- Humanitarian exchange
The Humanitarian Exchange or Humanitarian Accord ( _es. Acuerdo Humanitario, Intercambio Humanitario or Canje Humanitario) refers to the possible accord to exchange hostages for prisoners between the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla group and theGovernment of Colombia .The
President of Colombia Álvaro Uribe and the FARC have conditioned the agreement, which has been primarily pushed by the families of the victims, certain Colombian politicians and numerous governments that includeFrance andVenezuela . After years of combat in theColombian armed conflict the FARC guerrilla group kidnapped several government officials, politicians and military and police personnel to pressure the release of their comrades jailed by the government. [ [ [http://www3.terra.com.co/actualidad/articulo/html/acu4424.htm terra.com - Agosto 30 de 2007 El camino de herradura del acuerdo humanitario] ]Demands
The FARC guerrilla demands that in order to proceed with the humanitarian exchange the government must demilitarize a zone, which are the municipalities of
Pradera and Florida in the southern Department of Valle del Cauca. The Government of Colombia maintains that this is impossible and non-negotiable. [ [http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/2007-11-06/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR-3803915.html Reunión de Hugo Chávez con 2 delegados de alto nivel de Farc sería en la madrugada de este martes] ]The FARC guerrilla also wants the exchange of prisoners in Colombia. The government alleges that this is also impossible and non-negotiable, since the 500 guerrillas would return to the jungle and mountains to commit criminal activities once again. The FARC guerrilla demanded the return of their members.
Early years
The FARC began to kidnap in the early 1970s to obtain ransoms and maintain their operations. During the government of President
Ernesto Samper the FARC began to kidnap high profile government, political, military and law enforcement figures to push for the liberation of their comrades held in prisons by the government.FARC assaulted numerous villages and military garrisons in Patascoy and
Mitu and captured several low ranking military and police personnel, for example,John Frank Pinchao . Members of the government were also kidnapped ranging from senators likeJorge Gechem Turbay , presidential candidateIngrid Betancourt , 12 Valle del Cauca Deputies, 3 U.S. contractors who were working withPlan Colombia , among other cases.Law of Exchange
During the presidency of
Andrés Pastrana , the government and the FARC maintained a demilitarized zone in El Caguan in an attempt to negotiate the possiibility of a peace process. FARC freed some 242 soldiers and policemen that were held to pressure the government. [ [http://www.elmundo.es/2001/06/29/mundo/1015683.html elmundo.es Las FARC liberan a 242 soldados y policías que tuvieron años secuestrados ] ] The Farc wanted to establish a permanent "Law of exchange" ( _es. Ley del Canje) which would facilitate the exchange of prisoners with hostages when necessary. [ [http://www.elcolombiano.com.co/proyectos/pastrana/agosto_6/en_el_conflicto/intercambio.htm es icon El intercambio, único acuerdo] ]President Uribe and the United Nations
thumb|right|Colombian_President_Álvaro Uribe ]On
August 7 ,2002 ,Álvaro Uribe took oath as president of Colombia. On this same date Uribe announced that he had attempted to contactUnited Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and asked him to mediate. Annan accepted but only if the two parties agreed. The negotiations through spokesmen started. [ [http://wwwnotes.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/9c60fa02e9939e85c12564f60053c47a/2af57f14e41e9709c125708a00436efb?OpenDocument Colombia: 3 años en busca de un acuerdo humanitario con las FARC] ]Gustavo Moncayo
June 17 ,2007 , ProfessorGustavo Moncayo , father of one of the policemen kidnapped by the FARC guerrilla since 1997, began to walk as protest from his hometownSandoná , in the department of Nariño, southern Colombia, toBogotá , seeking to promote an agreement for the release of his son Pablo Emilio. [http://www.elpais.com.co/paisonline/notas/Julio032007/monca.html es icon El Pais: Entregan pruebas de supervivencia de militares secuestrados ] EL Pais Accessed 25 August 2007.] [http://www.diariodelsur.com.co/agosto/4/online.php?n=13&seccion=Nacional es icon El Diario del Sur: La del profesor Moncayo, Una locura de travesía]El Diario del Sur Accessed 25 August 2007.] He was accompanied by his daughter along thePan-American Highway , stopping in every town he found on his path to have a rest and to collect signatures for a petition to PresidentÁlvaro Uribe to conduct a prisoner exchange. [http://www.elespectador.com/ElEspectador/Secciones/Detalles.aspx?idNoticia=13100&idSeccion=18 es icon El Espectador: Alcaldía de Bogotá avala decisión del profesor Moncayo]El Espectador Accessed 25 August 2007.]Mediation by France
While president of
France ,Jacques Chirac exerted political pressure on the Uribe administration to persuade him to accept the FARC demands and achieve the humanitarian exchange. Uribe conditioned the offer and suggested that the imprisoned guerrillas would be liberated in France instead of Colombia. [ [https://pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/editorial/actual/ael2/bulletin.es.asp?liste=20060127.es.html Viaje a Colombia. Entrevista del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores Sr Philippe Douste-Blazy con el diario El Colombiano "El Tiempo"] ] This was later discarded by the FARC.As a candidate
Nicolas Sarkozy reassured his intentions to push for the liberation ofIngrid Betancourt and the other hostages held by the FARC.Mediation by Hugo Chávez
President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez was contacted by Colombian liberal senatorPiedad Córdoba to bargain a negotiation for the "humanitarian exchange". President Uribe authorized his mediation with the condition that the meetings between him and the FARC occurred in Venezuelan territory. OnNovember 5 ,2007 , Chávez announced that members of the Secretariat of the FARC (higher command) were in Venezuela. [ [http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/2007-11-05/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR-3802644.html es icon Inminente reunión entre Farc y Hugo Chávez alienta esperanza de canje humanitario en Colombia] ]Meeting with the FARC
November 8 ,2007 , Chávez met at thePalacio de Miraflores with alias "Iván Márquez " one of the highest members of the FARC and members of its Secretariat. Márquez is considered one of the most radical political leaders of the FARC. Chávez announced that the FARC wanted the demilitarization of the municipalities of Florida and Pradera in the Department of Valle del Cauca and also asked for a meeting between Chávez and alias "Manuel Marulanda Velez " leader of the FARC in the Region of Yari. The Yari is considered a historic enclave by the FARC, but after the military offensives ofPlan Colombia andPlan Patriota these were pushed out from the area. The region of Yari is located within the Department of Vichada, near the border withVenezuela andBrazil . To these Chávez publicly asked Uribe for the creation of the demilitarized zone. [ [http://www.semana.com/wf_InfoArticulo.aspx?idArt=107570 es icon semana.com Las Farc le dicen a Chávez que sin un despeje militar en Colombia es imposible avanzar en el intercambio humanitario] ]On
November 19 ,2007 , President Chávez, Senator Cordoba and President Sarkozy met inParis with most of the media expecting videos proving that the kidnapped remained alive. President Uribe meanwhile announced that he had set up a limit for President Chávez as negotiator for the humanitarian exchange untilDecember 31 ,2007 . This, after Chávez proposed a meeting between "Tiro Fijo" and President Uribe. Chávez did not provide any evidence. [ [http://www.elespectador.com/elespectador/Secciones/Detalles.aspx?idNoticia=17964&idSeccion=18 es icon El Espectador: Mediation by Chavez until December 31st] ]End of mediation by Hugo Chávez
November 22 ,2007 , President Uribe decided to end the mediation by President Chávez and senator Cordoba after Chávez decided to communicate directly with the higher command of the Colombian military. Uribe, in a private conversation, had warned Chávez during the 17thIbero-American Summit not to talk directly with members of the Colombian military without going through the chain of command and the proper diplomatic channels. [ [http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/2007-11-23/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR-3827675.html es icon El Tiempo: Hugo Chávez buscaba apoyo de militares colombianos a un despeje para hablar con 'Marulanda'] ]Chávez talked directly with the General of the
Colombian National Army , Gen.Mario Montoya Uribe and asked him detailed information about the number of hostages in Colombia. He also asked the Colombian military to support the demilitarization of the municipalities of Pradera and Florida in the Department of Valle del Cauca. Chávez supported the creation of the demilitarized area for an eventual reunion of him withManuel Marulanda Velez .In a public address Chávez then told Uribe that he would be open at anytime to mediate again between the government and the FARC. The mediation duties in time were returned to the Colombian
High Commissioner for Peace Luis Carlos Restrepo who thanked the mediation of President Chávez and senator Cordoba. [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/510612.asp es icon Caracol.com.co: Mediación de Venezuela con las Farc es un tema superado: Comisionado de Paz] ] President Sarkozy asked Uribe to find alternative channel to negotiate. [ [http://www.elespectador.com/elespectador/Secciones/Detalles.aspx?idNoticia=18060&idSeccion=18 es icon El Espectador: Sarkozy pide a Uribe que busque alternativas] ] The exchange of words heated up between Uribe and Chávez that led to suspension ofColombia-Venezuela relations .November 2007 videos
November 25 ,2007 , a video of CNP Captain Guillermo Solórzano surfaced and was published by the Venezuelan news networkteleSUR . The video in an interview mode was done by Colombian reporter William Parra who later gave an excerpt to teleSUR. [ [http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/afp/20071125/twl-colombia-venezuela-rehenes-conflicto-4bdc673_2.html es icon Yahoo.com: Chávez recibirá entrevista a policía rehén de las FARC] ]On
November 30 ,2007 , theColombian National Army captured thee individuals pertaining to the FARC. The guerrillas had in their possession numerous thumb drives, videos and letters of the hostages held by FARC. The videos showed footage ofIngrid Betancourt , Vice First Sergeant Erasmo Romero, CNP Lieutenant Vianey rodriguez Porras, CNP Private Julio César Buitrago and CNP Private Jairo Durán Puerto dated from October 23-24, 2007. Another video showed the three U.S. contractors Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell and Thomas Howes, as well as Colombian army CPT Juan Carlos Bermeo, PVT José Miguel Arteaga, Sub-Intendant of the CNP Armando Castellanos, Army LT. Raimundo Malagón, PVT William Pérez Medina, 1SGT José Ricardo Marulanda and SSG Amaon Flórez Pantoja. [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/513748.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Esta es la lista de 16 secuestrados por las Farc, de quienes se divulgaron pruebas de vida] ]There were seven letters; two from Thomas Howes, to Mariana Howes and a power of attorney letter. One letter from Mark Gonsalves to FARC leader "
Mono Jojoy ". Three letters from the Colombian army LT Raimundo Malagón to Efraín Malagón, Stella Malagón and Venezuelan PresidentHugo Chávez . And one from Ingrid Betancourt to her mother Yolanda Pulecio. [ [http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/2007-11-30/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR-3839057.html es icon El Tiempo: Gobierno reveló pruebas de supervivencia de secuestrados en poder de las Farc] ]DMZ proposal of President Uribe
After the negative of President Sarkozy to negotiate directly between the two parts after President Uribe's proposal to do it, he publicly addressed the FARC to free Ingrid Betancourt and the hostages, he also added that the government was going to create a fund of a US$ 100 million and give it to those guerrillas who freed the hostages safely. [ [http://www.semana.com/wf_InfoArticulo.aspx?IdArt=108145 es icon Revista Semana: Uribe quiere ahora que Sarkozy sea “acompañante” con las Farc para buscar un acuerdo humanitario] ] Meanwhile, the children of Ingrid Betancourt were offered by
Radio France Internationale (RFI) to make live radio addresses in Spanish to their mother every Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings. [ [http://www.boston.com/news/world/europe/articles/2007/12/07/betancourts_son_sends_message_by_radio/ Boston Globe: Betancourt's son sends message by radio] ] President Uribe later added to this that he was still considering a military rescue. [ [http://www.elespectador.com/elespectador/Secciones/Detalles.aspx?idNoticia=18986&idSeccion=18 es icon El Espectador: Uribe dice que no renuncia a rescate militar de secuestrados] ]On
December 8 ,2007 , President Uribe decided to allow ademilitarized zone in Colombia under certain conditions. That the DMZ should not be located near a densely populated area, no weapons inside the area and within a radius of 150 km². The proposal had been previously proposed by Uribe and the collaborating governments of France, Spain and Swtizerland. [ [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/Uribe/acepta/negociar/rehenes/guerrilla/colombiana/elpepuint/20071208elpepiint_3/Tes es icon El Pais: Uribe acepta negociar sobre los rehenes con la guerrilla colombiana] ]upport for proposal
Political parties including the main opposition party
Alternative Democratic Pole (PDA) supported Uribe's idea of allowing the demilitarization. [ [http://www.polodemocratico.net/El-Polo-saluda-decision-del es icon Alternative Democratic Pole: El Polo saluda decisión del Gobierno] ]During the inauguration of
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner asPresident of Argentina most of the Latin American leaders present, including President Uribe, supported the formation of a common bloc to free the hostages in Colombia. These after President Kirchner met with Ingrid Betancourt's motherYolanda Pulecio and French President Sarkozy had called for the support his idea of helping to free the hostages in Colombia. [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/518201.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Los jefes de estado latinoamericanos conforman bloque común por libertad de los secuestrados en Colombia] ]Fernández de Kirchner said "from now on we will collaborate in everything we can for the freedom of Ingrid Betancourt".
President of Chile Michelle Bachelet said "what most worries her is the "deteriorated and dramatic" image of Ingrid Betancourt" and moved to support the call for the FARC to free the hostages.President of Ecuador Rafael Correa sent a message of solidarity to all the families of the hostages. He also mentioned that Colombia needed a solution for its armed conflict and said "the first step is to call for the inconditional release of all hostages, including Betancourt". [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/518201.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Los jefes de estado latinoamericanos conforman bloque común por libertad de los secuestrados en Colombia] ]Unilateral liberation of six hostages
December 18 ,2007 , the FARC released a communique in which they reaffirmed their will to the municipalities of Florida and Pradera demilitarized for 45 days in order to exchange the hostages for prisoners. They also said that they would free three hostagesClara Rojas and her born in captivity son Emmanuel and former congresswomanConsuelo González de Perdomo unilaterally. The FARC disagreed with President Uribe on creating a "Meeting area" and called the High Commissioner for Peace a liar. The FARC thanked publicly PresidentHugo Chávez for his work asfacilitator whole it lasted and called the Colombian government's decision to end Chávez' negotiation as "barbaric diplomacy". The Colombian government called to be prudent to FARC remarks. [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/521915.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Las Farc liberarían a Clara Rojas y su hijo] ]Proposal of President Chávez
President Chávez proposed a humanitarian mission to rescue
Clara Rojas , her son Emmanuel andConsuelo González in Colombia with the permission of the Colombian government. Chávez' plan was supported by the governments of Argentina, Brazil, France, Ecuador and Bolivia, as well as theRed Cross which will also participate of the operation. The mission consisted on flying Venezuelan aircraft labeled with theRed Cross insignia and into Colombia to an airport in the town of Villacicencio. Then resupply and from there reach the secret rescue point set up by the FARC. [ [http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/V/VENEZUELA_COLOMBIA_HOSTAGES?SITE=WIFON&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
] ] [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/525061.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Colombia authorizes humanitarian mission for the release of the hostages without conditions] ] On December 26, 2007 the Colombian government through the Minister of Foreign Affairs approved the mission. [ [http://caracol.com.co/noticias/525061.asp es icon Caracol Radio: Colombia authorizes humanitarian mission for the release of the hostages without conditions] ]On
January 10 ,2008 , former vice presidential candidateClara Rojas and former congresswoman Consuelo Gonzalez were freed after six years in captivity. It was also revealed that Emmanuel was already in a foster home, NOT with the FARC. Cite web|url=http://www.chinapost.com.tw/international/2008/02/03/141735/FARC-hostages.htm|title=FARC hostages send letter to Uribe|accessdate=2008-02-13|publisher=The China Post |year=2008-02-03 ]On
January 31 ,2008 , the FARC announced that they would release three civilian hostagesLuis Eladio Perez Bonilla ,Gloria Polanco , andOrlando Beltran Cuellar to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as a humanitarian gesture. All of them were kidnapped in2001 . Cite web|url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/02/09/news/Venezuela-Colombia-Hostages.php|title=Venezuela's Chavez says 'first steps' taken to release rebel-held hostages|accessdate=2008-02-13|publisher=International Herald Tribune |year=2008-02-09 ] OnFebruary 27 ,2008 , the three hostages andJorge Eduardo Gechem Turbay (who was added to the list due to his poor health) were released by FARC. With the authorization of the Colombian government and the participation of theInternational Red Cross , aVenezuelan helicopter transported them toCaracas fromSan Jose del Guaviare . [cite web|url = http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/02/27/colombia.hostage/ |title = Colombian rebels free 4 hostages |publisher = CNN]References
External links
*es icon [http://www.globalaffairs.es/Noticia-207.html global affairs - Humanitarian exchange]
*es icon [http://www3.terra.com.co/actualidad/articulo/html/acu4424.htm terra.com.co El camino de herradura del acuerdo humanitario]
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