- Power system
Power system refers to
Electric power transmission ee also
Continual power system
*Emergency power system
*Power Systems CAD
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Power system refers to
ee also
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Power system 2 — Le Power System 2 est un système pour borne d arcade, conçu par la société sud coréenne Limenko en 1999. Sommaire 1 Description 2 Spécifications techniques 2.1 Processeur … Wikipédia en Français
Power System 2 — Le Power System 2 est un système pour borne d arcade, conçu par la société sud coréenne Limenko en 1999. Sommaire 1 Description 2 Spécifications techniques 2.1 Processeur … Wikipédia en Français
Power system protection — is a branch of electrical power engineering that deals with the protection of electrical power systems from faults through the isolation of faulted parts from the rest of the electrical network. The objective of a protection scheme is to keep the … Wikipedia
Power system harmonics — are integer multiples of the fundamental power system frequency. Power system harmonics are created by non linear devices connected to the power system. High levels of power system harmonics can create voltage distortion and power quality… … Wikipedia
Power system simulation — models are a class of computer simulation programs that focus on the operation of electrical power systems. These computer programs are used in a wide range of planning and operational situations including: #Long term generation and transmission… … Wikipedia
Power system simulator for engineering — (PSS/E) is a software tool used for electrical transmission networks. It is an integrated, interactive program for simulating, analyzing, and optimizing power system performance and provides probabilistic and dynamic modeling features. Since its… … Wikipedia
Power system automation — It is not generally known by most users of electricity to what extent power system automation is being used that is until there is a blackout.=Overcurrent protection=All lines and all electrical equipment must be protected against prolonged… … Wikipedia
power system engineer — elektros tinklų inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, atsakingas už elektros tinklų planavimą, projektavimą, įrengimą, eksploatavimą, techninę priežiūrą ir remontą. atitikmenys: angl. power system engineer pranc.… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
power system — noun a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region • Syn: ↑power grid, ↑grid • Hypernyms: ↑facility, ↑installation • Part Holonyms: ↑infrastructure, ↑ba … Useful english dictionary
Emergency power system — Emergency power systems are a type of system, which may include lighting, generators and other apparatus, to provide backup resources in a crisis or when regular systems fail. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from residential homes to … Wikipedia