former founded Amb state. His grandson, "Painda Khan", became independent master of the area and he not only fought with Sikhs but also with Mujahidin who were under Syed Ahmad Shaheed's command. According to a 1990 report based on a 1883 census, about the end of the 17th century (although it could be a century earlier), the Tanoli crossed the river and occupied the hill country between Abbottabad (sic) and the river, now know by their name as Tanawal. They held "the Tanawal tract in the west center of the Hazara district between Abbottabad and the Indus, much of which belongs to the semi-independent Nawab of Amb". cite book
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=UQUtQzPtC6wC&pg=RA1-PA256&vq=tan%C3%A1oli&dq=Tanoli+tribe&lr=&hl=es&source=gbs_search_s&sig=ACfU3U1LUpN_3hY0fgAJqPnTyQ_Ywt1DHAA
title = A glossary of the tribes and castes of the punjab and north west frontier
author = H.A. Rose, IBBETSON, Maclagan
year = 1990
publisher =Asian Educational Services
ISBN = 8120605055
pages = 256
accessdate = 2008-06-05 ] From the same source: "(Tanoli and other non Pakhtun tribes) are one of a few allied races, who though not usually acknowledged as Pathans, have by long association become assimilated with them in manners, customs, and character. They chiefly occupy Hazara, and are called Dilazak, Swati, Jadun, Tanaoli and Shilmani" cite book
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=UQUtQzPtC6wC&pg=RA1-PA216&vq=tanaoli&dq=Tanoli+tribe&lr=&hl=es&source=gbs_search_s&cad=1&sig=ACfU3U1UIy8xkHBp5Yz0r43ZAmBlCzEpbA
title = A glossary of the tribes and castes of the punjab and north west frontier
author = H.A. Rose, IBBETSON, Maclagan
year = 1990
publisher =Asian Educational Services
ISBN = 8120605055
pages = 216
accessdate = 2008-06-09]ardar Zabardast Khan/ Suba Khan Tanoli
In AD 1752 the Tanoli Chief "Sardaar Zabardast Khan" allied with fellow Afghan, and King of Afghanistan
Ahmed Shah Abdali , in his conquest of India. His renown was such, that he gained the title of Suba Khan fromAhmed Shah Abdali for his bravery in the historical battle against theMarathas at Panipat, where two hundred and fifty thousand strong army ofMarathas were famously defeated by just sixty thousand of Abdali's soldiers and allied Muslim tribes. Later his brother Haibat Khan's grandson,Mir Nawab Khan saw the Durrani empire crumbling and defeated the Durranis, thus freeing his kingdom of their control, however, in this battle he was killed by Sardaar Azim Khan.Mir Painda Khan
Mir Painda Khan is famed for his staunch rebellion against Maharaja
Ranjit Singh 's Governors of Hazara. He was the son of Mir Nawab Khan, who defeated the Durranis and freed his kingdom from their influence.From about 1813, he spent a life long rebellion against the Sikhs, who, realising the potential of this rebellion, set up forts at strategic locations to keep him in check. Hari Singh Nalwa took this initiative during his governorship.
Painda Khan's relentless rebellion against the Sikh empire, cost him a major portion of his Kingdom, leaving only his twin capitals Amb and Darband. However, this deterred him less and appeared to increase his resistance against the Sikh government.
The District Gazetteer of the North-West Frontier Province (p138) confirms, "Painda Khan, played a considerable part in the history of his time and vigorously opposed the Sikhs."Mir Painda Khan set the tone for the regional resistance against Sikh rule. In 1828 Mir Painda Khan gifted the State of Phulra to his brother Mir Madad Khan.
Eventually, realising that the Heroic Tanoli Khan would not be subdued by force, General Dhaurikal Singh, commanding officer of the Sikh troops in Hazara, had Painda Khan poisoned to death in September 1844. He is still revered in Hazara today as a Heroic Warrior King of the People.
Mir Jehandad Khan
This Tanoli chief deserves special mention as the son of a famous Tanoli hero of Amb Darband Hazara, Mir Painda Khan. It is mentioned in "Men who made the North-West Frontier" that:
This was a strong testament to the physical, political power and heroic background of the House of Tanoli which continued throughout the history of the tribes ancestry.
Mir Jehandad Khan is further mentioned in the same source as:
In 1852, Jehandad Khan was summoned by the President of the Board of Administration (who travelled to Hazara to see the Khan) in relation to a murder enquiry of two British civilians in his lands. It is mentioned in the above source (p203,p204) that:
This famed statement was the talk of the day and remembered by many locals of Hazara even to this day as a heroic answer to a staunch threat from a powerful official. .
Nawab Sir Muhammad Akram Khan
The next chief of the Tanolis and son of Mir Jahandad Khan was Nawab Sir Akram Khan (K.C.S.I)(1868 - 1907). He was a popular chief and it was during his tenure that the fort at Shergarh was constructed, along with Dogah and Shahkot Forts. His rule was a peaceful time for Tanawal with no major conflicts. He was later conferred the title Nawab Bahadur by the British Raj
Nawab Sir Muhammad Khanizaman Khan
Nawab Khanizaman Khan succeeded his father in taking over the reins of power in Tanawal in Amb. He helped the British in carrying out the Black Mountain (Kala Dhaka/Tur Ghar)expeditions.
Nawab Sir Muhammad Farid Khan
Nawab Sir Muhammad Farid Khan (K.B.E) succeeded his father Nawab Khanizaman Khan. He had had a very good relation with The Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan. His contributions to the Pakistan movement have been acknowledged by letters from The Quaid e Azam. In 1947 the Nawab of Amb, Mohammad Farid Khan, acceded to Pakistan. In 1969, the state was incorporated into the North-West Frontier Province. He died in 1969 and in 1971 the royal status of the Nawab was abolished by the Government of Pakistan.
Malik Nawab Khan Tanoli
Malik Nawab Khan was a great personality of Lower "Tanawal". "Major Abbot" mentioned him as a "Brave man" in his book written on
Abbottabad . "Malik Nawab Khan" was a learned man and an able soldier. He was a strong religious man. "Malik Nawab Khan" was among the fellow tribesmen of famous "Mir Jehandad Khan".Tanolis Today
The majority of Tanolis reside in the former state of Amb in the
Hazara Division of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. A branch of the Tanoli tribe also resides in Kashmir mainly in Muzaffarabad. The famous ancestral forefather of this Kashmiri branch was "Amir Mir-ullah". Tanolis have a big area of territory called "Upper Tanawal" and "Lower Tanawal". Upper Tanawal is considered as backward area and has its quota in Govt of Pakistan. Tanolis have their majority throughout "Hazara Division Abbottabad, Haripur, Mansehra, Battagram, Kohistan". Tanolis are also living in some areas of "Swabi, Nowshera, Rawalpindi, Gujar Khan" and "Sultanpur". A large number of Tanolis are also living inKarachi .Their main language is
Hindko . Tanolis living in Pashtun dominated areas speakPushtu and those living in Punjab speak Punjabi and others living in others countries speak dominant language of those states e.g. English as this is a natural phenomenon.Some Tanolis migrated to UK after the 2nd World War to help rebuild the war ravaged country.
Famous Tanoli Personalities Today:
Nawabzada Salahuddin Saeed Khan Tanoli (Present Nawab Amb)(Former Federal Minister Pakistan)(Five Times Member National Assembly 1985-1999)
Habib-ur-Rehman Tanoli (Former Minister for Local Government NWFP)
Ayub Khan Tanoli (Former Minister of Law, Education and Health)
Ashraf Khan Tanoli (Former Advocate-General Balochistan)
Muhammad Younis Tanoli (Advocate-General NWFP)
Malik Rabnawaz Khan Tanoli (President Kashmir Council UK)
* "Gazetteer of the Hazara District", 1883-4 (p38).
* "Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North West Frontier Province" H.A Rose, p255 & p256 [http://books.google.com/books?id=UQUtQzPtC6wC&pg=RA1-PA216&vq=tanaoli&dq=Tanoli+tribe&lr=&hl=es&source=gbs_search_s&cad=1&sig=ACfU3U1UIy8xkHBp5Yz0r43ZAmBlCzEpbA#PRA1-PA256,M1 link to page 256]* "Chiefs and Families of Note in Punjab" by
Lepel H. Griffin (1910, ii, p254)* "Gazetteer of the North-Western Frontier Province" p138.
* "Gazeteer of Hazara District (1883/4)". (p.61)* "History of the Sikhs" by J.D. Cunningham, (1849).
* "Panjab Castes" by
Denzil Ibbetson , Delhi, p93.
* "The Jaduns" by Sultan Khan Jadun (2001).* "Tarikh-ul-Afghan ka Tehqiqi Jahiza" by Sultan Khan Jadun (1979).
* "Tairikh-e-Hazara" by Dr Sher Bahadur Khan Panni.
* "Al Afghan Tanoli" by Ghulam Nabi Khan.
* "Journal of Central Asia" Vol XII, (July 1990), Prof.
Ahmed Hasan Dani , July, 1990 p79.* "Soldier Sahibs: The Men who made the North-Western Frontier" by Charles Allen, Abacus 2001.
Further reading
* "The Golden Book of India: A Genealogical and Biographical Dictionary of the of the ruling princes, chiefs, nobles, and other personages, titled or decorated, of the Indian empire, with an appendix for Ceylon" by Sir Roper Lethbridge, Elibron Classics, p328.
* "A Handbook of Fighting Races of India" by P D Bonarjee, p37.* "Afghan and Pathan: A Sketch" by George Batley Scott (1928), p71.
* "Plain Tales of the Afghan Border" By John Charles Edward Bowen, Mohammed Zarif, p94-95.
* "Sir George Cunningham: A Memoir By Norval Mitchell" Published 1968 Blackwood pg 32, 88, 111.
* "Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law" By Society of Comparative Legislation, London (1901) pg 318.
* "The Pathan Borderland" By James William Spain, Published 1963 Mouton, pg 154, 222.
* "The Illustrated Who's Who in Reigning Royalty: A History of Contemporary" by William G. Valko, p253.
* "The Book of Precedence" By John Bernard Burke (Harrison, 1881)( Original from Oxford University) pg 39, 59, 74.
* "A record of the expeditions undertaken against the North-west frontier tribes. Compiled from the military and political despatches, Lieut.-Colonel McGregor's gazetteer, and other official sources" by William Henry Paget (Calcutta, Office of Supt. of Govt. Printing, 1874.) pg 25-28.
* "Moslem Nationalism in India and Pakistan" by Hafeez Malik (1963), p178.
* "Hazell’s Annual" edited by Watson and Viney (London : Hazell, Watson and Viney) Pg 354.
* "Across the Border: Or Pathan and Biloch" by Edward Emmerson Oliver, London : Chapman and Hall, 1890. p313.
* "The Native States of India" by Jabad Chandra Chakarabarti, p10.
* "General Hari Singh Nalwa: Builder of the Sikh Empire" By Autar Singh Sandhu, p14, p34-36.
* "Sir Jadunath Sarkar Commemoration: Volume S" By Jadunath Sarkar, p150.
* "Frontier and overseas expeditions from India" By India Army. Intelligence Branch (Quetta : Nisa Traders : Sole distributors, Gosha-e-Adab, 1979.) pg 114-119.
* "Punjab on the eve of first Sikh War: a documentary study of the political, social, and economic conditions of the Panjab as depicted in the daily letters written chiefly from Lahore by British intelligencers ... during the period from 30 December 1843 to 31 October 1844" By Hari Ram Gupta, p 84, 103, 132, 148, 389.
* "Gulabnama of Diwan Kirpa Ram: A History of Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir" by Kirpa Ram(1977), p224.
* "Encyclopaedic Asiatic, Comprising Indian Subcontinent, Eastern and Southern Asia" by Edward Balfour (1976 Cosmo Publications)( First Published in 1858), p215.
* "Frontier Speaks" By Mohammad Yunus (Published 1947 Hind Kitabs), pg 73.
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